
Helen A. Berger

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American occult writer

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philosophy Degrees
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  • Philosophy

Why Is Helen A. Berger Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Helen Alice Berger is an American sociologist known for her studies of the Pagan community in the United States. Life and career Helen Berger, then an assistant professor at Boston University, first became involved in the study of the Pagan movement in October 1986, when she gave a series of public lectures on the subject of the historical witch trials of New England at the Boston Public Library. She devoted the final lecture to the subject of contemporary Pagan Witches, or Wiccans, who were living in the area, taking her information both from the information published in the works of Margot Adler, Starhawk and Marcello Truzzi, and also from a singular interview that she had carried out with a woman who was "peripherally associated" with Paganism. After the lecture, several audience members approached Berger to identify themselves as practicing Wiccans, and it was through them that she came into contact with the New England Pagan community. Three of the Wiccans at the lecture invited Berger to "participate as a researcher" as they founded their own coven, the Circle of Light, and she would go on to attend their weekly meetings and festival celebrations for the next two years.

Other Resources About Helen A. Berger

What Schools Are Affiliated With Helen A. Berger?

Helen A. Berger is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Helen A. Berger's Academic Contributions?

Helen A. Berger is most known for their academic work in the field of philosophy. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Helen A. Berger has made the following academic contributions: