
Jerry McDaniel

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American artist

Jerry McDaniel's Academic­ Rankings

Jerry McDaniel
Computer Science
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computer-science Degrees
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  • Computer Science

Why Is Jerry McDaniel Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jerry W. McDaniel is an American heterogeneous artist; graphics artist, illustrator, communication designer, educator and modernist painter. He distinguished himself by doing advertising work for numerous large corporations , creating posters, doing book and magazine illustrations, and influencing numerous students of advertising and communication design. In parallel with his commercial career he was a prolific multimedia artist, painting in acrylic and in watercolor, in various fields such as landscape, portraits, sports, and political graphics. He also designed sports stamps. He was one of the first illustrators to embrace computer graphics.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jerry McDaniel?

Jerry McDaniel is affiliated with the following schools: