
Janet D. Spector

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American archaeologist

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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Janet D. Spector Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Janet D. Spector was an American archaeologist known for her contributions to the archaeology of gender and ethnoarchaeology. Early life Spector was born and raised in Madison, Wisconsin. The neighborhood she grew up in was called Nakoma and like most other things in her community was rooted in Native American culture. Although she lived on the corner of Shawnee Pass and Cherokee Drive and frequently walked with her grandfather through the Native American mounds situated in Vilas Park, the history of her surroundings was never made explicit to her. She also spent a lot of time as a young girl digging for treasure in her neighbors trash cans or down at the local creek, fascinated by the potential story a discarded item could tell. She attributes her subsequent career in anthropology to this childhood love for finding things coupled with an environment saturated in Native American history that she desired to learn more about.

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Janet D. Spector's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Janet D. Spector?

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