Henry Mintzberg
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Canadian business theorist
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Henry Mintzberg's Degrees
- Masters Management McGill University
- Bachelors Mechanical Engineering McGill University
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Why Is Henry Mintzberg Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Henry Mintzberg is a Canadian academic and author on business and management. He is currently the Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at the Desautels Faculty of Management of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where he has been teaching since 1968.
Henry Mintzberg's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- The Structuring of Organizations (1979) (4942)
- Of strategies, deliberate and emergent (1985) (4466)
- The Nature of Managerial Work (1974) (4074)
- The Structure of "Unstructured" Decision Processes (1976) (3789)
- Patterns in Strategy Formation (1978) (3483)
- Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations (1983) (2899)
- The rise and fall of strategic planning (1993) (2713)
- The structuring of organizations : a synthesis of the research (1980) (2437)
- Power in and Around Organizations (1983) (2310)
- Strategy safari : a guided tour through the wilds of strategic management (1998) (2259)
- The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning (1994) (1958)
- Strategy-Making in Three Modes (1973) (1626)
- Musings on management. Ten ideas designed to rile everyone who cares about management. (1996) (1616)
- The design school: Reconsidering the basic premises of strategic management (1990) (1518)
- The Strategy Concept I: Five Ps for Strategy (1987) (1419)
- An Emerging Strategy of "Direct" Research (1979) (1322)
- Mintzberg on management : inside our strange world of organizations (1991) (1294)
- The Manager's Job: Folklore and Fact. (1975) (1235)
- The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases (1991) (1207)
- Managers Not MBAs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of Managing and Management Development (2004) (1184)
- Strategy Formation in an Adhocracy. (1985) (1033)
- The Strategy Process (1988) (1005)
- Structure in 5's: A Synthesis of the Research on Organization Design (1980) (939)
- Reflecting on the Strategy Process (1999) (828)
- Tracking Strategy in an Entrepreneurial Firm1 (1982) (655)
- The rise and fall of strategic planning : reconceiving roles for planning, plans, planners (1994) (627)
- Managing the care of health and the cure of disease--Part I: Differentiation. (2001) (615)
- Opening up Decision Making: The View from the Black Stool (1995) (553)
- Strategy Safari: The complete guide through the wilds of strategic management (2008) (522)
- Managing government, governing management (1996) (512)
- Managerial Work: Analysis from Observation (1971) (471)
- Cycles of organizational change (1992) (431)
- Educating Managers Beyond Borders (2002) (410)
- Mintzberg on management (1989) (405)
- Managing the care of health and the cure of disease--Part II: Integration. (2001) (355)
- Tracking Strategy in an Entrepreneurial Firm (1990) (346)
- The five minds of a manager. (2003) (342)
- Covert leadership: notes on managing professionals. Knowledge workers respond to inspiration, not supervision. (1998) (312)
- Le Management. Voyage au centre des organisations (1990) (312)
- Managers not MBSs (2004) (307)
- Rethinking strategic planning part I: Pitfalls and fallacies (1994) (299)
- Learning 1, planning 0 reply to Igor Ansoff (1991) (291)
- Power and Organization Life Cycles (1984) (265)
- La estructuración de las organizaciones (1988) (264)
- The strategy process : concepts and contexts (1992) (240)
- Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour Through the Jungles of Strategic Management (1st Edition) (1998) (234)
- Structure in Fives (2010) (228)
- The Strategy Concept II: Another Look at Why Organizations Need Strategies (1987) (219)
- Tracking strategies : --toward a general theory (2007) (206)
- Rethinking Strategic Planning Part II: New Roles for Planners (1994) (186)
- The Pitfalls of Strategic Planning (1993) (179)
- Rebuilding Companies as Communities (2009) (178)
- Some surprising things about collaboration—Knowing how people connect makes it work better (1996) (175)
- Organigraphs: drawing how companies really work. (1999) (169)
- Structure & dynamique des organisations (1982) (159)
- The education of practicing managers (2004) (153)
- The Strategy Process: Concept, Context, Cases (2003) (150)
- The New Science of Management Decision, Revised Edition. (1977) (142)
- Management Education as if Both Matter (2006) (140)
- Grandeur et décadence de la planification stratégique (1994) (132)
- Toward healthier hospitals. (1997) (131)
- Strategy Formation in the University Setting (2017) (124)
- Studying Deciding: An Exchange of Views Between Mintzberg and Waters, Pettigrew, and Butler (1990) (123)
- Reality programming for MBAs (2002) (113)
- Policy As a Field of Management Theory (1977) (93)
- The rhythm of change (2003) (91)
- Mintzberg über Management (1991) (90)
- The Myths of MIS (1972) (90)
- Structured Observation as a Method to Study Managerial Work (1970) (89)
- Research notes and communications what is planning anyway (1981) (87)
- Developing theory about the development of theory (2017) (87)
- Strategic Management Upside Down: Tracking Strategies at McGill University from 1829 to 1980 (2009) (80)
- Who Should Control the Corporation? (1984) (80)
- The Strategy Process : Concepts, Contexts, Cases -4/E. (2007) (80)
- Le Manager au Quotidien : Les dix Rôles du Cadre (1984) (79)
- CMR Forum: The “Honda Effect” Revisited (1996) (76)
- Strategy Formulation as a Historical Process (1977) (75)
- Managing the myths of health care. (2012) (74)
- Managing Design Designing Management (2010) (74)
- Rebalancing Society: Radical Renewal Beyond Left, Right, and Center (2015) (70)
- A new look at the Chief Executive's Job (1973) (66)
- Impediments to the use of management information (1975) (66)
- Readings In The Strategy Process (1992) (59)
- Mintzberg y la dirección (1991) (58)
- Managing the Form, Function, and Fit of DESIGN (2010) (53)
- Developing leaders? developing countries? (2006) (53)
- Managing care and cure - up and down, in and out (2002) (52)
- La naturaleza del trabajo directivo (1991) (51)
- The Strategy Process: European Edition (1995) (50)
- Planning on the Left Side, Managing on the Right (2017) (45)
- Beyond Implementation: An Analysis Of The Resistance To Policy Analysis† (1980) (45)
- Managing Exceptionally (2001) (45)
- Strategy bites back: it is a lot more, and less, than you ever imagined .... (2005) (44)
- El poder en la organización (1992) (44)
- Managing quietly: MANAGING QUIETLY (1999) (43)
- Simply Managing: What Managers Do # and Can Do Better (2013) (43)
- The Magic Number Seven—Plus or Minus a Couple of Managers (2005) (43)
- The manager at work; determining his activities, roles, and programs by structured observation. (1968) (33)
- Emergent strategy for public policy (1987) (33)
- Managing the Myths of Health Care: Bridging the Separations between Care, Cure, Control, and Community (2017) (33)
- Managing as Blended Care (1994) (32)
- How Inspiring. How Sad. Comment on Sumantra Ghoshal's Paper (2005) (32)
- That's not “turbulence,” Chicken Little, it's really opportunity (1994) (32)
- Leadership and management development: An afterword (2004) (32)
- Managing on the edges (1997) (30)
- Time for Design (2010) (28)
- A Note on that Dirty Word “Efficiency” (1982) (28)
- Educação em administração. Educando administradores além das fronteiras (2003) (27)
- The yin and the yang of managing (2001) (26)
- The gurus speak: Complexity and organizations (1999) (25)
- ¿De burócratas a gerentes?: Las ciencias de la gestión aplicadas a la administración del Estado (1999) (25)
- Management as Life’s Essence: 30 Years of the Nature of Managerial Work (2004) (24)
- Arenas of strategic thinking (1991) (22)
- Patent nonsense: Evidence tells of an industry out of social control (2006) (21)
- Diversifiction and Diversifact (1994) (20)
- Fostering “Why not?” social initiatives – beyond business and governments (2012) (20)
- Management in a Strange World?@@@Mintzberg on Management: Inside Our Strange World of Organizations (1990) (19)
- The Structure of "Un- structured" Decision Processes (2015) (19)
- Una estrategia emergente para la politica publica (1995) (19)
- Why America needs, but cannot have, corporate democracy (1983) (18)
- Sustaining the Institutional Environment (1999) (16)
- Management? It's Not What You Think! (2010) (16)
- Leadership et communityship (2008) (15)
- Gérer les soins de santé et le traitement de la maladie (2002) (15)
- Why corporate social responsibility isn't a piece of cake (2015) (15)
- The Work of Managers (2012) (15)
- Managing on three planes (2010) (14)
- The invisible world of association (2005) (14)
- Strategy Making as Craft (1988) (14)
- What are responsible management? A conceptual potluck (2020) (14)
- A Letter to Marta Calás and Linda Smircich (1991) (13)
- To fix health care, ask the right questions. (2011) (13)
- Executives Ask: How can organizations best prepare people to lead and manage others? Introduction: Preparing people to lead (2004) (12)
- Normative Models in Managerial Decision-Making (1980) (12)
- Strategy Safari : der Wegweiser durch den Dschungel des strategischen Managements (2012) (10)
- Henry MINTZBERG, The Nature of Managerial Work (1973) & Simply Managing: What Manager Do - And Can Do Better (2013). (2015) (9)
- Unconventional wisdom: A conversation with Henry Mintzberg (2003) (9)
- Tracking Strategies in the Birthplace of Canadian Tycoons (2009) (9)
- Leadership, “communityship,” and “the good folk” (2017) (8)
- Die innovative Organisation (1991) (8)
- Memo to CEOs (2002) (8)
- Bridging the management theory and practice gap (2012) (8)
- Une formation flexible nourrie de l'expérience (2005) (8)
- Juxtaposing Doers and Helpers in Development (2010) (8)
- Revisando el concepto de organización (2006) (7)
- Strategy Formulation---Introduction to a Grouping on Strategy Formulation (1978) (6)
- Worldly Strategy for the Global Climate (2018) (6)
- La necesidad de coherencia en el diseño de la organización (1982) (5)
- Organisational decision-making (2019) (5)
- Please Welcome CSR 2.0 (2019) (5)
- Debunking management myths (2009) (5)
- Thoughts on Schools (2001) (5)
- An Interview with Henry Mintzberg (2006) (4)
- Mintzberg on (ir)responsible management (2020) (4)
- Produtividade que mata (2007) (4)
- Repensando la planeación estratégica parte 1 : riesgos y falacias (1995) (4)
- Reconstruir las empresas como comunidades (2009) (4)
- 8. Globalization: Separating the Fad from the Fact - Comments on the International Management Research Conference (1993) (4)
- Learning in (and from) Eastern Europe (1992) (4)
- Researching the Researching of Walking (2002) (4)
- Memo to CEOs: The Five Half-Truths of Business (2002) (4)
- Why I Hate Flying: Tales for the Tormented Traveler (2001) (3)
- A Note on the Unionization of Professionals from the Perspective of Organization Theory (1983) (3)
- Comments on "Forecasting: its role and value for planning and strategy" by Spyros Makridakis (1996) (3)
- Team Teaching General Management: Theoretically, Experientially, Practically (1978) (3)
- Las cinco mentes de un directivo (2004) (2)
- The Strategy Process: Contexts and Cases (1993) (2)
- Die Maschinen-Organisation (1991) (2)
- Introduction to the Conference (1977) (2)
- Spinning on Symbolism: Imaging Strategy (1985) (2)
- La estrategia y el elefante (1998) (2)
- Response to Constantinos Markide's Commentary (2000) (2)
- Mirroring Canadian Industrial Policy: Strategy Formation at Dominion Textile from 1873 to 1990 (2009) (2)
- Cómo modelar la estrategia (1988) (2)
- Las cinco mentes del ejecutivo (2003) (2)
- Die diversifizierte Organisation (1991) (1)
- "Capitalism in Question: Towards an Economics of Justice, Sustainability, and Economic Thrivability" (2013) (1)
- Improving Lives with Better Management Theory - Dignity and Well-Being as Cornerstones (2018) (1)
- Tres modelos para mejorar la toma de decisiones (2002) (1)
- Die Organisation der Professionals (1991) (1)
- Designing the Future of Business Schools: Persistent Problems in Changing Contexts (2015) (1)
- Strategieentwicklung als Kunsthandwerk (1991) (1)
- Bedtime Stories for Managers : Farewell to Lofty Leadership ... Welcome Engaging Management Ed. 1 (2019) (1)
- The economist who never came back (2002) (1)
- Making Organizations Meaningful- Rethinking Management around Dignity and Well-being (2016) (1)
- New Thinking in Management (1970) (1)
- No formulas or management models allowed. Interview by Matthew D. Pavelich. (1997) (1)
- Los peligros de la planificación estratégica (1994) (1)
- "Opening Governance of the AOM? The Academy between rigor, relevance and irrelevance." (2015) (1)
- Perfeccionamiento de labor del directivo (1995) (1)
- La caída y el auge de la planificación estratégica (2002) (1)
- Mit der linken Seite planen, mit der rechten managen (1991) (1)
- Eine Bemerkung über das Schimpfwort „Effizienz“ (1991) (1)
- Einführung Unsere Organisationswelt (1991) (1)
- Die Koppelung von Analyse und Intuition im Management (1991) (1)
- Twenty-five Years Later... The Illusive Strategy (2018) (1)
- Crafting strategy (2007) (1)
- Administrando governos, governando administrações (2014) (1)
- The future of business and the role of business education (2012) (1)
- El Poder de un no positivo (2008) (1)
- Ideologie und die missionarische Organisation (1991) (1)
- The fall and rise of strategic planning. by Henry Mintzberg (1994) (1)
- Managerial Work: Forty Years Later by Henry Mintzberg (2019) (1)
- Die Ableitung von Konfigurationen: Kombination der Basismerkmale von Organisationen (1991) (1)
- The science of strategy-making; managerial methods and planner programs (2011) (1)
- At the Interface- Building Paradigmatic Bridges across Disciplinary Boundaries (2017) (1)
- Think Less, Learn More: Sometimes the best strategies come from seeing first and doing first, and the thinking comes later (2014) (1)
- Manager ausbilden, keine MBAs (1991) (1)
- The Manager's Job: Folklore and Fact What do managers do? A study of five CEOs and studies of managers conclude that managerial work involves interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles (2010) (1)
- Para mejorar la atención de salud, haga las preguntas correctas (2011) (0)
- Open Innovation and Climate Change (2019) (0)
- Henry Mintzberg [entrevistado por Carlos Osmar Bertero e Pedro F. Bendassolli] (2007) (0)
- La práctica del desarrollo directivo (2012) (0)
- Diversificación: de la teoría a la realidad (1994) (0)
- Managerial Work: Analysis from Observation * (2019) (0)
- Die unternehmerische Organisation (1991) (0)
- Wer soll das Unternehmen kontrollieren (1991) (0)
- Gestionar el govern, governar la gestió (1999) (0)
- Rethinking Strategic Planning Part 1: Risks and Fallacies (1995) (0)
- Book reviews (2007) (0)
- El ejecutivo desconectado (2012) (0)
- Combe: Introduction to Management (2014) (0)
- Es hora de diseñar (2007) (0)
- Por qué odio volar y otras historias de gestión (2001) (0)
- 翻訳 ミンツバーグ・H&ウォータース・J・A「用意周到な戦略と不意に生じる戦略」 (2006) (0)
- MBAがマネジャーを滅ぼす (ミドルマネジャーの省察) -- (マネジャーを育てる) (2007) (0)
- Management Laureates : A Collection of Autobiographical Essays (Volume 2) (2018) (0)
- Gegenstand, Ziele und Gang der Untersuchung (2008) (0)
- Understanding and Advancing the Informal Management Curriculum (2012) (0)
- 戦略サファリ : 戦略マネジメント・コンプリートガイドブック (2013) (0)
- Rééquilibrer la société : Entre le secteur privé, le secteur public et ceux qui agissent différemment (2017) (0)
- Industrial health research in Canada (2007) (0)
- Стратегический процесс (The Strategy Process, Mintzberg Henry, Quinn James Brian, Ghoshal Sumantra) (2001) (0)
- El mito de los management information systems (MIS) (1973) (0)
- Comming Attractions (2008) (0)
- مدیریت در دولت و حاکمیت با مدیریت (1999) (0)
- Business Schools Programmes at the Crossroad (2008) (0)
- Agencies; Administrative Organization; Administrative Policy; Case Studies; *Faculty College Relationship; *Governance; Higher Education; Organization; *Organizational Theories; Participative Decision Making; Power Structure; *Private Colleges; Research and Development; Theories; Theory Practice (1996) (0)
- Con el ritmo adecuado (2003) (0)
- Desenvolupar líders?. Desenvolupar països?. Aprendre d'un altre indret (2007) (0)
- インタビュー 日本企業が失ってはならないもの--ミンツバーグ教授からのメッセージ (特集 提言 ミドルマネジメントの復権と創造) (2007) (0)
- Memo a los presidentes ejecutivos (2002) (0)
- 戦略サファリ : 戦略マネジメント・ガイドブック (1999) (0)
- Pour rester calme au cœur de la crise (2020) (0)
- Pathway to balance (2021) (0)
- Sustaining the Institutional Environment (1999) (0)
- Mejorar la toma de decisiones (2003) (0)
- Jenseits der Konfiguration: Kräfte und Formen in effektiven Organisationen (1991) (0)
- Politik und politische Organisation (1991) (0)
- Organizational structure in the view of single business concentration and diversification strategies – empirical study results (2013) (0)
- An Underlying Theory for Strategy, Organization, and Management: Bridging the Gap Between Analysis and Synthesis (2022) (0)
- Durch Management hervorgerufene Steuerungsprobleme der Gesellschaft (1991) (0)
- Wie Strategien entwickelt werden und wie Manager ihre Zeit planen (1998) (0)
- Henry Mintzberg: entrevista (2010) (0)
- « Les systèmes de santé souffrent plus de leur succès que de leur échec » (2022) (0)
- Die Arbeit des Managers: Folklore und Tatsachen (1991) (0)
- Book Reviews : Managerial Communication: Concepts, Approaches and Tech niques. Theodore D. Weinshall (ed.), London: Academic Press, 1979, 460 pages (1981) (0)
- Managing in Four Worlds Culture , strategy and transformation (2013) (0)
- Misère du management (2009) (0)
- My Own Book Review (2015) (0)
- The new management mind-set (1997) (0)
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What Are Henry Mintzberg's Academic Contributions?
Henry Mintzberg is most known for their academic work in the field of business. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Henry Mintzberg has made the following academic contributions: