
Jenny Teichman

Most Influential Person Now

Australian-British philosopher

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philosophy Degrees
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Why Is Jenny Teichman Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jenny Teichman was an Australian-British philosopher, writing mostly on ethics. She was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1930 and grew up in Belgrave. Her uncle was Justus Jorgensen, founder of the artists' colony of Montsalvat. She married the lecturer and political commentator Max Teichmann. She was a research fellow at Somerville College, Oxford, from 1957 until 1960. She taught mostly at Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, formerly known as New Hall, where she became an Emeritus Fellow. She also taught for shorter periods in Australia, Canada and the USA.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jenny Teichman?

Jenny Teichman is affiliated with the following schools: