
Gunnar Heinsohn

Most Influential Person Now

German sociologist and economist

Gunnar Heinsohn's Academic­ Rankings

Gunnar Heinsohn
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economics Degrees
Gunnar Heinsohn
World Rank
Historical Rank
sociology Degrees
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  • Economics
  • Sociology

Gunnar Heinsohn's Degrees

Why Is Gunnar Heinsohn Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Gunnar Heinsohn was a German author, sociologist and economist and professor emeritus at the University of Bremen where he had a chair in social pedagogy from 1984. Heinsohn published on a wide array of topics, starting from economics, demography and its relationship with security policy and genocide, and revisionist chronology theories in the tradition of Immanuel Velikovsky.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Gunnar Heinsohn?

Gunnar Heinsohn is affiliated with the following schools: