
Inna Meiman-Kitrossky

Most Influential Person Across History

Soviet philologist

Inna Meiman-Kitrossky's Academic­ Rankings

Inna Meiman-Kitrossky
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  • Literature

Why Is Inna Meiman-Kitrossky Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Inna Ilyinichna Meiman-Kitrossky was a refusenik, a member of a group of refuseniks-cancer patients, and an author of textbooks for the English language. Life Inna Meiman was born as Ina Fuxson in a Jewish family in Moscow, and graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University, where she worked for many years teaching English. This experience resulted in being awarded a Ph.D. and also in two textbooks: , , which was in usage in several Russian Universities. Meiman also translated from English to Russian and vice versa. She was married for several years and had a son.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Inna Meiman-Kitrossky?

Inna Meiman-Kitrossky is affiliated with the following schools: