
Giorgio Strehler

Most Influential Person Now

Italian opera and theatre director

Giorgio Strehler's Academic­ Rankings

Giorgio Strehler
World Rank
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communications Degrees
Giorgio Strehler
World Rank
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World Rank
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engineering Degrees
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  • Communications
  • Engineering

Why Is Giorgio Strehler Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Giorgio Strehler was an Italian stage director, theatre practitioner, actor and politician. He was one of the most significant figures in Italian theatre during his lifetime, described by Mel Gussow as "the grand master of Italian theater" and "one of the world's boldest and most innovative directors." He co-founded Italy's first and most significant repertory company, the Piccolo Teatro of Milan, and the Union of the Theatres of Europe.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Giorgio Strehler?

Giorgio Strehler is affiliated with the following schools: