
İoanna Kuçuradi

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Turkish academic and philosopher

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According to Wikipedia, Ioanna Kuçuradi is a Turkish philosopher from Istanbul. She is currently the president of Philosophical Society of Turkey and a full-time academic of Maltepe University. Biography Kuçuradi was born on October 4, 1936, in Istanbul, Turkey. After finishing Zappeion Greek Gymnasium for Girls in Istanbul in 1954, she studied philosophy at Istanbul University, from where she graduated with a B.A. degree in 1959. She earned a Ph.D. degree at the same university in 1965. Ioanna Kuçuradi worked as an assistant professor at her alma mater and the Atatürk University in Erzurum.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With İoanna Kuçuradi?

İoanna Kuçuradi is affiliated with the following schools: