Jeannette Littlemore
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Jeannette Littlemore's Degrees
- Bachelors English Language and Literature University of Oxford
Why Is Jeannette Littlemore Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jeannette Littlemore is a British scholar of English and applied linguistics whose work focuses on the interpretation of figurative language, including metaphor and metonymy, as it relates to second language learning and teaching. Her research examines the ways that metaphor is misunderstood by learners of English.
Jeannette Littlemore's Published Works
Published Works
- Metaphoric Competence, Second Language Learning, and Communicative Language Ability. (2006) (243)
- The Use of Metaphor in University Lectures and the Problems that it Causes for Overseas Students (2001) (138)
- The Effect of Cultural Background on Metaphor Interpretation (2003) (119)
- Unpacking Creativity (2021) (116)
- Difficulties in Metaphor Comprehension Faced by International Students whose First Language is not English (2011) (116)
- Metaphoric Competence: A Language Learning Strength of Students With a Holistic Cognitive Style? (2001) (115)
- The Communicative Effectiveness of Different Types of Communication Strategy. (2003) (113)
- An empirical study of the relationship between cognitive style and the use of communication strategy (2001) (101)
- Metaphor Use in Three UK University Lectures (2007) (97)
- Metonymy: Hidden Shortcuts in Language, Thought and Communication (2015) (95)
- Applying Cognitive Linguistics to Second Language Learning and Teaching (2009) (87)
- Figurative Thinking and Foreign Language Learning (2006) (86)
- Figurative Language, Genre and Register (2013) (75)
- Metaphor, Genre, and Recontextualization (2013) (67)
- An Investigation into Metaphor Use at Different Levels of Second Language Writing (2014) (67)
- Metaphoric competence and communicative language ability (2006) (55)
- Cognitive Style Variables in Participants' Explanations of Conceptual Metaphors (2000) (39)
- The Bloomsbury companion to cognitive linguistics (2014) (38)
- 10. The relationship between associative thinking, analogical reasoning, image formation and metaphoric extension strategies (2008) (36)
- The Role of Figurative Complexity in the Comprehension and Appreciation of Advertisements (2018) (33)
- Metaphors in the Mind (2019) (31)
- Of false friends and familiar foes: Comparing native and non-native understanding of figurative phrases (2017) (31)
- Doing Applied Linguistics: A guide for students (2011) (26)
- Metonymy and Text Messaging: A Framework for Understanding Creative Uses of Metonymy (2016) (24)
- On the repetition of words with the potential for metaphoric extension in conversations between native and non-native speakers of English (2011) (20)
- Metaphors in communication about pregnancy loss (2020) (19)
- Item-based and cognitive-style-based variation in students' abilities to use metaphoric extension strategies (2004) (17)
- Introduction to the interplay between cognitive linguistics and second language learning and teaching (2010) (17)
- How Basic Is “UNDERSTANDING IS SEEING” When Reasoning About Knowledge? Asymmetric Uses of Sight Metaphors in Office Hours Consultations in English as Academic Lingua Franca (2015) (17)
- 15. Metaphoric competence in the first and second language: Similarities and differences (2010) (16)
- What makes a good metaphor? A cross-cultural study of computer-generated metaphor appreciation (2018) (16)
- Developing Metaphor Interpretation Strategies for Students of Economics: A Case Study (2002) (15)
- 'Tiny numbers' are actually tiny: Evidence from gestures in the TV News Archive (2020) (14)
- Interpreting metaphors in the EFL classroom (2004) (14)
- Figurative Thought and the Teaching of Languages for Specific Purposes (2005) (12)
- What kind of training is required to help language students use metaphor-based strategies to work out the meaning of new vocabulary? (2004) (12)
- Resolving Figurative Expressions During Reading: The Role of Familiarity, Transparency, and Context (2020) (11)
- How to make yourself understood by international students: The role of metaphor in academic tutorials (2012) (11)
- What Can Metaphor Tell Us About Experiences of Pregnancy Loss and How Are These Experiences Reflected in Midwife Practice? (2019) (10)
- Eyelashes, Speedometers or Breasts? An Experimental Cross-cultural Approach to Multimodal Metaphor and Metonymy in Advertising (2017) (10)
- Investigating figurative proficiency at different levels of second language writing (2012) (9)
- Power, Gender, and Individual Differences in Spatial Metaphor: The Role of Perceptual Stereotypes and Language Statistics (2020) (8)
- The relationship between conceptual metaphors and classroom management language: reactions by native and non-native speakers of English (2009) (8)
- Applied cognitive linguistics in second language learning and teaching (2010) (8)
- ICT and Language Learning: Integrating Pedagogy and Practice (2004) (6)
- Special issue : cross-cultural differences in conceptual metaphor : applied linguistics perspectives (2003) (6)
- Individual differences in second language learning : towards an identification of the strategy preferences and language learning strengths of L2 students with holistic and/or imager cognitive styles. (1998) (5)
- Metaphor Analysis: Research Practice in Applied Linguistics, Social Sciences and the Humanities (2012) (5)
- On the role of embodied cognition in the understanding and use of metonymy (2017) (5)
- The use of metaphor and metonymy in academic and professional discourse and their challenges for learners and teachers of English (2010) (5)
- The interpretation of metonymy by Japanese learners of English (2016) (4)
- The use of verbal and gestural metaphor in explanations of management theory (2012) (4)
- What do learners need to know about the figurative extensions of target language words?: a contrastive, corpus-based analysis of "Thread", "Hilar", "Wing" and "Aletear" (2007) (4)
- Information packaging in speech shapes information packaging in gesture: The role of speech planning units in the coordination of speech-gesture production (2019) (4)
- Effective Communication Following Pregnancy Loss: A Study in England (2020) (3)
- Sunken ships and screaming banshees: metaphor and evaluation in film reviews (2021) (3)
- The production of time-related metaphors by people who have experienced pregnancy loss (2020) (3)
- Communicating academic content to international students: Interplay and variations in the use of verbal and gestural metaphor (2013) (3)
- Promoting figurative creativity in EFL/ESL classrooms (2010) (3)
- Multimodal language processing: How preceding discourse constrains gesture interpretation and affects gesture integration when gestures do not synchronise with semantic affiliates (2021) (3)
- Preliminary project findings for meeting with representatives of the Department of Health and Social Care (2018) (3)
- What is ‘Figurative Thinking’? (2006) (2)
- Metaphor use in educational contexts: functions and variations (2016) (2)
- Death Before Birth: Liminal Bodies and Legal Frameworks (2020) (2)
- The role of metaphor and metonymy in EFL proficiency (2012) (2)
- Unpacking Creativity: The Power of Figurative Communication in Advertising (2021) (2)
- The Functions of Different Types of Figurative Language in Spoken Academic Discourse: a Case Study (2005) (2)
- Comprehension of different types of novel metaphors in monolinguals and multilinguals – ERRATUM (2022) (2)
- All hands on deck. Negotiation over gesture forms in collaborative discourse (2018) (2)
- Death before birth: Understanding, informing and supporting choices made by people who have experienced miscarriage, termination and still birth: Preliminary project findings for meeting with representatives of the Department of Health and Social Care (2018) (1)
- Figurative extensions of word meaning: How do corpus data and intuition match up? (2012) (1)
- The relationship between associative thinking, analogical reasoning, image formation and metaphoric competence (2008) (1)
- The Many Faces of Creativity (2023) (1)
- Metaphor in specialist discourse (2015) (1)
- Metaphor use in educational contexts (2016) (1)
- Supporting funerals following miscarriage or stillbirth (2019) (1)
- Metaphor in specialist discourse: Insights and variations for metaphor studies and beyond (2015) (1)
- ‘Eyebrow heads’ and ‘yummy mummies’: Metaphor and Second Language Learning (2009) (1)
- The effect of cognitive style on vocabulary learning strategy preferences (2005) (1)
- University of Birmingham The interpretation of metonymy by Japanese learners of English (2016) (0)
- On the fringes of metaphor: Using ambiguously figurative vague language to pragmatically negotiate sensitive topics in the English as a Medium of Instruction classroom (2023) (0)
- Information Packaging in Speech Shapes Information Packaging in Gesture (raw data and R scripts) (2018) (0)
- Pregnancy loss: how to find the right words to talk about it (2018) (0)
- More on Categories: Words, Morphemes, ‘Grammar Rules’, Phonological Features and Intonation Patterns as Radial Categories (2009) (0)
- Directions in English profile research (2015) (0)
- Figurative Thinking and Illocutionary Competence (2006) (0)
- What Have Bees, Macaque Monkeys and Humans Got in Common? Embodied Cognition, Gesture and Second Language Learning (2009) (0)
- Conceptual metaphor and cognitive style differences (1999) (0)
- A metaphor analysis of older adults' lived experience of household isolation during COVID-19 (2023) (0)
- What makes an advert go viral? The role of figurative operations and creativity in the success of Internet videos (2018) (0)
- What can Cognitive Linguistics contribute to other cognitive sciences, and what can it gain from other disciplines? (2020) (0)
- Metaphors that shape parents’ perceptions of effective communication with healthcare practitioners following child death: a qualitative UK study (2021) (0)
- Promoting figurative creativity in EFL / ESL classrooms 1 (2017) (0)
- On the creative use of metonymy (2022) (0)
- ‘Brian sent Antarctica a walrus’: Construction Grammars and Second Language Learning (2009) (0)
- Got a Spark with Brook? Engaging Consumers in a Sexual Health Campaign through the Use of Creative (Metaphorical) Double Entendres (2021) (0)
- Why is Figurative Thinking Important for Foreign Language Learners (2006) (0)
- A reaction time study testing interactions between gender and the psychological reality of the vertical image schema for hierarchy (2016) (0)
- Figurative Thinking and Sociolinguistic Competence (2006) (0)
- Figurative Thinking and Lexico-Grammatical Competence (2006) (0)
- What role does the creative use of figurative operations play in the success of Internet videos (2018) (0)
- Child abuse linked to faith or belief: working towards recognition in practice. (2022) (0)
- ‘I Did Not Know Where I Started and Where I Ended.’ (2019) (0)
- Metonymy: ‘“BBC”, her mother would have said’ (2015) (0)
- Using Clipart and Concordancing to Teach Idiomatic Expressions Imagers and verbalisers (2004) (0)
- Is Comfort Purple or Green? Word-colour Associations in the First and Second Language (2019) (0)
- I found Robbie Williams in the lounge (2015) (0)
- Spatial-numerical associations for different kinds of quantities (pre-registration) (2019) (0)
- Correction (2022) (0)
- Chapter 6. What makes an advert go viral? (2020) (0)
- Figurative Thinking and Textual Competence (2006) (0)
- ‘Those Cookies Tasted of Regret and Rotting Flesh.’ (2019) (0)
- Metonymy: ‘He coughed and spluttered a lot and sneezed his lunch all over the place’ (2015) (0)
- Review of...Metaphor in Educational Discourse, by Lynne Cameron (2004) (0)
- Arranging a Funeral Following a Pregnancy Loss (2019) (0)
- ‘Loud suits’ and ‘sharp cheese’: Motivated Language and Second Language Learning (2009) (0)
- Psychological Processes Underlying Figurative Thinking (2006) (0)
- Cognitive style variables in subjects' explanations of conceptual metaphors (2000) (0)
- More about Spinsters and their Cats: Encyclopaedic Knowledge and Second Language Learning (2009) (0)
- University of Birmingham Sunken ships and screaming banshees (2021) (0)
- Promoting Figurative Language Competence in the Foreign Language Classroom (2006) (0)
- Developing Learner Autonomy in Figurative Thinking (2006) (0)
- Book Review (2004) (0)
- Literature, Metaphor and the Foreign Language Learner. Jonathan Picken (2008) (0)
- Corpus-Based Approaches to Figurative Language: Colloquium Companion of a Corpus Linguistics 2009 Colloquium, Cognitive Science Research Paper CSRP-09-01 (2009) (0)
- ‘Would You Prefer a Pencil or an Antiseptic Wipe?’ (2019) (0)
- Vertical power associations and gender stereotypes (2019) (0)
- LCO volume 12 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (2020) (0)
- Large-scale patterns of number use in spoken and written English (2023) (0)
- Metonymy: ‘He’s only bowin’ to his passport’ (2015) (0)
- University of Birmingham Is comfort purple or green? Word-colour associations in the first and second language (2019) (0)
- ‘Lights in the darkness’, part 2: characterising effective communication with professional groups following the death of a child (2022) (0)
- Metaphorical conceptualizations of cancer treatment in English and Chinese languages (2022) (0)
- ‘Lights in the darkness’, part 1: characterising effective communication with healthcare practitioners following the death of a child (2022) (0)
- ‘This One Sounds Like A Bell and This One Sounds Like When You’re Dead.’ (2019) (0)
- Metonymy: ‘What those boys need is a good handbagging’ (2015) (0)
- Cognitive Approaches to Communication Strategies (2012) (0)
- He started as nobody from Austria (2015) (0)
- The verticality of vagueness: Variation in spatial-numerical cognition (2018) (0)
- These huts did absolutely unbelievable work (2015) (0)
- University of Birmingham Multimodal language processing: How proceeding discourse constrains gesture interpretation and affects gesture integration when gestures do not synchronise with semantic affiliates (2020) (0)
- Metonymy: ‘But what can we expect, after all, of a man who wears silk underpants?’ (2015) (0)
- Book review (2006) (0)
- ‘I see less of the surroundings. The story feels different’: Construal and Second Language Learning (2009) (0)
- ‘You’ll find Jane Austen in the basement’ … or will you? Metonymy and Second Language Learning (2009) (0)
- ‘I’m Running on This Soapy Conveyor Belt with People Throwing Wet Sponges at Me.’ (2019) (0)
- Metonymy: ‘The Government of Britain is sort of there’ (2015) (0)
- ‘I Am Trying to Climb Everest in Flip-Flops.’ (2019) (0)
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