Gregg Henriques
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American psychologist
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- Bachelors Psychology University of Delaware
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Why Is Gregg Henriques Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Gregg Henriques is an American psychologist. He is a professor for the Combined-Integrated Doctoral Program, at James Madison University, in Harrisonburg, Virginia, US. He developed the Unified Theory Of Knowledge , which consists of eight key ideas that Henriques claims results in a much more unified vision of science, psychology and philosophy.
Gregg Henriques's Published Works
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Published Works
- Cognitive therapy for the prevention of suicide attempts: a randomized controlled trial. (2005) (919)
- History of multiple suicide attempts as a behavioral marker of severe psychopathology. (2004) (297)
- The Tree of Knowledge System and the Theoretical Unification of Psychology (2003) (158)
- Suicide intent and accurate expectations of lethality: predictors of medical lethality of suicide attempts. (2004) (146)
- The internal struggle between the wish to die and the wish to live: a risk factor for suicide. (2005) (145)
- Exploring the Effectiveness of a Computer-Based Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Program in Reducing Anxiety in College Students (2011) (143)
- A New Unified Theory of Psychology (2011) (96)
- Psychology defined. (2004) (81)
- The Nested Model of Well-Being: A Unified Approach (2014) (81)
- A cognitive therapy intervention for suicide attempters: An overview of the treatment and case examples (2004) (79)
- An Experimental Analysis of the Role of Cognitive Errors in the Development of Depressed Mood Following Negative Social Feedback (2002) (43)
- Cognitive Therapy for Adolescent and Young Adult Suicide Attempters (2003) (42)
- Suicidality and psychosis: beyond depression and hopelessness. (2004) (39)
- Suicide attempters' reaction to survival as a risk factor for eventual suicide. (2005) (38)
- Characteristics of Recent Suicide Attempters with and without Borderline Personality Disorder (2007) (35)
- Cognitive Therapy, Cognition, and Suicidal Behavior. (2006) (35)
- Unified professional psychology: implications for the Combined-Integrated model of doctoral training. (2004) (32)
- Special Section: The Problem of Psychology and the Integration of Human Knowledge (2008) (29)
- Psychology defined. Commentaries. Author's reply (2004) (24)
- Evolving from Methodological to Conceptual Unification (2013) (22)
- Attempts : A Randomized Controlled Trial Cognitive Therapy for the Prevention of Suicide (2005) (20)
- The Problem of Psychology and the Integration of Human Knowledge Contrasting Wilson's Consilience with the Tree of Knowledge System (2008) (18)
- Marked increases in psychopathology found in a 30-year cohort comparison of suicide attempters (2004) (17)
- Toward a useful mass movement. (2005) (15)
- A Unified Approach to Conceptualizing People in Psychotherapy (2012) (14)
- Character Adaptation Systems Theory: A New Big Five for Personality and Psychotherapy (2017) (14)
- The Relationship Between Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being in Incoming College Students (2015) (13)
- Strategies Used in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder: A Survey of Practicing Psychologists (2005) (12)
- Harmful Dysfunction 1 Running head : HARMFUL DYSFUNCTION , MENTAL DISORDERS AND DISEASE The Harmful Dysfunction Analysis and the Differentiation Between Mental Disorder and Disease (2008) (7)
- Defining Behavior and its Relationship to the Science of Psychology (2019) (7)
- Integrating Treatments for Suicidal Patients into an Effective Package (2007) (7)
- Positive Consequences: The Impact of an Undergraduate Course on Positive Psychology (2014) (7)
- The Tree of Knowledge System: A New Map for Big History (2019) (6)
- Achieving a unified clinical science requires a meta-theoretical solution: Comment on Melchert (2016). (2017) (4)
- Toward a Metaphysical Empirical Psychology (2019) (4)
- Chapter 6 The Behavioral Shutdown Model : A Consilient Biopsychosocial View of Depression (2018) (3)
- The Problem of Psychology (2011) (3)
- Vertical and Horizontal Integration in Psychotherapy (2013) (3)
- Cognitive Therapy and Preventing Suicide Attempts—Reply (2005) (3)
- Introduction to the special issues on the unified theory (2004) (3)
- Groupthink and the Evolution of Reason Giving (2020) (2)
- Teaching clinical decision making. (2016) (2)
- The Justification Hypothesis (2011) (1)
- Comprar A New Unified Theory Of Psychology | Gregg Henriques | 9781461400578 | Springer (2011) (1)
- The Influence Matrix (2011) (1)
- The American Association of Suicidology Suicidality and Psychosis : Beyond Depression and Hopelessness (2004) (1)
- Epilogue: The Future of the Discipline (2011) (0)
- Defining Behavior and its Relationship to the Science of Psychology (2019) (0)
- A New Synthesis for Solving the Problem of Psychology (2022) (0)
- The Tree of Knowledge System (2011) (0)
- From Racing Horses to Seeing the Elephant (2011) (0)
- The SAGE Encyclopedia of Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy Unified Theory (2015) (0)
- Reviews (2003) (0)
- The Fifth Joint Point (2011) (0)
- Mapping human consciousness via the justification hypothesis (2013) (0)
- A new vision for the field: Introduction to the second special issue on the unified theory (2005) (0)
- Clinical Decision Making in Mental Health Practice (2015) (0)
- Unification: The Fifth Pathway to Psychotherapy Integration (2021) (0)
- Behavioral Investment Theory (2011) (0)
- Cognitive therapy and preventing suicide attempts. Authors' reply (2005) (0)
- Toward a Unified Psychotherapy (2011) (0)
- UnifiedProfessionalPsychology:Implicationsfor theCombined-IntegratedModelofDoctoralTraining (2004) (0)
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