
Jacqueline Casey

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American graphic designer

Jacqueline Casey's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Jacqueline Casey
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Graphic Design
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USA Rank
communications Degrees
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  • Communications

Why Is Jacqueline Casey Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jacqueline S. Casey was a graphic designer best known for the posters and other graphic art she created for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . While practicing a functional Modernism, Jacqueline S. Casey was a graphic designer in the Office of Publications from 1955 to 1989, and was appointed director in 1972. In discussing her design, Casey stated, "My work combines two cultures: The American interest in visual metaphor on the one hand, and the Swiss fascination with planning, fastidiousness, and control over technical execution on the other."

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jacqueline Casey?

Jacqueline Casey is affiliated with the following schools: