
Jaafar Aksikas

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American academic

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Why Is Jaafar Aksikas Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jaafar Aksikas is a Moroccan-born American academic, activist, media personality and cultural critic. He is currently Professor of Cultural Studies and Media Studies at Columbia College Chicago, United States, where he teaches at the intersection of politics, media and culture. He is also President and CEO of the Institute for Global Media, Democracy and Culture. He was also President of the Cultural Studies Association . Jaafar Aksikas was educated both in Morocco and the USA and holds a Ph.D in Cultural Studies from George Mason University, USA and an MA in the Humanities from the prestigious Royal Al Akhawayn University, Morocco. His teaching, research and activism are at the intersection of media, politics, law and culture. His books and edited volumes include:His other publications include:Culture Industries: Critical Interventions , an inaugural special journal issue on the culture and media industries for the journal Lateral.Critical Purchase in Neoliberal Times, a special journal issue on engaged and community-based forms of cultural studies scholarship for the journal Lateral.He is also the Editor of the Cultural Studies and Marxism book series for the international publisher Rowman & Littlefield International .

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