
Gilbert Herdt

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American anthropologist

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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Gilbert Herdt Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Gilbert H. Herdt is Emeritus Professor of Human Sexuality Studies and Anthropology and a Founder of the Department of Sexuality Studies and National Sexuality Resource Center at San Francisco State University. He founded the Summer Institute on Sexuality and Society at the University of Amsterdam . He founded the PhD Program in Human Sexuality at the California Institute for Integral Studies, San Francisco . He conducted long term field work among the Sambia people of Papua New Guinea, and has written widely on the nature and variation in human sexual expression in Papua New Guinea, Melanesia, and across culture.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Gilbert Herdt?

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What Are Gilbert Herdt's Academic Contributions?

Gilbert Herdt is most known for their academic work in the field of anthropology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Gilbert Herdt has made the following academic contributions: