Helmut Haberl
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Austrian social ecologist and climate change researcher
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Earth Sciences Biology
Helmut Haberl's Degrees
- PhD Ecology University of Innsbruck
- Masters Environmental Sciences University of Vienna
- Bachelors Biology University of Vienna
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Helmut Haberl's Published Works
Published Works
- Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems (2007) (1298)
- Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) (2014) (1084)
- Growth in global materials use, GDP and population during the 20th century (2009) (926)
- Future urban land expansion and implications for global croplands (2016) (664)
- Bioenergy and climate change mitigation: an assessment (2015) (527)
- How much land‐based greenhouse gas mitigation can be achieved without compromising food security and environmental goals? (2013) (503)
- Global human appropriation of net primary production doubled in the 20th century (2013) (491)
- Unexpectedly large impact of forest management and grazing on global vegetation biomass (2017) (372)
- Global patterns of socioeconomic biomass flows in the year 2000: A comprehensive assessment of supply, consumption and constraints (2008) (357)
- Challenges for land system science (2012) (347)
- Global socioeconomic material stocks rise 23-fold over the 20th century and require half of annual resource use (2017) (340)
- Progress towards sustainability? What the conceptual framework of material and energy flow accounting (MEFA) can offer (2004) (338)
- A socio‐metabolic transition towards sustainability? Challenges for another Great Transformation (2011) (328)
- Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems (2014) (318)
- Large‐scale bioenergy from additional harvest of forest biomass is neither sustainable nor greenhouse gas neutral (2012) (303)
- Ruminants, climate change and climate policy (2014) (295)
- A research agenda for improving national Ecological Footprint accounts (2009) (287)
- Challenges and opportunities in mapping land use intensity globally☆ (2013) (286)
- The global technical potential of bio-energy in 2050 considering sustainability constraints (2010) (273)
- Exploring the biophysical option space for feeding the world without deforestation (2016) (257)
- From LTER to LTSER: Conceptualizing the Socioeconomic Dimension of Long-term Socioecological Research (2006) (255)
- Transitions in European land-management regimes between 1800 and 2010 (2015) (249)
- A comprehensive global 5 min resolution land-use data set for the year 2000 consistent with national census data (2007) (243)
- Calculating national and global ecological footprint time series: resolving conceptual challenges (2004) (241)
- A conceptual framework for analysing and measuring land-use intensity☆ (2013) (238)
- Global bioenergy potentials from agricultural land in 2050: Sensitivity to climate change, diets and yields (2011) (230)
- A portfolio approach to analyzing complex human-environment interactions:Institutions and land change (2006) (228)
- How to calculate and interpret ecological footprints for long periods of time: the case of Austria 1926-1995 (2001) (222)
- Socioecological Transitions and Global Change (2007) (221)
- The Energetic Metabolism of Societies Part I: Accounting Concepts (2001) (220)
- Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism in Austria—Part I: driving forces of land-use change: 1950–1995 (2003) (219)
- Embodied HANPP: Mapping the spatial disconnect between global biomass production and consumption (2009) (217)
- A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part II: synthesizing the insights (2020) (214)
- Rapid growth in agricultural trade: effects on global area efficiency and the role of management (2014) (210)
- Linking pattern and process in cultural landscapes. An empirical study based on spatially explicit indicators (2004) (205)
- Beyond Technology: Demand-Side Solutions for Climate Change Mitigation (2016) (198)
- Correcting a fundamental error in greenhouse gas accounting related to bioenergy (2012) (198)
- Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production: Patterns, Trends, and Planetary Boundaries (2014) (179)
- Ecological footprint time series of Austria, the Philippines, and South Korea for 1961–1999: comparing the conventional approach to an ‘actual land area’ approach (2004) (163)
- Contributions of sociometabolic research to sustainability science (2019) (156)
- Planetary Stewardship in an Urbanizing World: Beyond City Limits (2012) (156)
- Archetypical patterns and trajectories of land systems in Europe (2018) (155)
- Analyzing the global human appropriation of net primary production — processes, trajectories, implications. An introduction☆ (2009) (150)
- Ecological footprints and human appropriation of net primary production: a comparison (2004) (147)
- Human appropriation of net primary production and species diversity in agricultural landscapes (2003) (145)
- Co‐benefits, trade‐offs, barriers and policies for greenhouse gas mitigation in the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector (2014) (145)
- From teleconnection to telecoupling: taking stock of an emerging framework in land system science (2016) (144)
- Sustainable development: socio‐economic metabolism and colonization of nature (1998) (143)
- Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (2002) (134)
- Land system change and food security: towards multi-scale land system solutions☆ (2013) (132)
- The process of industrialization from the perspective of energetic metabolism: Socioeconomic energy flows in Austria 1830-1995 (2002) (132)
- Land management: data availability and process understanding for global change studies (2016) (131)
- Tons, joules, and money: Modes of production and their sustainability problems (1997) (127)
- Dependency of global primary bioenergy crop potentials in 2050 on food systems, yields, biodiversity conservation and political stability (2012) (127)
- The Energetic Metabolism of Societies: Part II: Empirical Examples (2001) (126)
- The global socioeconomic energetic metabolism as a sustainability problem (2006) (119)
- Cascade utilization of biomass: strategies for a more efficient use of a scarce resource (2000) (113)
- Europe’s other debt crisis caused by the long legacy of future extinctions (2013) (113)
- Land use and sustainability indicators. An introduction. (2004) (110)
- Metabolism and colonization. Modes of production and the physical exchange between societies and nature (1993) (109)
- Cropland area embodied in international trade: Contradictory results from different approaches (2014) (107)
- Towards an integrated model of socioeconomic biodiversity drivers, pressures and impacts. A feasibility study based on three European long-term socio-ecological research platforms (2009) (102)
- Biodiversity policy beyond economic growth (2020) (101)
- Biomass turnover time in terrestrial ecosystems halved by land use (2016) (101)
- Changes in ecosystem processes induced by land use: Human appropriation of aboveground NPP and its influence on standing crop in Austria (2001) (100)
- Gesellschaftlicher Stoffwechsel und Kolonisierung von Natur : ein Versuch in Sozialer Ökologie (1997) (98)
- Bias in the attribution of forest carbon sinks (2013) (97)
- Using embodied HANPP to analyze teleconnections in the global land system: Conceptual considerations (2009) (95)
- Human appropriation of net primary production as determinant of avifauna diversity in Austria (2005) (91)
- Chapter 11 - Agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) (2014) (90)
- Household time use, carbon footprints, and urban form: a review of the potential contributions of everyday living to the 1.5 °C climate target (2018) (89)
- Bioenergy: how much can we expect for 2050? (2013) (89)
- Combining agent-based and stock-flow modelling approaches in a participative analysis of the integrated land system in Reichraming, Austria (2009) (87)
- The global loss of net primary production resulting from human-induced soil degradation in drylands (2008) (84)
- The Material Stock–Flow–Service Nexus: A New Approach for Tackling the Decoupling Conundrum (2017) (83)
- Bioenergy production and sustainable development: science base for policymaking remains limited (2016) (80)
- Multiple Impacts of Land-Use/Cover Change (2006) (80)
- Challenges for Social-Ecological Transformations: Contributions from Social and Political Ecology (2017) (79)
- Conceptualizing energy services: A review of energy and well-being along the Energy Service Cascade (2019) (78)
- Competition for land: A sociometabolic perspective (2015) (76)
- India's biophysical economy, 1961–2008. Sustainability in a national and global context (2012) (72)
- Exploring long-term trends in land use change and aboveground human appropriation of net primary production in nine European countries (2015) (72)
- Socioeconomic Metabolism and Colonization of Natural Processes in SangSaeng Village: Material and Energy Flows, Land Use, and Cultural Change in Northeast Thailand (2003) (72)
- Social Ecology: Society-Nature Relations across Time and Space (2016) (66)
- Industrialization, Fossil Fuels, and the Transformation of Land Use (2008) (66)
- International inequality of environmental pressures: Decomposition and comparative analysis (2016) (65)
- Long-term trajectories of the human appropriation of net primary production: Lessons from six national case studies (2012) (64)
- Drivers of society-nature relations in the Anthropocene and their implications for sustainability transformations (2017) (63)
- Chapter 7: Energy resources and potentials (2012) (63)
- Long-term dynamics of terrestrial carbon stocks in Austria: a comprehensive assessment of the time period from 1830 to 2000 (2007) (61)
- The Role of Formalisation, Participation and Context in the Success of Public Involvement Mechanisms in Resource Management (2008) (61)
- Contrasted greenhouse gas emissions from local versus long-range tomato production (2014) (60)
- Growing stocks of buildings, infrastructures and machinery as key challenge for compliance with climate targets (2020) (60)
- The Energetic Metabolism of the European Union and the United States: Decadal Energy Input Time‐Series with an Emphasis on Biomass (2006) (60)
- Land-use change and socio-economic metabolism in Austria—Part II: land-use scenarios for 2020 (2003) (60)
- Resource flows and land use in Austria 1950–2000: using the MEFA framework to monitor society–nature interaction for sustainability (2004) (59)
- Ten facts about land systems for sustainability (2022) (59)
- A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part I: bibliometric and conceptual mapping (2020) (57)
- Natural and socioeconomic determinants of the embodied human appropriation of net primary production and its relation to other resource use indicators (2012) (55)
- Trading Land: A Review of Approaches to Accounting for Upstream Land Requirements of Traded Products (2015) (53)
- Using and shaping the land: a long-term perspective (2001) (52)
- Global Environmental Change and Historical Transitions (2001) (50)
- Global inequalities in food consumption, cropland demand and land-use efficiency: A decomposition analysis (2020) (47)
- Global socioeconomic carbon stocks in long-lived products 1900–2008 (2012) (47)
- What determines geographical patterns of the global human appropriation of net primary production? (2009) (47)
- Changes in the spatial patterns of human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) in Europe 1990–2006 (2016) (46)
- Social metabolism: a metric for biophysical growth and degrowth (2015) (44)
- Mapping and analysing cropland use intensity from a NPP perspective (2016) (43)
- Food systems in a zero-deforestation world: Dietary change is more important than intensification for climate targets in 2050. (2020) (43)
- Patterns and changes of land use and land-use efficiency in Africa 1980–2005: an analysis based on the human appropriation of net primary production framework (2016) (41)
- International trade and Austria's livestock system: Direct and hidden carbon emission flows associated with production and consumption of products (2010) (40)
- Conceptualizing, Observing and Comparing Socioecological Transitions (2007) (40)
- Net land-atmosphere flows of biogenic carbon related to bioenergy: towards an understanding of systemic feedbacks (2013) (40)
- Global Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production for Biomass Consumption in the European Union, 1986–2007 (2015) (38)
- From planetary to societal boundaries: an argument for collectively defined self-limitation (2021) (37)
- Finite land resources and competition (2014) (35)
- High-Resolution Maps of Material Stocks in Buildings and Infrastructures in Austria and Germany (2021) (34)
- Human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) as indicator for pressures on biodiversity (2007) (34)
- Human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) as indicator for pressures on biodiversity (2007) (34)
- Considering sustainability thresholds for BECCS in IPCC and biodiversity assessments (2021) (33)
- Natural climate solutions versus bioenergy: Can carbon benefits of natural succession compete with bioenergy from short rotation coppice? (2019) (32)
- The Impact of Industrial Grain Fed Livestock Production on Food Security: an extended literature review Final report (2012) (32)
- Formalised and Non-Formalised Methods in Resource Management—Knowledge and Social Learning in Participatory Processes: An Introduction (2008) (31)
- Potential for future reductions of global GHG and air pollutants from circular waste management systems (2022) (31)
- Pushing the planetary boundaries. (2012) (30)
- Indicators of sustainable land use: concepts for the analysis of society‐nature interrelations and implications for sustainable development (1999) (30)
- Response: complexities of sustainable forest use (2013) (28)
- Conceptualising Long-Term Socio-ecological Research (LTSER): Integrating the Social Dimension (2010) (27)
- Stock-flow relations in the socio-economic metabolism of the United Kingdom 1800–2017 (2020) (24)
- Testing the Effectiveness of Environmental Variables to Explain European Terrestrial Vertebrate Species Richness across Biogeographical Scales (2015) (23)
- Stocks, flows, services and practices: Nexus approaches to sustainable social metabolism (2021) (23)
- Prospects for a saturation of humanity’s resource use? An analysis of material stocks and flows in nine world regions from 1900 to 2035 (2021) (23)
- Reviewing the scope and thematic focus of 100 000 publications on energy consumption, services and social aspects of climate change: a big data approach to demand-side mitigation (2021) (23)
- Global land use impacts on biomass production—a spatial-differentiated resource-related life cycle impact assessment method (2015) (22)
- Global Energy Assessment (GEA): Land and Water: Linkages to Bioenergy (2012) (21)
- On the boundary between man-made and natural emissions : Problems in defining European ecosystems (1999) (21)
- Inclusion, Transparency, and Enforcement: How the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement Fails the Sustainability Test (2020) (21)
- Does agricultural trade reduce pressure on land ecosystems? Decomposing drivers of the embodied human appropriation of net primary production (2020) (20)
- Global effects of national biomass production and consumption: Austria's embodied HANPP related to agricultural biomass in the year 2000 (2012) (20)
- The energetic metabolism of the EU-15 and the USA. Decadal energy input time- series with an emphasis on biomass (2006) (19)
- Debating transformation in multiple crises (2013) (19)
- Beyond Inputs and Outputs: Opening the Black-Box of Land-Use Intensity (2016) (18)
- Formalised and Non-Formalised Methods in Resource Management—Knowledge and Social Learning in Participatory Processes: An Introduction (2008) (18)
- A socio‐ecological model for predicting impacts of land‐use and climate change on regional plant diversity in the Austrian Alps (2020) (17)
- Greenhouse gas implications of mobilizing agricultural biomass for energy: a reassessment of global potentials in 2050 under different food-system pathways (2020) (17)
- Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research in Practice: Lessons from Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research in the Austrian Eisenwurzen (2016) (17)
- Greenhouse gas emissions of small scale ornamental plant production in Austria - A case study (2017) (16)
- The stock-flow-service nexus of personal mobility in an urban context: Vienna, Austria (2021) (16)
- Land use intensification increasingly drives the spatiotemporal patterns of the global human appropriation of net primary production in the last century (2021) (16)
- Biodiversity models need to represent land‐use intensity more comprehensively (2021) (16)
- Land-use Change and Socioeconomic Metabolism: A Macro View of Austria 1830–2000 (2007) (16)
- Assessment of Sustainable Land Use in Producing Biomass (2006) (16)
- The Local Base of the Historical Agrarian – Industrial Transition and the Interaction between Scales (2007) (15)
- The use of steel in the United Kingdom's transport sector: A stock–flow–service nexus case study (2020) (15)
- Annex 2 - Metrics and methodology (2014) (15)
- Conceptual and Empirical Approaches to Mapping and Quantifying Land-Use Intensity (2014) (15)
- Material stocks in global electricity infrastructures – An empirical analysis of the power sector's stock-flow-service nexus (2021) (14)
- Scaling issues in long-term socio-ecological biodiversity research: a review of European cases (2008) (13)
- A Forest Transition: Austrian Carbon Budgets 1830–2010 (2016) (13)
- The potential use of the Materials and Energy Flow Analysis (MEFA) framework to evaluate the environmental costs of agricultural production systems and possible applications to aquaculture (2007) (13)
- Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts of Biofuels: The interrelations of Future Global Bioenergy Potentials, Food demand, and Agricultural Technology (2012) (13)
- Long-Term Trends in Global Material and Energy Use (2016) (12)
- Socioeconomic Metabolism and the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production: What Promise Do They Hold for LTSER? (2013) (12)
- Changes in Population, Affluence, and Environmental Pressures During Industrialization: The Case of Austria 1830–1995 (2001) (12)
- Land Use Competition (2016) (12)
- Energetischer Stoffwechsel und nachhaltige Entwicklung (2000) (11)
- On the Utility of Counting Joules: Reply to Comments by Mario Giampietro (2006) (11)
- Relative effects of land conversion and land-use intensity on terrestrial vertebrate diversity (2022) (11)
- Sozial-ökologische Konzepte, Modelle und Indikatoren nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Trends im Ressourcenverbrauch in Österreich (2006) (11)
- Integrating socio-environment interactions over centennial timescales: needs and issues. (2007) (10)
- Conclusions: Likely and Unlikely Pasts, Possible and Impossible Futures (2007) (10)
- Global human “predation” on plant growth and biomass (2020) (8)
- Colonizing Landscapes : Human Apropriation of Net Primary Production and its Influence of Standing Crop and Biomass Turnover in Austria (2002) (8)
- The Fossil-Fuel-Powered Carbon Sink: Carbon Flows and Austria’s Energetic Metabolism in a Long-term Perspective (2007) (8)
- Why Legacies Matter: Merits of a Long-Term Perspective (2016) (7)
- Agroecological measures and circular economy strategies to ensure sufficient nitrogen for sustainable farming (2021) (7)
- Simulation of human population dynamics by a hyperlogistic time-delay equation (1992) (7)
- From resource extraction to manufacturing and construction: flows of stock-building materials in 177 countries from 1900 to 2016 (2022) (6)
- Critical Scales for Long-Term Socio-ecological Biodiversity Research (2013) (6)
- Doing more with less: Provisioning systems and the transformation of the stock-flow-service nexus (2021) (6)
- Using Integrated Models to Analyse Socio-ecological System Dynamics in Long-Term Socio-ecological Research – Austrian Experiences (2013) (6)
- Optimal climate protection strategies for space heating: The case of Austria (1998) (6)
- Competition for Land-Based Ecosystem Services: Trade-Offs and Synergies (2016) (6)
- Landscape‐relevant indicators for pressures on the Environment (1998) (6)
- Exploring the option space for land system futures at regional to global scales: The diagnostic agro-food, land use and greenhouse gas emission model BioBaM-GHG 2.0 (2021) (6)
- The availability and sustainability of biomass as an energy source (2012) (5)
- Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production, Stocks and Flows of Carbon, and Biodiversity (2013) (5)
- Bioenergy: how much can we expect for (2013) (5)
- Energy Flow Analysis (2015) (4)
- How much infrastructure is required to support decent mobility for all? An exploratory assessment (2022) (4)
- The transformation of provisioning systems from an integrated perspective of social metabolism and political economy: a conceptual framework (2021) (4)
- Technologische Zivilisation und Kolonisierung von Natur (1998) (4)
- The Growing Role of Biomass for Future Resource Supply—Prospects and Pitfalls (2015) (4)
- Planetary stewardship in an urbanizing world (2012) (4)
- Finite land resources and land use competition (2014) (4)
- Material requirements of global electricity sector pathways to 2050 and associated greenhouse gas emissions (2022) (4)
- Conceptualising Long-term Socio-ecological Research ( LTSER ) : Integrating socio-economic dimensions into long-term ecological research (2007) (4)
- Biomasse im Spannungsfeld zwischen Energie- und Klimapolitik: Potenziale - Technologien - Zielkonflikte (2019) (3)
- Systemic Feedbacks in Global Land Use (2016) (3)
- Socio-ecological trajectories in a rural Austrian region from 1961 to 2011: comparing the theories of Malthus and Boserup via systemic-dynamic modelling (2020) (3)
- Changes in perspective needed to forge ‘no‐regret’ forest‐based climate change mitigation strategies (2021) (2)
- Tracing trade-related telecouplings in the global land-system using the embodied human appropriation of net primary production framework (2015) (2)
- Land as a planetary boundary: a socioecological perspective (2017) (2)
- Quantification of the Intensity of Global Human Use of Ecosystems for Biomass Production (2010) (2)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Global food system emissions could preclude achieving the 1.5° and 2°C climate change targets. (2)
- Of Birds and Bees: Biodiversity and the Colonization of Ecosystems (2016) (2)
- Theoretische Grundlagen für die gesellschaftliche Beobachtung nachhaltiger Entwicklung (2002) (2)
- Bioenergy production and sustainable development (2017) (2)
- Kolonisierung von Natur (1998) (2)
- Die Kolonisierung der Landschaft: Landnutzung und gesellschaftlicher Stoffwechsel (1999) (2)
- Biofuel in question (2008) (2)
- A global inventory of electricity infrastructures from 1980 to 2017: Country-level data on power plants, grids and transformers (2021) (2)
- Human appropriation of net primary production ( HANPP ) Entry prepared for the Internet Encyclopaedia of Ecological Economics (2007) (2)
- How Far Does the European Union Reach? Analyzing Embodied HANPP (2016) (2)
- Integrating socio-environmental interactions over centennial timescales (2006) (1)
- Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production and Avifauna Diversity in Austria (2005) (1)
- Carbon Cycle - Feasibility Study "Nutzen der MFA fuer das Treibhausgas-Monitoring im Rahmen eines Full Carbon Accounting- -Ansatzes: Feasibilitystudie" (2007) (1)
- Volkswirtschaftlich optimale Strategien im Raumwärmebereich : Beispiel Österreich (1998) (1)
- Forschung für die Zukunft - LTER-Austria White Paper 2015 zur Lage und Ausrichtung von prozessorientierter Ökosystemforschung, Biodiversitäts- und Naturschutzforschung sowie sozio-ökologischer Forschung in Österreich: LTER-Austria Schriftenreihe (2015) (1)
- Sustainable Fossil Fuels: The Unusual Suspect in the Quest for Clean and Enduring Energy by Mark Jaccard (2008) (1)
- Embodied HANPP of feed and animal products: Tracing pressure on ecosystems along trilateral livestock supply chains 1986-2013. (2022) (1)
- Interdisciplinary perspectives on soil protection in a sustainability context: Using the material and energy flow (MEFA) approach in studying land use (2006) (1)
- Socio-ecological predictors of global patterns in human appropriation of net primary production (2022) (1)
- Using the SECLAND model to project future land-use until 2050 under climate and socioeconomic change in the LTSER region Eisenwurzen (Austria) (2022) (1)
- Method Précis: Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP) (2016) (1)
- Biophysical Indicators of Society–Nature Interaction: Material and energy flow analysis, human appropriation of net primary production and the ecological footprint (2013) (1)
- Settlement and infrastructure patterns influence energy use and CO2 emissions almost as much as economic activity (2022) (1)
- Compilation of an economy-wide material flow database for 14 stock-building materials in 177 countries from 1900 to 2016 (2022) (1)
- The global biodiversity footprint of urban consumption: A spatially explicit assessment for the city of Vienna. (2022) (1)
- High‐resolution mapping of 33 years of material stock and population growth in Germany using Earth Observation data (2022) (1)
- Erratum to “International inequality of environmental pressures: Decomposition and comparative analysis” [Ecol. Indic. 62 (2016) 163–173] (2016) (1)
- Material stock map of Austria (2021) (1)
- Publisher Correction: Relative effects of land conversion and land-use intensity on terrestrial vertebrate diversity (2022) (0)
- Human appropriation of net primary production as driver of change in landscape‐scale vertebrate richness (2023) (0)
- Spatial distribution of the human appropriation of above-ground net primary production in Austria (1997) (0)
- Integrated Economic-Ecological Carbon Accounting (2005) (0)
- Material stock map of Germany (2021) (0)
- High-resolution data and maps of material stock, population, and employment in Austria from 1985 to 2018 (2023) (0)
- A long-term biodiversity, ecosystem and awareness research network; modelling and forecasting (2005) (0)
- Integrating knowledge from social and natural sciences for biodiversity management: The asymmetric information trap (2009) (0)
- Modeling Farmer’s Decision-Making to integrate climate, land use and ecosystem functions (2020) (0)
- Method Précis: Energy Flow Analysis (2016) (0)
- Potential for future reductions of global GHG and air pollutants from circular waste management systems (2022) (0)
- Material Flow Data India 1960-2008 (2014) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Interpreting trade-related CO2 emission transfers. (2020) (0)
- Deliverable No: 3.4 Maps of syndromes of land system changes in Europe (2014) (0)
- Causer-Related Indicators for Stresses Upon the Environment (1993) (0)
- Austrian Climate Change Assessment Report 2014 Summary for Policymakers (2014) (0)
- Relative effects of land conversion and land-use intensity on terrestrial vertebrate diversity (2022) (0)
- Productive soils, global environment cycles and energy crops (2012) (0)
- Development and climate change : quantification of the intensity of global human use of ecosystems for biomass (2009) (0)
- Contrasted greenhouse gas emissions from local versus long-range tomato production (2013) (0)
- Nexus approaches to foster sustainable resource use: relations between stocks and flows of materials, services, and practices (2021) (0)
- Agent-based modeling of scenarios for farming and land use in the year 2020, Traisental, Lower Austria. (2009) (0)
- Africa’s Land System Trajectories 1980–2005 (2016) (0)
- The Challenge Ahead: Non-Linear Interactions in Current Societal Dynamics (2019) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Socio-economic conditions for satisfying human needs at low energy use: An international analysis of social provisioning. (2021) (0)
- Beyond cooking: An energy services perspective on household energy use in low and middle income countries (2023) (0)
- How Experiments with Superblocks in Vienna Shape Climate and Health Outcomes and Interact with the Urban Planning Regime (2023) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Quantifying the potential for climate change mitigation of consumption options. (0)
- 2 nd generation biofuels from short rotation plantations are less efficient in climate-change mitigation than reforestation within reasonable timeframes (2019) (0)
- Jepsen LUP European LU Transitions 2015 SI (2015) (0)
- Global energy transitions: a long-term socioeconomic metabolism perspective (2017) (0)
- ransitions in European land-management regimes between 1800 nd 2010 artin (2015) (0)
- Kapitel 3: Energie und Verkehr (2014) (0)
- Grenzen der Naturbeherrschung (1998) (0)
- Kraniofaziale und humeroradiale Synostosen (2011) (0)
- Die Menschen Wollen Nicht Belehrt, Sie Wollen Verstanden Werden (1999) (0)
- Auf der Suche nach den Landschaften des Mittelalters (1999) (0)
- Ausgewählte Forschungsergebnisse, laufende Projekte und Vorhaben am iff (1999) (0)
- Fusionsdefizite der Gesichtsmitte und Fehlentwicklungen des Untergesichts (2013) (0)
- Kapitel 2: Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Wasser, Ökosysteme und Biodiversität (2014) (0)
- Restrukturierungs- und Turnaround-Management (2019) (0)
- Posttraumatische Veränderungen nach experimenteller kortikaler Kontusion und deren Bedeutung für Therapiestudien (2006) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Harvesting in boreal forests and the biofuel carbon debt. (2019) (0)
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