
Johann Peter Kirsch

Most Influential Person Across History

Luxembourgish archaeologist and anthropologist

Johann Peter Kirsch's Academic­ Rankings

Johann Peter Kirsch
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Johann Peter Kirsch Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Johann Peter Kirsch was a Luxembourgish ecclesiastical historian and biblical archaeologist. Life Johann Peter Kirsch was born in Dippach, Luxembourg, the son of Andreas and Katherine Didier Kirsch. At the age of ten, he went to live with his maternal uncle, Johann Jakob Didier, a priest at Fels. He began his high school education at the Atheneum, and then went to the seminary. He was ordained a priest on 23 August 1884. That autumn he was sent to Rome to attend the Collegio Teutonico. From 1884 to 1890 he studied archeology, paleography and diplomacy at the Collegio Apollinare and at other papal universities in Rome. Kirsch was a student of renowned archaeologist Giovanni Battista de Rossi. In 1887 he was a co-founder of the "Roman Quarterly".

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Johann Peter Kirsch?

Johann Peter Kirsch is affiliated with the following schools: