
Jim Bambra

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Role-playing game designer

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Why Is Jim Bambra Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jim Bambra is a British designer and reviewer of fantasy roleplaying games , and a former company director. He is particularly known for his contributions to Dungeons & Dragons, Fighting Fantasy, Warhammer, and Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game which was based on the Star Wars films. Later he became head of design at MicroProse, then managing director of Pivotal Games, a publisher of video games including Conflict: Desert Storm.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jim Bambra?

Jim Bambra is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Jim Bambra's Academic Contributions?

Jim Bambra is most known for their academic work in the field of communications. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Jim Bambra has made the following academic contributions: