Jack Citrin
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American political scientist
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Political Science
Jack Citrin's Degrees
- PhD Political Science University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Political Science University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Political Science University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Jack Citrin Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jack Citrin is an American political scientist. He is the director of the Institute of Governmental Studies and a professor emeritus of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the co-author and co-editor of several books about national identity and tax resistance.
Jack Citrin's Published Works
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Published Works
- Public Opinion Toward Immigration Reform: The Role of Economic Motivations (1997) (1075)
- Comment: The Political Relevance of Trust in Government (1974) (928)
- European Opinion About Immigration: The Role of Identities, Interests and Information (2007) (888)
- American Identity and the Politics of Ethnic Change (1990) (457)
- Tax Revolt: Something for Nothing in California (1982) (438)
- Presidential Leadership and the Resurgence of Trust in Government (1986) (360)
- Immigration and the Imagined Community in Europe and the United States (2008) (343)
- What if Everyone Voted? Simulating the Impact of Increased Turnout in Senate Elections (2003) (239)
- White reactions to black candidates : when does race matter? - eScholarship (1990) (214)
- When Self-Interest Matters (2001) (211)
- “Racial Threat”, Partisan Climate, and Direct Democracy: Contextual Effects in Three California Initiatives (2006) (200)
- Political Trust in a Cynical Age (2018) (197)
- Seeing Difference: The Effect of Economic Disparity on Black Attitudes Toward Latinos (2006) (192)
- The "Official English" Movement and the Symbolic Politics of Language in the United States (1990) (173)
- Alternative Measures of American National Identity: Implications for the Civic‐Ethnic Distinction (2012) (173)
- The Muted Consequences of Correct Information about Immigration (2016) (169)
- 8 More than Nationals : How Identity Choice Matters in the New Europe (2007) (159)
- Personal and Political Sources of Political Alienation (1975) (136)
- Multiculturalism in American Public Opinion (2001) (134)
- Overview of the JET results in support to ITER (2017) (134)
- Testing Huntington: Is Hispanic Immigration a Threat to American Identity? (2007) (132)
- The meaning of American national identity: Patterns of ethnic conflict and consensus. (2001) (129)
- Nonlinear stabilization of tokamak microturbulence by fast ions. (2013) (124)
- An overview of JET results (1989) (100)
- Is American Nationalism Changing? Implications for Foreign Policy (1994) (97)
- Public Attitudes Toward Immigration Policy Across the Legal/Illegal Divide: The Role of Categorical and Attribute-Based Decision-Making (2016) (96)
- The Meaning of American National Identity (2001) (90)
- American Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism (2014) (81)
- Trust in government (2020) (81)
- Political System Support and Public Response to the Energy Crisis (1978) (74)
- Ethnic Context, Race Relations and California Politics (2000) (74)
- Overview of the JET preparation for deuterium–tritium operation with the ITER like-wall (2019) (72)
- Multicultural Policy and Political Support in European Democracies (2014) (71)
- Measurement Error and the Structure of Attitudes: Are Positive and Negative Judgments Opposites? (1994) (63)
- Participation and Political Equality: A Seven Nation Comparison. By Sidney Verba, Norman H. Nie, and Jae-On Kim. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978. Pp. xxi + 394. $19.95.) (1980) (62)
- Electromagnetic stabilization of tokamak microturbulence in a high-β regime (2014) (61)
- Cultural diversity and multicultural politics: Is ethnic balkanization psychologically inevitable? (1999) (60)
- Immigration Crackdown in the American Workplace (2012) (59)
- Face Value? Experimental Evidence that Candidate Appearance Influences Electoral Choice (2017) (57)
- Public opinion and constitutional controversy (2008) (57)
- Saved by the Stars and Stripes? Images of Protest, Salience of Threat, and Immigration Attitudes (2011) (56)
- Overview of the TCV tokamak program: scientific progress and facility upgrades (2017) (56)
- Do Patriotism and Multiculturalism Collide? Competing Perspectives from Canada and the United States (2012) (55)
- How Large the Huddled Masses? The Causes and Consequences of Public Misperceptions about Immigrant Populations (2007) (54)
- Do open primaries improve representation? An experimental test of California's 2012 top-two primary (2016) (51)
- Defining the Circle of We: American Identity and Immigration Policy (2009) (49)
- Ion temperature profile stiffness: non-linear gyrokinetic simulations and comparison with experiment (2013) (46)
- Real-time capable first principle based modelling of tokamak turbulent transport (2015) (46)
- Can Europe Exist Without Europeans? Problems of Identity in a Multinational Community (2004) (45)
- Tractable flux-driven temperature, density, and rotation profile evolution with the quasilinear gyrokinetic transport model QuaLiKiz (2017) (44)
- Psychological Sources of Political Belief: Self-Esteem and Isolationist Attitudes (1971) (44)
- Impact of heating and current drive mix on the ITER hybrid scenario (2010) (42)
- Measuring Identity: Balancing National and Ethnic Identities: The Psychology of E Pluribus Unum (2009) (39)
- Political alienation as a social indicator: Attitudes and action (1977) (39)
- Quasilinear transport modelling at low magnetic shear (2012) (38)
- If Everyone Had Voted, Would Bubba and Dubya Have Won? (2008) (37)
- Identification of trapped electron modes in frequency fluctuation spectra (2015) (36)
- Development of advanced inductive scenarios for ITER (2013) (31)
- Current ramps in tokamaks: from present experiments to ITER scenarios (2011) (30)
- Stellarator Turbulence: Subdominant Eigenmodes and Quasilinear Modeling. (2016) (29)
- First principles and integrated modelling achievements towards trustful fusion power predictions for JET and ITER (2019) (28)
- Language Politics and American Identity. (1990) (26)
- Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution (2017) (26)
- Predictive multi-channel flux-driven modelling to optimise ICRH tungsten control and fusion performance in JET (2020) (26)
- Ion heat transport studies in JET (2011) (25)
- Non-Maxwellian fast particle effects in gyrokinetic GENE simulations (2018) (25)
- The Effects of Voter ID Notification on Voter Turnout : Results from a Large-Scale Field Experiment (2014) (24)
- Fast H isotope and impurity mixing in ion-temperature-gradient turbulence (2018) (24)
- Multiculturalism and Muslim Accommodation (2017) (24)
- Stability of Support for the Political System (1975) (23)
- Validation of the ICRF antenna coupling code RAPLICASOL against TOPICA and experiments (2019) (22)
- Global and local gyrokinetic simulations of high-performance discharges in view of ITER (2013) (20)
- L to H mode transition: parametric dependencies of the temperature threshold (2015) (19)
- Measurements of the edge current evolution and comparison with neoclassical calculations during MAST H-modes using motional Stark effect (2012) (19)
- Determination of isotope ratio in the divertor of JET-ILW by high-resolution Hα spectroscopy: H–D experiment and implications for D–T experiment (2019) (17)
- Predictive analysis of q-profile influence on transport in JET and ASDEX Upgrade hybrid scenarios (2012) (17)
- Thermal desorption spectrometry of beryllium plasma facing tiles exposed in the JET tokamak (2018) (17)
- Impact of electron-scale turbulence and multi-scale interactions in the JET tokamak (2018) (16)
- The political assimilation of the fourth wave (2012) (16)
- Neutral pathways and heat flux widths in vertical- and horizontal-target EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations of JET (2018) (15)
- Proposition 13 and the Transformation of California Government (2009) (15)
- Americans Fill Out President Obama's Census Form: What is His Race? (2014) (14)
- Flux-driven integrated modelling of main ion pressure and trace tungsten transport in ASDEX Upgrade (2018) (14)
- On hybrid scenarios in KSTAR (2020) (14)
- Density peaking in JET—determined by fuelling or transport? (2019) (14)
- Comparison between measured and predicted turbulence frequency spectra in ITG and TEM regimes (2017) (14)
- Mass Opinion and Immigration Policy in the United States: Re-Assessing Clientelist and Elitist Perspectives (2016) (13)
- Ethnoreligious Identity, Immigration, and Redistribution (2017) (13)
- 5. The Causes and Consequences of Crossover Voting in the 1998 California Elections (1999) (13)
- Analysis of deposited layers with deuterium and impurity elements on samples from the divertor of JET with ITER-like wall (2019) (13)
- Ion cyclotron resonance heating scenarios for DEMO (2019) (13)
- Immigration and the Transformation of Europe: European immigration in the people's court (2006) (12)
- On microinstabilities and turbulence in steep-gradient regions of fusion devices (2019) (12)
- The War on Terror and Civil Liberties (2011) (11)
- Understanding LOC/SOC phenomenology in tokamaks (2020) (11)
- The Limits of Judicial Persuasion and the Fragility of Judicial Legitimacy - eScholarship (2011) (11)
- First-principles-based multiple-isotope particle transport modelling at JET (2020) (10)
- Multiculturalism and Muslim Accommodation: Policy and Predisposition Across Three Political Contexts (2016) (10)
- Modelling of hybrid scenario: from present-day experiments towards ITER (2013) (10)
- After the Tax Revolt: California's Proposition 13 Turns 30 (2009) (10)
- Optimizing the current ramp-up phase for the hybrid ITER scenario (2012) (10)
- Simulation of core turbulence measurement in Tore Supra ohmic regimes (2016) (9)
- Improved neutron activation dosimetry for fusion (2019) (9)
- Tritium distributions on W-coated divertor tiles used in the third JET ITER-like wall campaign (2019) (8)
- Politics and the English Language in California: Bilingual Education at the Polls (2017) (8)
- Political Disaffection Among British University Students: Concepts, Measurement, and Causes (1975) (8)
- Affirmative Action in the People's Court. (1996) (8)
- Opinion Leadership, Backlash, and Delegitimation: Supreme Court Rulings and Public Opinion (2009) (7)
- Core tungsten transport in WEST long pulse L-mode plasmas (2020) (7)
- Public Opinion Toward Immigration Reform: How Much Does the Economy Matter? (1995) (7)
- The Collision of National Identity and Multiculturalism Among Mass Publics (2008) (7)
- TLD calibration for neutron fluence measurements at JET fusion facility (2018) (7)
- A fast, magnetics-free flux surface estimation and q-profile reconstruction algorithm for feedback control of plasma profiles (2013) (7)
- The Meaning of American Identity: Patterns of Ethnic Conflict and Consensus (2000) (7)
- Multiple-isotope pellet cycles captured by turbulent transport modelling in the JET tokamak (2021) (6)
- The IGS Survey: Californians and Immigration Reform Alternatives (2013) (6)
- Patriotic to the Core (2005) (6)
- Diversity and Solidarity (2017) (6)
- The dependence of ion heat transport on the ion to electron temperature ratio in JET non-rotating plasmas (2013) (6)
- Who’s the Boss? Direct Democracy and Popular Control of Government (2018) (5)
- Beyond disruption: The forgotten origins of affirmative action in college and university admissions, 1961-1969 (1961) (5)
- Control of the hydrogen:deuterium isotope mixture using pellets in JET (2019) (5)
- Can Your Face Win You Votes ? Experimental Tests of Candidate Appearance ' s Influence on Electoral Choice (2015) (5)
- MHD spectroscopy of JET plasmas with pellets via Alfvén eigenmodes (2018) (5)
- Deep neural networks for plasma tomography with applications to JET and COMPASS (2019) (4)
- Separation of transport in slow and fast time-scales using modulated heat pulse experiments (hysteresis in flux explained) (2018) (4)
- Test of electrical resistivity and current diffusion modelling on MAST and JET (2017) (4)
- Waiting for Trump:The Move to the Right of White Working-Class Men, 1968-2016 - eScholarship (2017) (4)
- Direct Democracy Takes on Bilingual Education: Framing the Debate in Four State Initiatives. (2003) (4)
- United Nations peacekeeping activities : a case study in organizational task expansion (1965) (4)
- Impact of Neon Injection on Electron Density Peaking in JET Hybrid Plasmas (2018) (4)
- God and Country: Religion, Religiosity, and National Identity inAmerican Public Opinion (2009) (3)
- Population modelling of the He II energy levels in tokamak plasmas: I. Collisional excitation model (2019) (3)
- Conflict and Consensus on American Public Opinion on Illegal Immigration (2014) (3)
- 13. Herbert McClosky. 1964. “Consensus and Ideology in American Politics.” American Political Science Review 58 (June): 361–82. Cited 345 times (2006) (3)
- When the Supreme Court Decides, Does the Public Follow? (2007) (3)
- Growth rates of ITG modes in the presence of flow shear (2019) (3)
- Modification of the Alfvén wave spectrum by pellet injection (2019) (3)
- "Racial Threat", Partisan Climate, and Direct (2006) (3)
- Analysis of the outer divertor hot spot activity in the protection video camera recordings at JET (2019) (2)
- Predictive Multichannel Flux-Driven Modelling to Optimize ICRH Tungsten Control in JET (2018) (2)
- Turbulent transport model validation against a JET plasma via integrated modelling enhanced by Gaussian process regression (2019) (2)
- The Realignment of Political Tolerance in the United States (2021) (2)
- Strong support for Prop. 58. Backing fades if repeal of Prop. 227 provision is mentioned. (2016) (2)
- Simulations of density profiles in JET hybrid discharges (2012) (2)
- Divertor currents optimization procedure for JET-ILW high flux expansion experiments (2018) (2)
- Novel method for determination of tritium depth profiles in metallic samples (2019) (2)
- Nominating the President: Evolution and Revolution in 2008 and Beyond (2009) (2)
- Adam J. Berinsky, ed. New Directions in Public Opinion. New York: Routledge. 2012. 236 pp. $130.00 (cloth). $49.95 (paper). (2012) (1)
- First multi-channel core transport simulations with RAPTOR using a neural network transport model (2017) (1)
- Is there a “Disconnect” between Public Opinion and U.S. Immigrant Admissions Policy? (2015) (1)
- Are We All Now Multiculturalists, Assimilationists, Both, or Neither? (2015) (1)
- XII. Who Governs if Everyone Votes (2011) (1)
- Assessing a New Method for Measuring Subjective Conceptions of National Identity (2009) (1)
- Turbulent transport in tokamak advanced scenarios (2012) (1)
- What if Everyone Voted in Presidential Elections (2006) (1)
- Turbulent transport model validation at JET using integrated modelling enhanced by Gaussian process regression (2018) (1)
- Analysis of multiscale electron heat transport in JET, AUG and TCV plasmas, confronting experiments with gyrokinetic simulations and reduced models (2020) (1)
- First principle scenario modelling of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility (2020) (1)
- Why Voters May Have Failed to Reward Proximate Candidates in the 2012 Top Two Primary (2015) (1)
- Global gyrokinetic simulations of high-performance discharges in view of ITER (2013) (1)
- The political assimilation of the fourth wave: The Political and Civic Incorporation of Immigrant (2012) (1)
- A Fast , Non-Iterative Flux Surface Estimation and Q-Profile Reconstruction Algorithm for Control of Plasma Profiles (2012) (1)
- Measurements of the edge current evolution during MAST H-modes using MSE (2011) (1)
- High fusion power in tritium rich scenario in JET (2019) (1)
- Europe's Contending Identities: E Pluribus Europa? (2014) (1)
- Key Impact of Finite-Beta and Fast Ions in Core and Edge Tokamak Regions for the Transition to Hybrid Scenarios (2015) (1)
- Political Allegiance Index 1975 (1995) (0)
- Flux-driven multi-channel simulations with the quasilinear gyrokinetic transport model QuaLiKiz (2016) (0)
- Public Opinion and Multiculturalism’s Guiding Norms (2014) (0)
- 13. Herbert McClosky. 1964. American Political Science Review 58 (June): 361 82. Cited 345 times (2006) (0)
- Ethnicity neighborhoods and California politics. (2000) (0)
- When Do Ethnic and National Identities Collide (2014) (0)
- The role of the edge barrier in the penetration of impurities in the JET ELMy H-mode plasmas (2019) (0)
- Face Value? Experimental Evidence that Candidate Appearance Influences Electoral Choice (2016) (0)
- Affirmative action in the people's court - eScholarship (1995) (0)
- ITR / 1-5 1 Development of Advanced Inductive Scenarios for ITER (2010) (0)
- Contours of American National Identity (2014) (0)
- Circumventing the conflicting constraints of speed and accuracy for tokamak turbulence modelling (2016) (0)
- On the penetration of heavy impurities in the JET ELMy H-mode plasmas (2018) (0)
- Multi-channel flux-driven quasilinear turbulent transport prediction over many confinement times (2016) (0)
- Realtime capable first principle transport modelling for tokamak prediction and control (2017) (0)
- Quasi coherent modes: a signature of trapped Electron Mode contribution (2015) (0)
- Coupled core-pedestal simulations with self-consistent transport of impurities (2017) (0)
- IGS Survey Finds Support for Extending Taxes on Wealthy, Legalizing Marijuana, and Toughening Gun Control (2016) (0)
- Multiculturalism and Muslim Accommodation: What Reaction Among the Mainstream? (2014) (0)
- Isotope-mixing at JET : experiments and modelling (2018) (0)
- [White Reaction to Black Candidates: When Does Race Matter?]: Reply (1991) (0)
- Can Gyrokinetics Really Describe Transport in L-mode Core Plasmas? (2014) (0)
- EFD-P(13)61 Key Impact of Energetic Ions on the Establishment of Advanced Tokamak Regimes (2013) (0)
- The IGS Survey: California Politics and Policy - eScholarship (2016) (0)
- Energetic ion losses ‘channeling’ mechanism and strategy for mitigation (2019) (0)
- Group-Conscious Policies: Ethnic Consensus and Cleavage (2014) (0)
- American Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: Multiculturalism and Party Politics (2014) (0)
- Dissertation: “Perceptions of Social Group Influence in the United States: Sources and Consequences for Political Legitimacy and Participation.” Jack Citrin (Chair), (2014) (0)
- Title Public Attitudes Toward Immigration Policy Across the Legal / Illegal Divide : The Role of Categorical and Attribute-Based Decision-Making Permalink (2015) (0)
- Global vs local gyrokinetic studies of core microinstabilities in JET hybrid discharges with ITER like wall (2015) (0)
- Reflectometry synthetic diagnostic coupled with gyrokinetic simulations for study of quasi-coherent modes in the Tore Supra machine (2015) (0)
- Core Transport Studies in Tokamaks Plasmas via Surrogate-based Optimization Techniques (2019) (0)
- Extrapolation of JET hybrid scenario fusion performance to larger device (2010) (0)
- Impact of Watergate Stability of Support for the Political System: The Initial (2008) (0)
- The Dynamics of Group-Conscious Policy Preferences (2014) (0)
- "English First” in the Twenty-First Century? Intergroup Attitudes about Bilingual Education and Multiculturalism in the U.S. (2017) (0)
- Integrated core transport modelling of multiple isotope pellet cycle at JET (2019) (0)
- The IGS Survey: California Politics and Policy (2015) (0)
- Mathematical equivalence of non-local transport models and broadened deposition profiles (2019) (0)
- in E-Verify Policy Adoption Across the U . S . States Immigration Crackdown in the American Workplace : Explaining Variation (2012) (0)
- Predictive Analysis of q-profile Influence on Transport in JET and AUG Hybrid Scenarios (2011) (0)
- American Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: The Political Psychology of Identity Choice (2014) (0)
- Optimization of the current ramp-up phase for hybrid ITER discharges (2011) (0)
- ITER Hybrid Scenario optimization by integrated modelling (2010) (0)
- The Challenge of E Pluribus Unum (2014) (0)
- Ion Heat Transport Studies in JET Ion Heat Transport Studies in JET (2011) (0)
- 1 EX / P 645 Realtime tokamak simulation with a first-principle-based neural network turbulent transport model (2016) (0)
- Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: From Present-day Experiments Toward ITER Modelling of Hybrid Scenario: From Present-day Experiments Toward ITER (2012) (0)
- Are We All Now Multiculturalists, Assimilationists, Neither, or Both? (2011) (0)
- 1 Modelling of Hybrid Scenario : from present-day experiments toward ITER (2014) (0)
- The significant role of fast ions in nonlinear electromagnetic stabilization of tokamak microturbulence (2014) (0)
- Political Cynicism Scale 1975 (1995) (0)
- Clinging to the Old California: Linking Views on Immigration to Views on Reform (2010) (0)
- Saved by the Stars and Stripes? Imagery and Immigrants in the 2006 Protests (2008) (0)
- En Route to High-Performance Discharges: Insights and Guidance from High-Realism Gyrokinetics (2018) (0)
- Public Attitudes Toward Immigration Policy Across the Legal/Illegal Divide: The Role of Categorical and Attribute-Based Decision-Making (2015) (0)
- The Ethnic Cauldron and Group Consciousness (2014) (0)
- Tracer transport with multiple W charge states in ASDEX Upgrade (2015) (0)
- Real-time multichannel tokamak plasma profile simulations using the RAPTOR code and the QLK-NN first-principle transport model (2018) (0)
- E-Verify is About Culture, Not Jobs (2012) (0)
- Introduction: Democracy, California Style (2017) (0)
- 9. Constitutional Reform And British Political Identity (2019) (0)
- American Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: Conclusion (2014) (0)
- Fast isotope mixing in Ion Temperature Gradient driven turbulence (2018) (0)
- American Identity and the Politics of Multiculturalism: Prologue (2014) (0)
- Ethnic perceptions of legal authority. (2000) (0)
- Integrated modelling of multiple isotope pellet cycles at JET (2019) (0)
- Notes on Contributors (2008) (0)
- Conflict and Consensus on American Public Opinion on Illegal Immigration - eScholarship (2014) (0)
- Quasi Coherent Modes Correlated With Electron Transport and Velocity (2014) (0)
- Flux-driven multi-channel simulations with the quasilinear gyrokinetic tokamak transport model QuaLiKiz (2016) (0)
- VITALS: Surrogate Models and Genetic Algorithms to Accelerate Transport Model Validation (2018) (0)
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