
Gretel Ammann

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Spanish philosopher, essayist, and activist

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According to Wikipedia, Margarita Ammann Martínez, better known as Gretel Ammann was a Spanish philosopher, essayist, activist, radical feminist, and lesbian separatist. She was a pioneer of feminism in Barcelona. Early years and education Margarita Ammann Martínez was born in Donostia. Her mother was Basque and her father was Austrian, a fugitive from Nazi Germany. When she was two years old, the family moved to Barcelona, where she lived the rest of her life. From childhood, she was trained in different artistic disciplines, including writing, drawing, photography and music. During her baccalaureate and elementary school studies she studied at the German school in Barcelona, where she created her first magazine, in which she was very critical of the school's policies, leading her to being asked to leave.

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