
Johannes Müller

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German archaeologist and prehistorian

Johannes Müller 's Academic­ Rankings

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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Johannes Müller Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Johannes Müller is a German prehistoric archaeologist. Currently, he is Professor at Kiel University . He has achieved a high international reputation in the field, as he has repeatedly initiated or played a major role in developing great research projects, such as the Priority Programme SPP 1400, the Excellence Initiative "Graduate School: Human Development in Landscapes", the Collaborative Research Centre CRC 1266 and the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS. Judging by the interdisciplinary character of these projects, the number of universities and research institutes from different countries involved and, above all, the budget provided by the German Research Foundation, these projects can be described as extraordinary in this research field.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Johannes Müller ?

Johannes Müller is affiliated with the following schools: