
Hans-Jürgen Sasse

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German linguist

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Hans-Jürgen Sasse's Degrees

Why Is Hans-Jürgen Sasse Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Hans-Jürgen Sasse was a German linguist. Life Sasse studied linguistics, Indo-European, Semitics and Balkanology in Berlin, Thessaloniki and Munich. He was awarded a Ph.D. in 1970 in Munich by the department of Semitic languages for his dissertation Linguistische Analyse des arabischen Dialekts der Mhallamiye in der Provinz Mardin . From 1972 to 1977 he was research assistant at the Institut für Allgemeine und Indogermanische Sprachwissenschaft in Munich. In 1975, he received his habilitation with the book Die Morphophonologie des Galab-Verbs and in 1977 he was made a professor. In 1987, he became chair of general and comparative linguistics at the University of Cologne. Sasse retired in the Winter Semester 2008/2009.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Hans-Jürgen Sasse?

Hans-Jürgen Sasse is affiliated with the following schools: