
Guðni Jónsson

Most Influential Person Across History

Icelandic historian

Guðni Jónsson's Academic­ Rankings

Guðni Jónsson
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Guðni Jónsson's Degrees

Why Is Guðni Jónsson Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Guðni Jónsson was an Icelandic professor of history and editor of Old Norse texts. Life and career Guðni was born at Gamla-Hraun at Eyrarbakki into a poor family who had a total of 17 children. He was raised by relatives at Leirubakki until he was twelve, worked two seasons as a fisherman and then was taken in by his married sister in Reykjavík, enabling him to attend evening school there. He received a middle school certificate in Flensburg in 1921 and a school certificate from Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík in 1924. In 1923 he served as president of the student society Framtíðin. He then attended the University of Iceland, first in theology and then in the faculty of Old Norse studies. He completed a master's degree in Icelandic studies in 1930 with a thesis on Landnámabók, comparing the manuscripts with each other and with other texts. His doctoral thesis, published in 1952, was in genealogy and history: Bólstaðir og búendur í Stokkseyrarhreppi.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Guðni Jónsson?

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