
Iris Murdoch

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Irish-born British writer and philosopher

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  • Philosophy

Why Is Iris Murdoch Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Dame Jean Iris Murdoch was an Irish and British novelist and philosopher. Murdoch is best known for her novels about good and evil, sexual relationships, morality, and the power of the unconscious. Her first published novel, Under the Net , was selected in 1998 as one of Modern Library's 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. Her 1978 novel The Sea, The Sea won the Booker Prize. In 1987, she was made a Dame by Queen Elizabeth II for services to literature. In 2008, The Times ranked Murdoch twelfth on a list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945".

Other Resources About Iris Murdoch

What Schools Are Affiliated With Iris Murdoch?

Iris Murdoch is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Iris Murdoch's Academic Contributions?

Iris Murdoch is most known for their academic work in the field of philosophy. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Iris Murdoch has made the following academic contributions: