
Harold K. Schneider

Most Influential Person Across History

American anthropologist

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Harold K. Schneider
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Harold K. Schneider Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Harold K. "Hal" Schneider was an American seminal figure in economic anthropology. Born in Aberdeen, South Dakota, he attended elementary and secondary school in St. Paul, Minnesota, and did his undergraduate work at Macalester College and Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, receiving a bachelor's degree in sociology, with a minor in biology, from Macalester in 1949. He then went to Northwestern University, where he was a student of Melville Herskovits, basing his dissertation on field research among the Pokot of Kenya.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Harold K. Schneider?

Harold K. Schneider is affiliated with the following schools: