
John Lawrence Angel

Most Influential Person Across History

British-American biological anthropologist

John Lawrence Angel's Academic­ Rankings

John Lawrence Angel
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Physical Anthropology
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Why Is John Lawrence Angel Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, John Lawrence Angel was a British-American biological anthropologist born on 21 March 1915 in London. His writings have had the biggest impact on paleodemography. Education His mother, Elizabeth, was an American classicist, and his father, John, was a British sculptor. The family emigrated to the United States in 1928. Angel completed his undergraduate degree at Harvard College in 1936 where he studied under Clyde Kluckhohn, Carleton S. Coon and Earnest A. Hooton. Hooton had a particular influence on Angel and arranged for him to conduct field work in Greece early in his career as a graduate student. While in Greece he collected data on archaeological human remains from various sites. These data became the basis of his dissertation and he received his Ph.D. degree from Harvard in 1942.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With John Lawrence Angel?

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