
Gustavo Isaza Mejía

Most Influential Person Now

Colombian physician and surgeon

Why Is Gustavo Isaza Mejía Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Gustavo Isaza Mejía was a Colombian physician, surgeon and professor at the University of Antioquia. In 1940, Isaza Mejía examined the use of pituitrin in obstetrics in his work Algunas consideraciones sobre el uso de la pituitrina en obstetricia and founded the cytologic laboratory of the University Hospital of San Vicente de Paúl in Medellín, and introduced the exfoliative cytology in Colombia in 1949. Mejía wrote, among other things, an orientation and guidance for women and mothers: Maternidad y menstruación sin dolor: la educación de los hijos .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Gustavo Isaza Mejía?

Gustavo Isaza Mejía is affiliated with the following schools: