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Psychology Biology
Jamie Ward's Degrees
- PhD Cognitive Neuroscience University of Oxford
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Jamie Ward's Published Works
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Published Works
- AMON: a wearable multiparameter medical monitoring and alert system (2004) (746)
- Eye Movement Analysis for Activity Recognition Using Electrooculography (2011) (610)
- Somatosensory activations during the observation of touch and a case of vision-touch synaesthesia. (2005) (565)
- Synaesthesia: The Prevalence of Atypical Cross-Modal Experiences (2006) (515)
- Activity Recognition of Assembly Tasks Using Body-Worn Microphones and Accelerometers (2006) (473)
- Sound-Colour Synaesthesia: to What Extent Does it Use Cross-Modal Mechanisms Common to us All? (2006) (395)
- Recognizing Workshop Activity Using Body Worn Microphones and Accelerometers (2004) (314)
- Non-random associations of graphemes to colours in synaesthetic and non-synaesthetic populations (2005) (274)
- Self-esteem in schizophrenia: relationships between self-evaluation, family attitudes, and symptomatology. (2003) (259)
- The Student's Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) (242)
- Mirror-touch synesthesia is linked with empathy (2007) (231)
- Lexical-gustatory synaesthesia: linguistic and conceptual factors (2003) (204)
- Visual experiences in the blind induced by an auditory sensory substitution device (2010) (186)
- Performance metrics for activity recognition (2011) (178)
- What is the relationship between synaesthesia and visuo-spatial number forms? (2006) (175)
- Searching for Shereshevskii: What is superior about the memory of synaesthetes? (2007) (169)
- Varieties of grapheme-colour synaesthesia: A new theory of phenomenological and behavioural differences (2007) (163)
- Prevalence, characteristics and a neurocognitive model of mirror-touch synaesthesia (2009) (145)
- The neuropsychological impact of insular cortex lesions (2010) (143)
- Robust Recognition of Reading Activity in Transit Using Wearable Electrooculography (2009) (143)
- Synaesthesia, creativity and art: what is the link? (2008) (140)
- Enhanced memory ability: Insights from synaesthesia (2012) (140)
- Crossmodal interactions: lessons from synesthesia. (2006) (132)
- Is Synaesthesia an X-Linked Dominant Trait with Lethality in Males? (2005) (128)
- Synaesthesia: an Overview of Contemporary Findings and Controversies (2006) (125)
- A comparison of lexical-gustatory and grapheme-colour synaesthesia (2005) (124)
- Diagnosing synaesthesia with online colour pickers: Maximising sensitivity and specificity (2013) (118)
- Enhanced sensory perception in synaesthesia (2009) (116)
- Neural basis of contagious itch and why some people are more prone to it (2012) (115)
- AMON: a wearable medical computer for high risk patients (2002) (114)
- Disruption of synaesthesia following TMS of the right posterior parietal cortex (2007) (107)
- Developmental Surface Dysgraphia: What is the Underlying Cognitive Impairment? (1999) (105)
- Proprioceptive drift without illusions of ownership for rotated hands in the “rubber hand illusion” paradigm (2011) (103)
- Expressed emotion and attributions in the carers of patients with Alzheimer's disease: the effect on carer burden. (2002) (100)
- Recognizing and Discovering Human Actions from On-Body Sensor Data (2005) (97)
- The neural underpinnings of vicarious experience (2014) (95)
- Eye movement analysis for activity recognition (2009) (90)
- Increased facial width-to-height ratio and perceived dominance in the faces of the UK's leading business leaders. (2014) (90)
- Multimodal recognition of reading activity in transit using body-worn sensors (2012) (90)
- Number Forms in the Brain (2008) (81)
- Emotionally mediated synaesthesia (2004) (80)
- Synaesthesia: The taste of words on the tip of the tongue (2006) (79)
- Grapheme-colour synaesthesia improves detection of embedded shapes, but without pre-attentive ‘pop-out’ of synaesthetic colour (2010) (78)
- Seeing Sounds and Hearing Colors: An Event-related Potential Study of Auditory–Visual Synesthesia (2009) (77)
- Suppressing Sensorimotor Activity Modulates the Discrimination of Auditory Emotions But Not Speaker Identity (2010) (73)
- On being moved: From mirror neurons to empathy (2008) (72)
- Superior Facial Expression, But Not Identity Recognition, in Mirror-Touch Synesthesia (2011) (69)
- Gesture spotting using wrist worn microphone and 3-axis accelerometer (2005) (67)
- Gesture Facilitates the Syntactic Analysis of Speech (2012) (66)
- Explaining mirror-touch synesthesia (2015) (64)
- Representational momentum and the brain: An investigation into the functional necessity of V5/MT (2002) (62)
- Seeing with Sound? Exploring Different Characteristics of a Visual-to-Auditory Sensory Substitution Device (2011) (62)
- Do errors matter? Errorless and errorful learning in anomic picture naming (2007) (61)
- Performance Metrics and Evaluation Issues for Continuous Activity Recognition (2006) (58)
- Atypical sensory sensitivity as a shared feature between synaesthesia and autism (2017) (57)
- A Colorful Albino: The First Documented Case of Synaesthesia, by Georg Tobias Ludwig Sachs in 1812 (2009) (55)
- Functional and structural brain differences associated with mirror-touch synaesthesia (2013) (52)
- Synesthesia for Color Is Linked to Improved Color Perception but Reduced Motion Perception (2013) (50)
- Sensory substitution as an artificially acquired synaesthesia (2014) (49)
- The impact of visuo-spatial number forms on simple arithmetic (2009) (48)
- The perceived position of moving objects: transcranial magnetic stimulation of area MT+ reduces the flash-lag effect. (2013) (48)
- Grapheme-color and tone-color synesthesia is associated with structural brain changes in visual regions implicated in color, form, and motion (2012) (46)
- Personality traits in people with synaesthesia: Do synaesthetes have an atypical personality profile? (2013) (45)
- False recognition after frontal lobe damage: The role of encoding factors (1999) (44)
- Individual differences in sensory sensitivity: A synthesizing framework and evidence from normal variation and developmental conditions (2019) (44)
- The Frog Who Croaked Blue: Synesthesia and the Mixing of the Senses (2008) (43)
- Frontiers in Psychology (2014) (43)
- Trait phenomenological control predicts experience of mirror synaesthesia and the rubber hand illusion (2020) (42)
- Increased positive and disorganised schizotypy in synaesthetes who experience colour from letters and tones (2012) (41)
- Mirror-touch synaesthesia in the phantom limbs of amputees (2013) (41)
- A placebo-controlled investigation of synaesthesia-like experiences under LSD (2016) (40)
- Under Pressure: Response Urgency Modulates Striatal and Insula Activity during Decision-Making under Risk (2011) (40)
- Synaesthesia for Reading and Playing Musical Notes (2006) (40)
- Mechanisms of self-other representations and vicarious experiences of touch in mirror-touch synesthesia (2013) (39)
- Consonant-Vowel Encoding and Orthosyllables in a Case of Acquired Dysgraphia (2000) (39)
- Are You on My Wavelength? Interpersonal Coordination in Dyadic Conversations (2019) (39)
- “That’s not a real body”: Identifying stimulus qualities that modulate synaesthetic experiences of touch (2011) (39)
- Evaluating Performance in Continuous Context Recognition Using Event-Driven Error Characterisation (2006) (38)
- Serial position effects and lexical activation in spelling: Evidence from a single case study (1998) (37)
- Enhanced associative memory for colour (but not shape or location) in synaesthesia (2013) (37)
- Expressed emotion and attributions in relatives of schizophrenia patients with and without substance misuse (2005) (36)
- False recognition of unfamiliar people: "Seeing film stars everywhere" (1999) (36)
- The neural basis of illusory gustatory sensations: two rare cases of lexical-gustatory synaesthesia. (2011) (34)
- Multisensory enhancement of attention depends on whether you are already paying attention (2019) (34)
- Synesthesia. (2021) (34)
- Understanding grapheme personification: a social synaesthesia? (2011) (34)
- Common and distinct neural mechanisms associated with the conscious experience of vicarious pain (2017) (33)
- Enhanced recognition memory in grapheme-color synaesthesia for different categories of visual stimuli (2013) (33)
- Data-driven recognition memory: A new technique and some data on age differences (2001) (33)
- The role of semantics in reading and spelling: evidence for the ‘summation hypothesis’ (2000) (32)
- The Student's Guide to Social Neuroscience (2011) (31)
- Savant syndrome has a distinct psychological profile in autism (2018) (31)
- Synaesthesia for Finger Counting and Dice Patterns: A Case of Higher Synaesthesia? (2007) (31)
- "I Always Wanted to See the Night Sky": Blind User Preferences for Sensory Substitution Devices (2016) (31)
- Subtyping Somatic Tinnitus: A Cross-Sectional UK Cohort Study of Demographic, Clinical and Audiological Characteristics (2015) (30)
- The structure of inter-individual differences in visual ability: Evidence from the general population and synaesthesia (2017) (30)
- Representing colour through hearing and touch in sensory substitution devices. (2013) (29)
- Sensing interpersonal synchrony between actors and autistic children in theatre using wrist-worn accelerometers (2018) (29)
- An autistic-like profile of attention and perception in synaesthesia (2017) (29)
- The role of visual experience in the emergence of cross-modal correspondences (2018) (28)
- Coloured Letters and Numbers (CLaN): A reliable factor-analysis based synaesthesia questionnaire (2013) (28)
- The Aesthetic Appeal of Auditory-Visual Synaesthetic Perceptions in People without Synaesthesia (2008) (28)
- Cross-Modal Correspondences Enhance Performance on a Colour-to-Sound Sensory Substitution Device. (2016) (28)
- The Development of a Scientific Understanding of Synesthesia from Early Case Studies (1849–1873) (2011) (27)
- Is Synaesthesia More Prevalent in Autism Spectrum Conditions? Only Where There Is Prodigious Talent. (2017) (27)
- Synaesthesia, Color Terms, and Color Space: Color Claims Came From Color Names in Beeli, Esslen, and Jäncke (2007) (2008) (27)
- Haptic perception and synaesthesia (2008) (26)
- Entorhinal cortex volume in older adults: Reliability and validity considerations for three published measurement protocols (2010) (26)
- Contagious scratching: shared feelings but not shared body locations (2013) (25)
- The relationship between mirror-touch synaesthesia and empathy: New evidence and a new screening tool (2018) (24)
- Sensations of skin infestation linked to abnormal frontolimbic brain reactivity and differences in self-representation (2015) (24)
- Effects of pre-experimental knowledge on recognition memory. (2010) (24)
- Different Dimensions of Cognitive Style in Typical and Atypical Cognition: New Evidence and a New Measurement Tool (2016) (22)
- Attributions for negative events in the partners of adults with type I diabetes: Associations with partners' expressed emotion and marital adjustment. (2006) (22)
- The executive brain (2015) (22)
- Visuo-spatial representations of the alphabet in synaesthetes and non-synaesthetes. (2011) (21)
- Neuroanatomical substrates for the volitional regulation of heart rate (2015) (21)
- Synaesthesia: a distinct entity that is an emergent feature of adaptive neurocognitive differences (2019) (20)
- Synesthetic experiences enhance unconscious learning (2013) (20)
- Sound Properties Associated With Equiluminant Colours. (2017) (19)
- An extended case study on the phenomenology of sequence-space synesthesia (2014) (19)
- Blink as you sync: uncovering eye and nod synchrony in conversation using wearable sensing (2019) (18)
- The prevalence and cognitive profile of sequence-space synaesthesia (2018) (18)
- The evolution of a visual-to-auditory sensory substitution device using interactive genetic algorithms (2013) (17)
- What is the Link Between Mental Imagery and Sensory Sensitivity? Insights from Aphantasia (2021) (16)
- Understanding Oral Spelling: A Review and Synthesis (2003) (16)
- Automaticity and localisation of concurrents predicts colour area activity in grapheme-colour synaesthesia (2016) (16)
- The rubber hand illusion depends on the tactile congruency of the observed and felt touch. (2015) (15)
- The Emergence of Synaesthesia in a Neuronal Network Model via Changes in Perceptual Sensitivity and Plasticity (2016) (15)
- Visualized voices: A case study of audio-visual synesthesia (2012) (14)
- Effects of being watched on eye gaze and facial displays of typical and autistic individuals during conversation (2020) (14)
- Synthetic Sensor Data for Human Activity Recognition (2020) (14)
- Atypical susceptibility to the rubber hand illusion linked to sensory-localised vicarious pain perception (2018) (14)
- Phenomenological control: response to imaginative suggestion predicts measures of mirror touch synaesthesia, vicarious pain and the rubber hand illusion (2019) (14)
- Consciously Feeling the Pain of Others Reflects Atypical Functional Connectivity between the Pain Matrix and Frontal-Parietal Regions (2017) (13)
- Pathological false recognition and source memory deficits following frontal lobe damage (2000) (13)
- Associative memory advantage in grapheme-color synesthetes compared to older, but not young adults (2014) (13)
- Atypical bodily self-awareness in vicarious pain responders (2019) (12)
- Investigating genetic links between grapheme–colour synaesthesia and neuropsychiatric traits (2019) (12)
- Synaesthesia and autism: Different developmental outcomes from overlapping mechanisms? (2020) (12)
- Formal lexical paragraphias in a single case study: how “masterpiece” can become “misterpieman” and “curiosity” “suretoy” (2002) (12)
- A meta-analysis of memory ability in synaesthesia (2019) (12)
- Synaesthesia is linked to more vivid and detailed content of autobiographical memories and less fading of childhood memories (2018) (11)
- The sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test of sequence-space synesthesia (2015) (11)
- Placing events in time: The role of autobiographical recollection (2006) (11)
- Sounds Are Perceived as Louder When Accompanied by Visual Movement (2017) (11)
- Towards recognising collaborative activities using multiple on-body sensors (2016) (11)
- Encoding and the Frontal Lobes: A Dissociation Between Retrograde and Anterograde Memories (2003) (10)
- Principle component analyses of questionnaires measuring individual differences in synaesthetic phenomenology (2015) (10)
- Individual differences in change blindness are predicted by the strength and stability of visual representations (2019) (10)
- Wearables and the Brain (2019) (9)
- How Much Spatial Information Is Lost in the Sensory Substitution Process? Comparing Visual, Tactile, and Auditory Approaches (2019) (9)
- Don't Look at Me, I'm Wearing an Eyetracker! (2018) (9)
- SoundSight: a mobile sensory substitution device that sonifies colour, distance, and temperature (2019) (9)
- Can grapheme-color synesthesia be induced by hypnosis? (2014) (9)
- Synaesthetes show advantages in savant skill acquisition: Training calendar calculation in sequence-space synaesthesia (2019) (9)
- Intelligence and Psychopathy Do Not Influence Malingering (2015) (8)
- Representational Account of Memory: Insights from Aging and Synesthesia (2016) (8)
- Absence of reliable physiological signature of illusory body ownership revealed by fine-grained autonomic measurement during the rubber hand illusion (2020) (8)
- User Activity Related Data Sets for Context Recognition (2004) (8)
- Acquired auditory‐tactile synesthesia (2007) (8)
- The “golden age” of synesthesia inquiry in the late nineteenth century (1876–1895) (2020) (8)
- Sensory Substitution Devices as Advanced Sensory Tools (2018) (8)
- Using an auditory sensory substitution device to augment vision: evidence from eye movements (2015) (7)
- Synchrony as a measure of conversation difficulty: Movement coherence increases with background noise level and complexity in dyads and triads (2021) (7)
- Where’s Wally? Audio–visual mismatch directs ocular saccades in sensory substitution (2012) (7)
- Activity monitoring : continuous recognition and performance evaluation (2006) (7)
- Detecting physical collaborations in a group task using body-worn microphones and accelerometers (2017) (7)
- Cyberball3D+: A 3D Serious Game for fMRI Investigating Social Exclusion and Empathy (2014) (7)
- Comparing Implicit and Synaesthetic Number–Space Associations: Visuospatial and Verbal Spatial–Numerical Associations of Response Codes (2014) (7)
- Ortho-syllables and consonant-vowel encoding in acquired dysgraphia (2000) (6)
- Édouard Cornaz (1825 – 1911) and his importance as founder of synesthesia research (2012) (6)
- Individual Differences in Vicarious Pain Perception Linked to Heightened Socially Elicited Emotional States (2018) (6)
- Non-random associations of graphemes and colour in the synaesthetic and normal populations (2005) (6)
- Autistic Traits in the Neurotypical Chinese Population: A Chinese Version of Glasgow Sensory Questionnaire and a Cross-Cultural Difference in Attention-to-Detail (2021) (6)
- Synesthesia improves sensory memory, when perceptual awareness is high (2018) (6)
- Individual differences in the tendency to see the expected (2020) (6)
- Seeing into the brain of an actor with mocap and fNIRS (2018) (6)
- Poorer Well-Being in Children With Misophonia: Evidence From the Sussex Misophonia Scale for Adolescents (2022) (6)
- Nonverbal communication in virtual reality: Nodding as a social signal in virtual interactions (2022) (6)
- Atypical Brain Structures as a Function of Gray Matter Volume (GMV) and Gray Matter Density (GMD) in Young Adults Relating to Autism Spectrum Traits (2020) (5)
- Are you on my wavelength? Interpersonal coordination in naturalistic conversations (2018) (5)
- Towards a characterisation of emotional intent during scripted scenes using in-ear movement sensors (2020) (5)
- Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) for on-body Context Systems (2006) (5)
- Inappropriate association of semantics and context to novel stimuli can give rise to the false recognition of unfamiliar people (2003) (5)
- Competitive Queuing and Spelling: Modelling Acquired Dysgraphia (1999) (5)
- The MULTISENSE Test of Lexical–Gustatory Synaesthesia: An automated online diagnostic (2019) (5)
- The lived experience of mirror-touch synaesthesia: a qualitative investigation of empathy and social life (2017) (5)
- The beginnings of an interdisciplinary study of synaesthesia: Discussions about the Nussbaumer brothers (1873) (2014) (5)
- Haptic perception in synaesthesia (2008) (5)
- Electrophysiological correlates and psychoacoustic characteristics of hearing-motion synaesthesia (2017) (5)
- Synaesthesia is linked to a distinctive and heritable cognitive profile (2020) (5)
- The Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience (2019) (5)
- How non-veridical perception drives actions in healthy humans - Evidence from Synaesthesia (2018) (4)
- A Factor Structure within Misophonia: The Sussex Misophonia Scale for researchers and clinicians (2021) (4)
- synaesthetic colour embedded shapes , but without pre-attentive ' popout ' of Grapheme-colour synaesthesia improves detection of Supplementary data (2009) (4)
- Attention, flexibility, and imagery in misophonia: Does attention exacerbate everyday disliking of sound? (2021) (4)
- Continuous activity recognition in the kitchen using miniaturised sensor button (2006) (4)
- The evolution of the concept of synesthesia in the nineteenth century as revealed through the history of its name (2019) (4)
- Synesthesia and language (1989) (4)
- The role of the MTG in negative emotional processing in young adults with autistic-like traits: A fMRI task study. (2019) (4)
- Subjective embodiment during the rubber hand illusion predicts severity of premonitory sensations and tics in Tourette Syndrome (2018) (4)
- Comparing Sampling Strategies for Tackling Imbalanced Data in Human Activity Recognition (2022) (4)
- Analysis of the Usefulness of Mobile Eyetracker for the Recognition of Physical Activities (2017) (3)
- Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews (2012) (3)
- What's my line? glass versus paper for cold reading in duologues (2016) (3)
- Eyewear 2019: third workshop on eyewear computing - focus: social interactions (2019) (3)
- Boiling Mind - A Dataset of Physiological Signals during an Exploratory Dance Performance (2021) (3)
- Synaesthesia as a model system for understanding variation in the human mind and brain (2020) (3)
- Serial position effects in a case of deep dysgraphia (1996) (3)
- Synesthesia Where Have We Been? Where are We Going? (2013) (3)
- A single system account of enhanced recognition memory in synaesthesia (2020) (3)
- ROC Analysis of Partitioning Method for Activity Recognition Using Two Microphones (2005) (2)
- Lexical activation and serial position effects in spelling: Evidence from a single case study (1998) (2)
- Eyewear 2021 The Forth Workshop on Eyewear Computing – Augmenting Social Situations and Democratizing Tools (2021) (2)
- Riding the wave: How the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge used storytelling and user-generated content to embrace slacktivism (2016) (2)
- How do Different Types of Synesthesia Cluster Together? Implications for Causal Mechanisms (2021) (2)
- Evolving the Ideal Visual-to-Auditory Sensory Substitution Device Using Interactive Genetic Algorithms (2011) (2)
- The mechanisms of sensory sensitivity: A response to commentaries on Ward (2019) (2019) (2)
- Synesthesia: The current state of the field (2020) (2)
- The Co-occurrence of Mirror-Touch With Other Types of Synaesthesia (2019) (2)
- The remembering brain (2015) (2)
- Prestige versus citation volume as journal indices in cognitive neuroscience (2014) (2)
- Linking Audience Physiology to Choreography (2022) (2)
- Vicarious pain is an outcome of atypical body ownership: Evidence from the rubber hand illusion and enfacement illusion (2021) (2)
- MCM integration technologies for 60-80 GHz applications (2008) (2)
- Direct Gaze Triggers Higher Frequency of Gaze Change: An Automatic Analysis of Dyads in Unstructured Conversation (2021) (2)
- A distinct electrophysiological signature for synaesthesia that is independent of individual differences in sensory sensitivity (2021) (1)
- Cognitive neuroscience of synesthesia: Introduction to the special issue (2015) (1)
- The Sensitivity and Specificity of a Diagnostic Test of Sequence-Space Synaesthesia (2016) (1)
- Enhanced Memory in Synaesthesia is Primarily linked to the Familiarity Component of Recognition Memory (2019) (1)
- Reduced Visual and Frontal Cortex Activation During Visual Working Memory in Grapheme-Color Synaesthetes Relative to Young and Older Adults (2018) (1)
- Higher Sensory Sensitivity is Linked to Greater Expansion Amongst Functional Connectivity Gradients. (2022) (1)
- Does synaesthesia protect against age-related memory loss? (2019) (1)
- Supplementary material from "Synaesthesia: a distinct entity that is an emergent feature of adaptive neurocognitive differences" (2019) (1)
- Number-space associations in synaesthesia are not influenced by finger-counting habits (2014) (1)
- Synesthesia for manual alphabet letters and numeral signs in second-language users of signed languages (2016) (1)
- http://eyewear.pro: an open platform to record and analyze large scale data sets from smart eyewear (2019) (1)
- A categorisation of performance errors in continuous context recognition (2005) (1)
- Making Sensors, Making Sense, Making Stimuli: The State of the Art in Wearables Research From ISWC 2019 (2020) (1)
- Observed touch (2009) (1)
- Wearable Eye Tracking for Multisensor Physical Activity Recognition (2018) (1)
- Recent download statistics for Cognitive Neuroscience (2013) (1)
- The speaking brain (2015) (1)
- The light: exploring socially improvised movements using wearable sensors in a performative installation (2020) (1)
- The electrophysiological brain (2015) (1)
- Personality and individual differences in synaesthesia (2014) (0)
- Erratum (2002) (0)
- The McGurk illusion provides evidence for a late , perceptually-driven onset of synaesthesia (2012) (0)
- Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Volume 16, 2006, List of reviewers (2006) (0)
- What Can Studies of Brain-Damaged Patients Tell Us That Other Methods Can't? (2002) (0)
- Lexical retrieval in spelling (1998) (0)
- Cognitive mechanisms in visual associative learning and retrieval: Insights from synaesthesia and old age. (2013) (0)
- Comparison of visual working memory maintenance and associative memory retrieval in ageing and synaesthesia. (2014) (0)
- Natural correspondences: From ‘weak’ to ‘strong’ synaesthesia (2012) (0)
- Reduction of the flash-lag effect with TMS over MT/V5 (2010) (0)
- Phantom Undulations: Remote Physiological Sensing in Abstract Installation Works (2023) (0)
- Lessons on Collecting Data from Autistic Children using Wrist-worn Sensors (2022) (0)
- The lesioned brain and stimulated brain (2019) (0)
- The relation of appearance to behavior (2006) (0)
- Affective Umbrella – A Wearable System to Visualize Heart and Electrodermal Activity, towards Emotion Regulation through Somaesthetic Appreciation (2023) (0)
- Frohn, Sabrina A L; Matharu, Jeevan S and Ward, Jamie A. 2020. Towards a Characterisation of Emotional Intent During Scripted Scenes Using In-ear Movement Sensors. International Sympo- (2020) (0)
- Irrelevant sights and sounds require spatial suppression: ERP evidence (2022) (0)
- Highlights of the first two volumes and the new challenges ahead (2012) (0)
- List of Reviewers, Volume 29, 2012 (2012) (0)
- Correction to ‘How non-veridical perception drives actions in healthy humans: evidence from synaesthesia’ (2019) (0)
- Seeing our Blind Spots: Smart Glasses-based Simulation to Increase Design Students’ Awareness of Visual Impairment (2022) (0)
- Visual Associative Memory: Age- and Individual differences during Learning & Retrieval (2012) (0)
- The seeing brain (2015) (0)
- Under pressure: response urgency modulates striatal and insula activity during risky decision-making (2011) (0)
- The Sussex Cognitive Styles Questionnaire: An exploratory factor analysis in synaesthetes and controls (2014) (0)
- Are You on My Wavelength? Interpersonal Coordination in Dyadic Conversations (2019) (0)
- Detecting an Offset-Adjusted Similarity Score based on Duchenne Smiles (2023) (0)
- Is synaesthesia a predisposing factor to post-traumatic stress disorder? (2021) (0)
- The Multiple Object Avoidance ( MOA ) task measures attention for action : Evidence from real world task (2020) (0)
- Using an auditory sensory substitution device to augment vision: evidence from eye movements (2014) (0)
- Frohn, Sabrina A L; Matharu, Jeevan S and Ward, Jamie A. 2020. ’Towards a Characterisation of Emotional Intent During Scripted Scenes Using In-ear Movement Sensors’. In: International Symposium on Wearable Computers (2021) (0)
- Frisson Waves (2022) (0)
- Comparing implicit and synaesthetic number-space associations: visuospatial and verbal SNARC effects (2013) (0)
- The MULTISENSE Test of Lexical–Gustatory Synaesthesia: An automated online diagnostic (2019) (0)
- Different psychophysiological and clinical symptoms are linked to affective versus sensory vicarious pain experiences. (2021) (0)
- A single system account of enhanced recognition memory in synaesthesia (2020) (0)
- Aging and synaesthesia provide a window into the functions of sensory and higher cortical areas in working memory. (2016) (0)
- Making Sense of Sensory Sensitivity: New Evidence and a New Framework (2019) (0)
- State of the art: Synaesthesia (2003) (0)
- Using Wearable Sensors to Measure Interpersonal Synchrony in Actors and Audience Members During a Live Theatre Performance (2022) (0)
- Vicarious experiences of touch (mirror touch) in a Chinese sample: Cross-cultural and individual differences (2022) (0)
- The beginning of research on synaesthesia in children: Searching for traces in the 19th and early 20th century (2017) (0)
- The 25th Edition of the International Symposium on Wearable Computers (2022) (0)
- Familial aggregation of synaesthesia with autism (but not schizophrenia) (2022) (0)
- Reading faces and bodies (2013) (0)
- Cognitive Neuroscience: Critical Concepts (2009) (0)
- Evolutionary origins of social intelligence and culture (2013) (0)
- The literate brain (2015) (0)
- Cognitive Neuroscience: What? Another journal? (2010) (0)
- A software based low vision aid (2000) (0)
- LibGuides: Social Care: Economic Inequality/Equality (2015) (0)
- The numerate brain (2015) (0)
- Introducing cognitive neuroscience (2015) (0)
- Synesthetic experiences of color (2015) (0)
- Workshop at Pervasive’04 (2004) (0)
- LibGuides: Business at DkIT: Books/eBooks (2013) (0)
- LibGuides: Social Care: An Overview (2015) (0)
- LibGuides: Library Training: Research and Information Skills (2018) (0)
- Introducing the brain (2015) (0)
- LibGuides: Business at DkIT: Advanced Students (2013) (0)
- Emotion and motivation (2013) (0)
- The Social Neuroscience of Power and Its Links with Empathy, Cooperation and Cognition (2016) (0)
- The social and emotional brain (2015) (0)
- Correction to ‘Investigating genetic links between grapheme–colour synaesthesia and neuropsychiatric traits’ (2020) (0)
- The hearing brain (2015) (0)
- LibGuides: Business at DkIT: Mintel (2013) (0)
- Competitive queuing: Modelling acquired dysgraphia (1998) (0)
- LibGuides: Social Care: Books (2015) (0)
- Welcome message from the ISWC program chairs (2019) (0)
- The developing brain (2015) (0)
- The lesioned brain (2015) (0)
- Developmental social neuroscience The nature and nurture of social (2016) (0)
- A phenomenological cartography of misophonia and other forms of sound intolerance (2023) (0)
- LibGuides: Business at DkIT: New Students (2013) (0)
- Electrophysiological Evidence for Competition in Spatial Attention by Entirely Irrelevant Unisensory and Multisen-sory Distractors (2019) (0)
- The imaged brain (2015) (0)
- The acting brain (2019) (0)
- 1 Card 6 Libraries Presentation (2013) (0)
- LibGuides: Digital Badge for second level learners: Welcome (2018) (0)
- Introduction to social neuroscience (2016) (0)
- The attending brain (2015) (0)
- Recognizing synesthesia on the international stage: The first scientific symposium on synesthesia (at The International Conference of Physiological Psychology, Paris, 1889) (2020) (0)
- The Vicarious Experiences Questionnaire(s): Online Tools for Measuring Mirror-Touch and Vicarious Pain (2022) (0)
- The sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test of sequence-space synesthesia (2015) (0)
- MRA volume grows as new applications emerge. (1998) (0)
- Coloured Letters and Numbers Questionnaire (2014) (0)
- Synaesthesia for reading and playing music. (2006) (0)
- Competitive queuing: Modelling acquired dysgraphia. In D. Heinke, A. Olson & G.W. Humph (1998) (0)
- LibGuides: Social Care: Sources on Children (2015) (0)
- From mirror-touch synesthesia to models of vicarious experience: A reply to commentaries (2017) (0)
- Optimizing a Measure of Consistency for Sequence-Space Synaesthesia (2022) (0)
- How common is synaesthesia? New prevalence studies and some clues concerning its cognitive, neural, and genetic basis (2005) (0)
- MULTISENSE Test of Lexical–Gustatory Synaesthesia (2021) (0)
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