
Gyula Mészáros

Most Influential Person Across History

Hungarian ethnographer, Orientalist and Turkologist

Gyula Mészáros's Academic­ Rankings

Gyula Mészáros
Historical Rank
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anthropology Degrees
Gyula Mészáros
Political Science
Historical Rank
political-science Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Political Science

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Why Is Gyula Mészáros Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Gyula Mészáros was a Hungarian ethnographer, Orientalist and Turkologist. Later in his career he became involved in a money counterfeiting scheme. Money counterfeiting In 1921, a group of Hungarian nationalists led by Mészáros set up a press in the town of Metzelsdorf outside Graz, Austria. The group managed to produce and put into circulation 60,000 500-Czechoslovak koruna banknotes, with the intent of damaging the Czechoslovak economy. Most of the forgers were arrested in July 1921, by that time the Czechoslovak government was forced to pull the entire sokol note series out of circulation, undermining the credibility of its currency reforms. Mészáros' case was dismissed by an Austrian court without going to trial, as there were no provisions to punish forgers who did not operate for personal gain.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Gyula Mészáros?

Gyula Mészáros is affiliated with the following schools: