
Göran Malmqvist

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Swedish linguist and sinologist, Member of the Swedish Academy

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Göran Malmqvist
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Why Is Göran Malmqvist Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Nils Göran David Malmqvist was a Swedish linguist, literary historian, sinologist and translator. He was also a member of the Swedish Academy between 1985 and 2019. Biography Göran Malmqvist was born on 6 June 1924, in Jönköping, Sweden. Following introductory studies of Chinese under Sinologist Bernhard Karlgren at Stockholm University, Malmqvist studied in China in 1948–1950. He then returned to Stockholm, taking a Licentiate of Arts degree in 1951. His international research career started shortly thereafter with a lectureship in Chinese at the University of London in 1953–1955. He was then appointed Swedish cultural attaché in Peking and worked in China in 1956–1958.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Göran Malmqvist?

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