
Harry Lindgren

Most Influential Person Now

Australian mathematician and linguist

Harry Lindgren's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

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communications Degrees
Harry Lindgren
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mathematics Degrees
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  • Mathematics

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Why Is Harry Lindgren Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Harry Lindgren was a British-Australian engineer, linguist and amateur mathematician. Early life Lindgren was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England. In 1935 he emigrated to join his family in Perth, Australia. He received a BSc degree from the University of Western Australia and later became a Commonwealth Patent Officer. He married Eve Spokone, whom he had met at university, on 30 May 1941, the couple went on to have one daughter. Lindgren played violin in the Canberra Symphony Orchestra for a number of years.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Harry Lindgren?

Harry Lindgren is affiliated with the following schools: