
Ivar Skarland

Most Influential Person Across History

Norwegian anthropologist

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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Why Is Ivar Skarland Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ivar Skarland was a Norwegian anthropologist. Skarland was born in Høylandet, Norway, on September 2, 1899. He earned a diploma from the Steinkjer School of Forestry in Norway in 1921 before moving to the United States for further education. He studied English at the Alaska Agricultural College and School of Mines, graduating in 1935. In 1942, he was awarded a master's degree in Anthropology from Harvard University and in 1948 received a Ph.D. from the same institution. He was a student of Earnest Hooton. He worked with Otto W. Geist.

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