
Helmi Järviluoma

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Finnish scholar, musicologist, professor of cultural studies

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anthropology Degrees
Helmi Järviluoma
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  • Anthropology
  • Philosophy

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Why Is Helmi Järviluoma Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Helmi Järviluoma-Mäkelä is a Finnish sound, music, and cultural scholar and writer. She is a Professor of Cultural Studies at the University of Eastern Finland. As sensory and soundscape ethnographer, Järviluoma has developed the mobile method of sensobiographic walking. Her research and art spans the fields of sensory remembering, qualitative methodology , environmental cultural studies, sound art and fiction writing. Helmi Järviluoma was married to Finnish writer Matti Mäkelä .[in Finnish]

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Helmi Järviluoma?

Helmi Järviluoma is affiliated with the following schools: