Isaac Schapera
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British anthropologist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Isaac Schapera FBA FRAI , was a social anthropologist at the London School of Economics specialising in South Africa. He was notable for his contributions of ethnographic and typological studies of the indigenous peoples of Botswana and South Africa. Additionally, he was one of the founders of the group that would develop British social anthropology.
Isaac Schapera's Published Works
Published Works
- Married Life In An African Tribe (1966) (192)
- Government and Politics in Tribal Societies (1956) (151)
- The Khoisan peoples of South Africa : Bushmen and Hottentots (120)
- Migrant labour and tribal life : a study of conditions in the Bechuanaland Protectorate (1947) (86)
- Premarital Pregnancy and Native Opinion. A Note on Social Change (1933) (71)
- Praise Poems of Tswana Chiefs (1965) (70)
- The Ethnic Composition of Tswana Tribes (1952) (68)
- Migrant Labour and Tribal Life (1948) (65)
- Tribal Innovators: Tswana Chiefs and Social Change 1795-1940. (1971) (64)
- The Bantu-speaking tribes of South Africa : an ethnographical survey (1937) (55)
- The early Cape Hottentots (1933) (55)
- The social structure of the Tswana ward (1935) (50)
- Rainmaking Rites of Tswana Tribes (1971) (50)
- Economic Transition in Africa. (1967) (47)
- Akokoaso: A Survey of a Gold Coast Village@@@Tribal Legislation among the Tswana of the Bechuanaland Protectorate (1944) (38)
- A short history of the Bangwaketse (1942) (38)
- African Law: Adaptation and Development. (1966) (38)
- 72. Bows and Arrows of the Bushmen (1927) (37)
- Western civilization and the natives of South Africa : studies in culture contact (1935) (37)
- Some Comments on Comparative Method in Social Anthropology (1953) (32)
- The early Cape Hottentots : described in the writings of Olfert Dapper (1668), Willem Ten Rhyne (1686) and Johannes Gulielmus de Grevenbroek (1695) (1970) (32)
- The Native Tribes of South-West Africa (29)
- Apprenticeship at Kuruman: Being the Journals and Letters of Robert and Mary Moffat (1952) (27)
- Rampedi revisited: Another look at a Kgatla ward (1975) (23)
- Livingstone's private journals 1851-1853 (1961) (22)
- Marriage of Near Kin among the Tswana (1957) (22)
- Should Anthropologists be Historians (1962) (21)
- A History of Northern Botswana, 1850-1910 (1976) (21)
- Studies in African social anthropology (1975) (21)
- Economic Changes in South African Native Life (1928) (20)
- Livingstone's missionary correspondence: 1841 - 1856 (1961) (19)
- Picturing a colonial past: the African photographs of Isaac Schapera (2007) (18)
- Kgatla notions of ritual impurity (1979) (17)
- Wenner-Gren Foundation Supper Conference: Comparative Method in Social Anthropology (1953) (16)
- Kinship and Politics in Tswana History (Part Two) (1963) (16)
- Native Administration in the British African Territories. Part v. the High Commission Territories: Basutoland, the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland (1954) (14)
- Select Bibliography of South African Native Life and Problems (1941) (14)
- Sorcery and Witchraft in Bechuanaland (1952) (14)
- Livingstone's African journal 1853-1856 (1964) (14)
- Field Methods in the Study of Modern Culture Contacts (1935) (14)
- Shona Ritual, with special reference to the Chaminuka Cult (1960) (14)
- Some problems of anthropological research in Kenya Colony (1949) (13)
- Bogwera, Kgatla Initiation (1978) (12)
- The Native Land Problem in the Tati District: Report and Recommendations Submitted to the Bechuanaland Protectorate Administration, 1943 (1971) (12)
- Notes on the history of the Kaa (1945) (12)
- Notes on some Herero genealogies (1979) (10)
- The work of tribal courts in the Bechuanaland protectorate (1943) (10)
- The Native Tribes of South-West Africa. Cape Town: Cape Times Ltd.; London: Walker Bros., 1928. 10s. 6d. (1929) (10)
- 63. A Working Classification of the Bantu Peoples of Africa (1929) (10)
- Tribal innovators : Tswana chiefs and social change, 1795-1940 (1972) (9)
- Tswana Legal Maxims (1966) (8)
- The Sources of Law In Tswana Tribal Courts: Legislation and Precedent (1957) (7)
- Notes on the Early History of the Kwena (Bskwena bagaSechele) (1980) (7)
- Contract in Tswana Case Law (1965) (6)
- The Crime of Sorcery (1969) (6)
- A Comparative Study of Kgalagadi, Kwena, and Other Sotho Dialects (1944) (6)
- David Livingstone family letters 1841-1856 (1959) (6)
- Kinship Terminology in Jane Austen's Novels (1977) (5)
- A Short History of the BaKgatla-BagaKgafela of Bechuanaland Protectorate (1943) (5)
- A history of the Bakgatla-bagaKgafêla (1980) (4)
- The appointment of Radcliffe Brown to the chair of social anthropology at the university of Cape Town (1990) (4)
- Family Letters, 1841-1856 (1959) (4)
- The Mashona (The Indigenous Natives of Southern Rhodesia) (1929) (4)
- Matrilocal Marriage in Southern Rhodesia (1929) (4)
- David Livingstone South African papers, 1849-1853 (1974) (4)
- Christianity and the Tswana The Henry Myers Lecture, 1958 (1958) (4)
- Dr. Winifred Hoernlé: An Appreciation (1960) (4)
- Studies in kinship and marriage : dedicated to Brenda Z. Seligman on her 80th birthday (1963) (4)
- African Societies in Southern Africa: Historical Studies. (1970) (4)
- The Journal of Joseph Tindall . Edited with Introduction, Footnotes and Sketch-Map by B. A. Tindall. Cape Town: The van Riebeeck Society, 1959. 21s. (1960) (3)
- Ntshabeleng Social Structure: A Study of a Northern Transvaal Sotho Tribe (1965) (3)
- Some Ethnological Texts in Sekgatla (3)
- The South African Native in Transition@@@Marriage in Langa Native Location@@@The Political Annals of a Tswana Tribe (1948) (3)
- The tribal system in South Africa : a study of the Bushmen and the Hottentots (1929) (3)
- Experiment in Swaziland: Report of the Swaziland Sample Survey 1960 by the Institute for Social Research, University of Natal, for the Swaziland Administration. (1965) (3)
- String Figures From Bechuanaland Protectorate (3)
- Tswana Concepts of Custom and Law (1983) (3)
- Culture Of The Hottentots (3)
- Religion in a Tswana Chiefdom. By B. A. Pauw. London: Oxford University Press for the International African Institute, 1960. Pp. xiv + 258, ill., maps. 38s. (1961) (2)
- The Present State and Future Development of Ethnographic Research in South Africa (1934) (2)
- Race Relations in World Perspective: Papers Read at the Conference on Race Relations in World Perspective, Honolulu, 1954 (1957) (2)
- The BaKxatlaBaxa Kxafêla. Preliminary Report of Field Investigations (1933) (2)
- Ethnographical Texts in the Boloongwe Dialect of Sekgalagadi (1938) (2)
- Anthropology and the native problem. (2012) (2)
- The Naron, a Bushman Tribe of the Central Kalahari . By D. F. Bleek University of Cape Town: Publications of the School of African Life and Language. Cambridge, 1928. Pp. ix, 67. Price 6s. (1929) (2)
- The Low-Veld: its Wild Life and its People . By Lieut Col. J. Stevenson-Hamilton. London: Cassell & Co., Ltd., 1929. Price 12 s . 6 d . (1931) (2)
- Chiefs and Gods: Religious and Social Elements in the South Eastern Bantu Kingship (1954) (2)
- Livingstone and the Boers (1960) (2)
- Some Notes on Tswana Bogadi (1978) (2)
- Some Notes on Cattle Magic and Medicines of the Bechuanaland Bakxatla (1)
- Zambezia and Matabeleland in the Seventies: The Narrative of Frederick Hugh Barber (1875 and 1877-8) and The Journal of Richard Frewen (1877-8)@@@Livingstone's Private Journals 1851-1853 (1961) (1)
- The Harmless People. Elizabeth Marshall Thomas. (1960) (1)
- The Kalahari and Its Native Races (1)
- Some Recent South African Publications (1931) (1)
- Labour Migration From a Bechuanaland Native Reserve. Part One (1933) (1)
- Early European Influences on Tswana Law (1987) (1)
- South African Publications Relating to Native Life and Languages, 1930–1931 (1932) (1)
- Survey of African Marriage and Family Life. Edited by Arthur Phillips (1954) (1)
- Private journals, 1851-1853 (1960) (1)
- Western Civilisation and the Natives of South Africa: Studies in Culture Contact. (1967) (1)
- Some Features in the Social Organization of the Tlokwa (Bechuanaland Protectorate) (1946) (1)
- David Livingstone: Family Letters (1960) (1)
- The Early History of the Khurutshe (1970) (1)
- 47. The Tribal Divisions of the Bushmen. (1927) (0)
- South Africa's Past in Stone and Paint . By M. C. Burkitt Cambridge University Press, 1928. Pp. xiv + 183; 9 plates, 30 figures and map. Price 12 s . 6 d . (1929) (0)
- The Kalahari and its Native Races. By E. H. L. Schwarz. London: H. F. & G. Witherby, 1928. Pp. 244, with photographs and maps. 16s. net. (1929) (0)
- Barolong research : methods of investigation. (2012) (0)
- Livingstone's Missionary Correspondence@@@Robert Moffat: A Pioneer in Africa (1962) (0)
- Ngwaketse Inheritance: The Devolution of Cattle on Women in a Tswana Chiefdom (1980) (0)
- The Southern Basotho (0)
- Barolong research : letter from Mr. I. Schapera to Mr. Rheinallt Jones. (2011) (0)
- The system of land tenure on the Barolong farms (Bechuanaland Protectorate): report and recommendations submitted to the B.P. administration, June 1943. (1983) (0)
- Isaac Schapera - recollections and thoughts (2008) (0)
- Great Lion of Bechuanaland: The Life and Times of Roger Trice, Missionary . By Edwin W. Smith. London: Independent Press, for the London Missionary Society, 1957. Pp. 444, illus., maps. 32 s . 6 d . (1958) (0)
- Barolong research : letter from Dr. I. Schapera to ZK Matthews. (2012) (0)
- Bibliography of Current Literature Dealing with African Languages and Cultures (1936) (0)
- Olden Times in Zululand and Natal, containing Earlier Political History of the Eastern-Nguni Clans . By the Rev. A. T. Bryant. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1929. pp. xxi + 710; 2 maps, 31 illns. Price 12s. 6d. (1931) (0)
- Cultural Change@@@Married Life in an African Tribe. (1944) (0)
- 327. A Native Lion Hunt in the Kalahari Desert. (1932) (0)
- The Journals of Wikar, Coetse, and W. Van Reenen (1937) (0)
- Bibliography of Current Literature Dealing with African Languages and Cultures (1937) (0)
- Tribal Divisions of the Bushmen (0)
- South African Publications Relating to African Life and Languages, 1932–3 (1934) (0)
- Tshekedi Khama (1961) (0)
- Procedure (2001) (0)
- Barolong research : history of the Barolong : field trip. (2012) (0)
- South African Publications Relating to Native Life and Languages, 1931–2 (1933) (0)
- Growth and Change in a Shona Ward. By G. Kingsley Garbett. (University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Department of African Studies: Occasional Paper No. 1.) 1960. Pp. 100 [mimeographed]. (1962) (0)
- The 'Little Rain' Ceremony of the Bechuana and Bakxatla (0)
- The Bechuanaland Protectorate . By A. Sillery. Cape Town and London: Oxford University Press, 1952. Pp. xii, 326, maps and genealogical tables. 30s. (1954) (0)
- Social implications of industrialization and urbanization in Africa south of the Sahara . Prepared under the auspices of Unesco by the International African Institute, London. ([Unesco] Tensions and Technology Series.) 743 pp. Paris: Unesco, 1956. $11. (Obtainable from H.M.S.O. 55s.) (1958) (0)
- South African Publications Relating to African Life and Languages, 1933–4 (1935) (0)
- A New Angle on Kinship (1977) (0)
- Race Issues on the World Scene. A Report on the Conference on Race Relations in World Perspective, Honolulu, 1954 (1956) (0)
- Ethnology and Ethnography: Adat Law in Indonesia. B. Ter Haar (1950) (0)
- The System of Land Tenure on the Barolong Farms (1943) (1983) (0)
- A. R. Brown to Radcliffe-Brown (1989) (0)
- Contempt of Court in Tswana Law (1977) (0)
- Book Reviews : THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA AND THE HIGH COMMISSION TERRITORIES By LORD HAILEY, O.M. London, Oxford University Press, 1963. vii, 136 pp. 18s (1964) (0)
- Native Peoples of South America@@@Africa: Its Peoples and Their Culture History@@@Biennial Review of Anthropology, 1959@@@Beyond the Mountains of the Moon: The Lives of Four Africans (1960) (0)
- Approaches to Community Development: a symposium introductory to problems and methods of village welfare in underdeveloped areas (1954) (0)
- Sotho Laws and Customs: a handbook based on decided cases in Basutoland, together with the Laws of Lerotholi . By Patrick Duncan. Oxford University Press (Cape Town), 1960. Pp. xiv, 169. 36 s . (1962) (0)
- 23. Tribal Politics, Rainmaking, and the Levirate Among the Christianised Kxatla of Bechuanaland Protectorate (1936) (0)
- Notes on the Noun-Classes of Some Bantu Languages of Ngamiland (1943) (0)
- Barolong research : note on the history of the Barolong farms. (2012) (0)
- Pagan Tribes of the Nilotic Sudan@@@Pagan Tribes of the Nilotic Sudan [Vol. II of] 'The Ethnology of Africa'@@@Big Game Shooting in Africa (1933) (0)
- Bibliography of Current Literature Dealing with African Languages and Cultures (1936) (0)
- Some Anthropological Concepts of 'Crime': The Hobhouse Memorial Lecture (1972) (0)
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