
Ion Niculiță

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Ion Niculiță's Academic­ Rankings

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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Ion Niculiță's Degrees

Why Is Ion Niculiță Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ion Niculiță was a Moldovan professor of archaeology, known for his contributions to the field of thracology. He was a relative of the Romanian archaeologist Vasile Pârvan. Academic career Returning to Moldova he was appointed lecturer in the Ancient and Medieval History Department. Advancing through the ranks, he became Chair of Archaeology and Ancient History in 1984, and between 1993 and 2002 he was Dean of the Faculty of History. In 1991 he obtained his habilitation in history for the work "Northern Thracians in the 6th through 1st Centuries BC".

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ion Niculiță?

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