
Jan Erkert

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American academic

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  • Philosophy

Why Is Jan Erkert Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jan Erkert is a choreographer, teacher, author and Head of the Department of Dance at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Dance company As Artistic Director of Jan Erkert & Dancers from 1979 to 2000, she created over 70 modern dances. Ms. Erkert's work has been seen throughout the United States as well as in Germany, Mexico, Taiwan, Japan, Uruguay and Israel. Ms. Erkert and the company have been honored with numerous awards including fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Illinois Arts Council, and Ruth Page Awards for choreography and performance. She has received two Fulbright Scholar Awards and is currently serving on the Fulbright panel. In Erkert's own description of her work, she calls herself a 'dancemaker.'

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jan Erkert?

Jan Erkert is affiliated with the following schools: