
Hermann F. Sailer

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German physician, dentist and surgeon

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Why Is Hermann F. Sailer Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Hermann F. Sailer is a German maxillofacial surgeon. He leads the Klinik Professor Sailer in Zurich and is the founder of the Cleft-Children International Foundation. Life and scientific career Sailer studied medicine from 1962 to 1968, dentistry from 1968 to 1971 at the University of Erlangen... and received the degree of Doctor of Medicine and then Doctor of Dentistry . He completed further studies in the fields of internal medicine, gynaecology, surgery and maxillofacial surgery and then in surgery and emergency surgery . He thereafter went to Zurich to work at the university hospital there . Under the tutelage of Hugo Obwegeser Sailer completed his knowledge in the department of maxillofacial surgery. Sailer was working as a Research Fellow at the Royal College of Surgeons of England and later in Boston, USA he worked in the department of facial plastic surgery under the guidance of R. Webster. In 1980 Sailer obtained his postdoctoral qualification .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Hermann F. Sailer?

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