
Isaac Casaubon

Most Influential Person Across History

Classical scholar and philologist

Isaac Casaubon's Academic­ Rankings

Isaac Casaubon
Historical Rank
anthropology Degrees
Isaac Casaubon
Historical Rank
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literature Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Literature

Isaac Casaubon's Degrees

Why Is Isaac Casaubon Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Isaac Casaubon was a classical scholar and philologist, first in France and then later in England. His son Méric Casaubon was also a classical scholar. Life Early life He was born in Geneva to two French Huguenot refugees. The family returned to France after the Edict of Saint-Germain in 1562, and settled at Crest in Dauphiné, where Arnaud Casaubon, Isaac's father, became minister of a Huguenot congregation. Until he was nineteen, Isaac had no education other than that given him by his father. Arnaud was away from home for long periods in the Calvinist camp, and the family regularly fled to the hills to hide from bands of armed Catholicss who patrolled the country. It was in a cave in the mountains of Dauphiné, after the St Bartholomew's Day's Massacre, that Isaac received his first lesson in Greek, based on Isocrates' Ad Demonicum.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Isaac Casaubon?

Isaac Casaubon is affiliated with the following schools: