
Johanna van Lohuizen-de Leeuw

Most Influential Person Across History

Dutch archaeologist

Johanna van Lohuizen-de Leeuw's Academic­ Rankings

Johanna van Lohuizen-de Leeuw
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Johanna van Lohuizen-de Leeuw's Degrees

Why Is Johanna van Lohuizen-de Leeuw Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Johanna Engelberta van Lohuizen-de Leeuw was a Dutch archaeologist and art historian, specializing in South and South-east Asia. Fluent in Sanskrit, she contributed important research to the study of antiquities in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka, as well as in Thailand and Indonesia. Along with Raymond and Bridget Allchin, Jan van Lohuizen, and Harold Bailey, she founded the Ancient and Indian Iran Trust in Cambridge in 1978 to support historical and archaeological research in those regions, which later became a center of academic research in the field. She made notable contributions to the history of Kusana art. She was active in conservation efforts to preserve the archaeological sites of Indus Valley settlements at Mohenjo Daro, working with UNESCO for this purpose. She was also a photographer, and personally built an extensive collection of photographs of rare Asian artifacts, which is now housed in the University of Leiden.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Johanna van Lohuizen-de Leeuw?

Johanna van Lohuizen-de Leeuw is affiliated with the following schools: