John Maynard Smith
British theoretical evolutionary biologist and geneticist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, John Maynard Smith was a British theoretical and mathematical evolutionary biologist and geneticist. Originally an aeronautical engineer during the Second World War, he took a second degree in genetics under the well-known biologist J. B. S. Haldane. Maynard Smith was instrumental in the application of game theory to evolution with George R. Price, and theorised on other problems such as the evolution of sex and signalling theory.
John Maynard Smith's Published Works
Published Works
- Evolution and the Theory of Games (1982) (8749)
- The Logic of Animal Conflict (1973) (5601)
- The Major Transitions in Evolution (1995) (4145)
- The theory of games and the evolution of animal conflicts. (1974) (2225)
- The hitch-hiking effect of a favourable gene. (1974) (2152)
- Evolution of sex (1975) (1993)
- How clonal are bacteria? (1993) (1812)
- The logic of asymmetric contests (1976) (1761)
- Analyzing the mosaic structure of genes (1992) (1444)
- Chemical Engineering Kinetics (1980) (1285)
- Developmental Constraints and Evolution: A Perspective from the Mountain Lake Conference on Development and Evolution (1985) (1223)
- Group Selection and Kin Selection (1964) (1179)
- Optimization Theory in Evolution (1978) (1039)
- The hitch-hiking effect of a favourable gene. (1974) (1032)
- Parental investment: A prospective analysis (1977) (1004)
- Optimality theory in evolutionary biology (1990) (851)
- The major evolutionary transitions (1995) (849)
- Models in ecology (1974) (803)
- Evolution of genetic redundancy (1997) (642)
- How Clonal Is Staphylococcus aureus? (2003) (634)
- Free recombination within Helicobacter pylori. (1998) (624)
- The Concept of Information in Biology (2000) (560)
- Natural Selection and the Concept of a Protein Space (1970) (537)
- Game theory and the evolution of behaviour (1979) (473)
- Natural Selection and the Concept of a Protein Space (1970) (448)
- Why be an hermaphrodite? (1976) (423)
- Horizontal transfer of penicillin-binding protein genes in penicillin-resistant clinical isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae. (1989) (417)
- The Stability of Predator‐Prey Systems (1973) (410)
- What use is sex? (1971) (405)
- Mathematical Ideas in Biology (1968) (404)
- Localized sex in bacteria (1991) (401)
- Comparisons of dN/dS are time dependent for closely related bacterial genomes. (2006) (390)
- Group Selection (1976) (342)
- The Theory of Evolution (1958) (339)
- The Coevolution and Stability of Competing Species (1976) (317)
- Fluid-Particle and Intraparticle Mass Transport Rates in Slurries (1973) (306)
- Honest signalling: the Philip Sidney game (1991) (301)
- The evolution of aggression: can selection generate variability? (1988) (297)
- From replicators to reproducers: the first major transitions leading to life. (1997) (285)
- Flow Distribution in Packed Beds (1953) (275)
- Estimating recombinational parameters in Streptococcus pneumoniae from multilocus sequence typing data. (2000) (271)
- Theories of sexual selection. (1991) (267)
- Detecting recombination from gene trees. (1998) (257)
- Population structure and evolutionary dynamics of pathogenic bacteria (2000) (239)
- The Evolution of Alarm Calls (1965) (226)
- Hypercycles and the origin of life (1979) (213)
- Ecotypes of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. (2006) (207)
- The Origins of Life: From the Birth of Life to the Origin of Language (1999) (205)
- How clonal are human mitochondria? (1999) (194)
- When learning guides evolution (1987) (191)
- Polymorphism in a varied environment: how robust are the models? (1980) (190)
- Role of interspecies transfer of chromosomal genes in the evolution of penicillin resistance in pathogenic and commensal Neisseria species (1992) (179)
- The Effects of Temperature and of Egg-Laying on the Longevity of Drosophila subobscura (1958) (174)
- Stepwise reduction of dinitrogen bond order by a low-coordinate iron complex. (2001) (166)
- The genetic basis of selection. (1959) (165)
- Must reliable signals always be costly? (1994) (163)
- The population structure of Mycobacterium bovis in Great Britain: Clonal expansion (2003) (159)
- (Aryloxy)aryl semicarbazones and related compounds: a novel class of anticonvulsant agents possessing high activity in the maximal electroshock screen. (1996) (158)
- Models of evolution (1983) (156)
- A new theory of sexual investment (1980) (147)
- Polygyny and Inheritance of Wealth [and Comments and Replies] (1982) (146)
- Sexual selection, handicaps and true fitness. (1985) (146)
- What Determines the Rate of Evolution? (1976) (145)
- Evolution: Contemplating life without sex (1986) (142)
- The evolution of behavior. (1978) (142)
- Genetic Polymorphism in a Varied Environment (1970) (135)
- Too good to be true (1999) (135)
- The war of attrition with random rewards. (1978) (134)
- The Problems Of Biology (1986) (131)
- Short-term selection for recombination among mutually antagonistic species (1987) (127)
- The Genetics of a Pattern. (1960) (126)
- Sensitivity to Flg22 Is Modulated by Ligand-Induced Degradation and de Novo Synthesis of the Endogenous Flagellin-Receptor FLAGELLIN-SENSING2[W][OPEN] (2013) (124)
- Wife Sharing in the Tasmanian Native Hen, Tribonyx mortierii: A Case of Kin Selection? (1972) (121)
- Competition and body size. (1986) (121)
- Antagonist for pteroylglutamic acid. (1947) (117)
- A Link Between Virulence and Ecological Abundance in Natural Populations of Staphylococcus aureus (2001) (116)
- Four Little Books about Evolution@@@Neanderthal, Bandits and Farmers: How Agriculture Really Began@@@Shaping Life: Genes, Embryos and Evolution@@@Divided Labours: An Evolutionary View of Women at Work@@@The Truth about Cinderella: A Darwinian View of Parental Love (1999) (116)
- Intraparticle mass transport in slurries by dynamic adsorption studies (1974) (113)
- Sequence evolution of the porB gene of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitidis: evidence of positive Darwinian selection. (1995) (113)
- The genetics of stasis and punctuation. (1983) (113)
- Painting a picture of development (1999) (112)
- The origin of chromosomes. I. Selection for linkage. (1993) (110)
- The causes of extinction. (1989) (109)
- Sexual selection and the handicap principle. (1976) (106)
- Evolution of Social Behaviour Patterns in Primates and Man (1996) (105)
- Review Lectures on Senescence - I. The causes of ageing (1962) (104)
- “Haldane's Dilemma” and the Rate of Evolution (1968) (103)
- Evolutionary Genetics 2nd ed (1999) (102)
- A short-term advantage for sex and recombination through sib-competition. (1976) (101)
- Diffusion and Reaction in Porous Catalysts (1964) (101)
- Will a Sexual Population Evolve to an Ess? (1981) (100)
- A conflicting-tendency model of spider agonistic behaviour: Hybrid-pure population line comparisons (1984) (98)
- Disruptive Selection, Polymorphism and Sympatric Speciation (1962) (98)
- Games between relatives. (1979) (97)
- Do animals convey information about their intentions (1982) (96)
- Models of Cultural and Genetic Change (1982) (92)
- Organizational Constraints on the Dynamics of Evolution (1990) (91)
- Evolution in Sexual and Asexual Populations (1968) (91)
- Does Muller's ratchet work with selfing? (1978) (87)
- Models of Coevolution (1979) (86)
- The population genetics of bacteria (1991) (86)
- Fifty years of evolution: essays in honour of John Maynard Smith. (1987) (85)
- The tetracycline resistance gene tet(M) exhibits mosaic structure. (1996) (84)
- The detection and measurement of recombination from sequence data. (1999) (84)
- Models of Cultural and Genetic Change@@@Cultural Transmission and Evolution.@@@Genes, Mind and Culture: The Coevolutionary Process. (1982) (82)
- The origin of altruism (1998) (80)
- Fertility, mating behaviour and sexual selection inDrosophila Subobscuba (2005) (78)
- Can there be more predators than prey? (1972) (76)
- On Being The Right Size And Other Essays (1985) (75)
- The evolution of mating preferences and sexually selected traits (1987) (75)
- Characterization of recombinant soluble human transforming growth factor-β receptor Type II (rhTGF-βsRII) (1995) (74)
- Diffusional Effects in Gas-Solid Reactions (1965) (73)
- A Comment on the Red Queen (1976) (72)
- Protein turnover in adult Drosophila. (1970) (70)
- Velocities and Effective Thermal Conductivities in Packed Beds (1951) (70)
- Prolongation of the Life of Drosophila subobscura by a Brief Exposure of Adults to a High Temperature (1958) (68)
- The Sex Habit in Plants and Animals (1977) (67)
- Continuous, quantized and modal variation (1960) (66)
- Models of a dual inheritance system. (1990) (66)
- Tuning metal coordination number by ancillary ligand steric effects: synthesis of a three-coordinate iron(II) complex. (2001) (65)
- Fertility, mating behaviour and sexual selection inDrosophila Subobscura (1956) (64)
- Selection for recombination in a polygenic model--the mechanism. (1988) (64)
- Mass Transfer in Packed Beds with Two-Phase Flow (1975) (64)
- Temperature Tolerance and Acclimatization in Drosophila Subobscura (1957) (64)
- Did Darwin Get It Right?: Essays on Games, Sex and Evolution (1988) (62)
- Can a mixed strategy be stable in a finite population (1988) (62)
- Selection for recombination in a polygenic model (1980) (62)
- Generating novelty by symbiosis (1989) (61)
- Asymmetrical response to selection for rate of development in Drosophila subobscura (1961) (60)
- Two Phases of Ageing in Drosophila Subobscura (1961) (60)
- The evolutionary biology of molecular parasites (1990) (60)
- Age and the unisexual lineage (1992) (60)
- Mass Transfer and Contacting Efficiency in a Trickle-Bed Reactor (1978) (59)
- Models of a dual inheritance system. (1990) (59)
- Population size and protein variation in man. (1972) (59)
- Mitochondrial Steve: paternal inheritance of mitochondria in humans (2003) (58)
- Macropore Diffusion in Molecular Sieve Pellets by Chromatography (1973) (57)
- Synonymous nucleotide divergence: what is "saturation"? (1996) (57)
- Kinetics of Adsorption (1968) (56)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Mixed strategies – II. Examples (1982) (56)
- Genetic analyses of two behavioural traits linked to individual fitness in the desert spider Agelenopsis aperta (1989) (55)
- Sympatric Speciation (1966) (55)
- The effects of hitchhiking on a gene for recombination. (1976) (54)
- Byte-sized evolution (1992) (54)
- Temperature and the Rate of Ageing in Poikilotherms (1963) (53)
- A Polynuclear Tetracarbonyl Hydride of Rhenium. Preparation and Properties (1964) (52)
- Effective Thermal Conductivities in Gas-Solid Systems (1949) (51)
- Electrochemical titrations of a ferredoxin-ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase complex. (1981) (50)
- The Hedgehog as a Source of Human Ringworm (1960) (50)
- The Idea of Information in Biology (1999) (50)
- Population Size, Polymorphism, and the Rate of Non-Darwinian Evolution (1970) (50)
- Radial Heat Transfer in Packed Beds (1957) (48)
- The Units of Selection (1998) (48)
- Palaeontology at the High Table (1988) (48)
- A Theory of Ageing (1959) (47)
- Evolutionary game theory (1986) (47)
- On the evolutionary stability of the female-biased sex ratio in the wood lemming (Myopus schisticolor): the effect of inbreeding (1978) (45)
- Evolution: Palaeontology at the high table (1984) (45)
- Diffusion in Bidisperse Porous Catalyst Pellets (1974) (45)
- Recombination in animal mitochondrial DNA. (2002) (44)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Preface (1982) (44)
- Time in the evolutionary process. (1970) (42)
- Why the genome does not congeal (1977) (41)
- A comparison of the nucleotide sequences of theadk andrecA genes of pathogenic and commensalNeisseria species: Evidence for extensive interspecies recombination withinadk (1996) (40)
- Constraints on human behaviour (1978) (40)
- Increase in the Rate of Protein Synthesis with Age in Drosophila subobscura (1966) (39)
- Analogs of pteroylglutamic acid; N(10)-alkylpteroic acid and derivatives. (1948) (39)
- Catalytic Oxidation of Formic Acid in Water. Intraparticle Diffusion in Liquid-Filled Pores (1974) (39)
- Models of the evolution of altruism (1980) (37)
- The games lizards play (1996) (36)
- Towards a New Theory of the Origin of the Family [and Comments and Reply] (1981) (34)
- The "battle of the sexes": a genetic model with limit cycle behavior. (1987) (33)
- Site-specific codon bias in bacteria. (1996) (33)
- Games, sex, and evolution (1988) (33)
- Thermal Conductivity of Alumina Catalyst Pellets (1962) (31)
- Estimating the minimum rate of genetic transformation in bacteria (1994) (30)
- The arrangement of bristles in Drosophila. (1961) (30)
- The handicap principle--a comment. (1978) (30)
- Pressure Drop in Air-Solid Flow Systems (1957) (30)
- Evolution of Man (1962) (30)
- Did Darwin get it Right (1993) (30)
- The Evolution of Prokaryotes: Does Sex Matter? (1990) (29)
- Independence of Temperature of the Rate of Ageing in Drosophila subobscura (1961) (29)
- The expression of hybrid vigour in Drosophila subobscura (1955) (28)
- Recombination and the rate of evolution. (1974) (28)
- Trees, bundles or nets? (1989) (28)
- Commentary on Kerr and Godfrey-Smith (2002) (28)
- A Natural Reservoir of Penicillin-resistant Strains of Staphylococcus aureus (1964) (28)
- Temperature acclimatization in the absence of protein synthesis in Drosophila subobscura. (1968) (27)
- Noah's Ark (1973) (27)
- Anharmonic corrections for fundamental vibrations of the metal hexacarbonyls (1966) (26)
- Absence of a life-shortening effect of amino-acid analogues on adult Drosophila. (1969) (25)
- Biology and the behaviour of man (1985) (25)
- Vibrational Spectra, Force Constants, and Bonding in Mixed Cyanide-Halide Complexes of Platinum (1964) (25)
- Sensitivity to Flg 22 Is Modulated by Ligand-Induced Degradation and de Novo Synthesis of the Endogenous Flagellin-Receptor FLAGELLIN-SENSING 2 [ W ] [ OPEN ] (2013) (25)
- Current Controversies in Evolutionary Biology (1988) (24)
- Natural selection: when learning guides evolution (1996) (24)
- Reply to Macaulay et al. (1999): mitochondrial DNA recombination-reasons to panic (1999) (24)
- The evolution of chromosomes. II. Molecular mechanisms. (1993) (23)
- Did Darwin Get It Right? (1988) (23)
- Comparison of the electron-transfer reactivities of tris(oxalato)cobaltate(III) (Co(ox)33-) and tris(1,10-phenanthroline)cobalt(III) (Co(phen)33+) with metalloproteins (1980) (23)
- The effects of normalizing and disruptive selection on genes for recombination. (1979) (22)
- The Y of human relationships (1990) (22)
- Fertility, mating behaviour and sexual selection in Drosophila subobscura. J. Genet. 1956, 54, 261-279. (2005) (22)
- Communication. Transient Mass Transfer in a Fixed Bed (1964) (21)
- Recent Developments in Numerical Integration (1974) (21)
- Evolution now : a century after Darwin (1982) (21)
- Solubility of hydrogen in .alpha.-methylstyrene (1978) (20)
- Infrared and Raman Studies of Mixed Cyanide-Halide Complexes of Trivalent Gold (1965) (20)
- Radiation and ageing in insects (1964) (19)
- The genetics and cytology ofDrosophila Subobscura (2008) (19)
- Mass Transfer Rates in Slurries by Chromatography (1973) (18)
- Effects of Heat Release and Nonlinear Equilibrium on Transient Adsorption (1969) (16)
- Genetics and cytology ofdrosophila subobscura (2008) (15)
- The Evolution of adaptation by natural selection : a Royal Society discussion meeting (1979) (15)
- The evolution of recombination (1985) (15)
- Diffusion in Packed Beds at Low Flow Rates (1962) (15)
- Darwinism stays unpunctured (1987) (15)
- Polarity and the regulation of the ilv gene cluster in Escherichia coli strain K-12 (1976) (15)
- Phase Behavior from Enthalpy Measurements. (1960) (15)
- Adsorption Isotherms for Benzene-Hexane Mixtures (1968) (15)
- Analogs of pteroylglutamic acid; 9-methylpteroyl-glutamic acid and derivatives. (1949) (14)
- Vibrational Spectrum and Force Constants of Au(CN)4 (1964) (14)
- The 1999 Crafoord Prize Lectures. The idea of information in biology. (1999) (14)
- The neuromuscular blocking properties of a series of bis-quaternary tropeines. (1960) (14)
- Estimating selection by comparing synonymous and substitutional changes (1994) (13)
- On the likelihood of habitable worlds (1996) (13)
- Sex-limited inheritance of longevity inDrosophila subobscura (1959) (13)
- Diffusion and Reaction in Solids (1966) (13)
- Mass Spectra of Polynuclear Metal Carbonyl Hydrides (1967) (13)
- The hitch-hiking effect-a reply. (1976) (13)
- The role of sex in bacterial evolution. (1993) (13)
- Circular dichroism studies of ferredoxin:protein complexes. (1980) (13)
- Punctuation in perspective (1988) (12)
- Neuromuscular Blocking Agents of Short Duration (1959) (12)
- Homolytic organometallic reactions. Part VIII. Kinetics of the homolytic reaction between N-halogenosuccinimides and tetra-alkyltins (1972) (12)
- Sex in the Making of Man (1973) (11)
- Heat Transfer in Porous Rocks Through Which Single-Phase Fluids Are Flowing (1962) (11)
- Thermodynamic properties of polar gases in the dilute phase (1962) (11)
- Communication. Effectiveness Factors with Surface Diffusion (1965) (11)
- The effects of inbreeding on rate of development and on fertility inDrosophila Subobscura (1955) (11)
- Thermodynamic Properties of Polar Substances. (1960) (11)
- Genetics and cytology ofdrosophila subobscura (1954) (11)
- Acclimatization to high temperatures in inbred and outbred Drosophila subobscura. J. Genet. 1956, 54, 497-505. (2005) (11)
- Learning — an evolutionary approach (1983) (10)
- Chromatographic Studies of Adsorption of Nitric Oxide on Activated Carbon (1974) (10)
- Adsorption of Benzene in Carbon Slurries (1971) (10)
- Enzymic determination of plasma cholesterol on discrete automatic analysers. (1977) (10)
- THE ECONOMICS OF SEX (1983) (10)
- The Preparation of 3-Hydroxy-4-pteridinone (1955) (10)
- The Systems: Glycol–n–Amyl Alcohol–Water and Glycol–n–Hexyl Alcohol–Water (1948) (10)
- Volumetric Behavior of the Methanol-n-Butane System (1955) (9)
- Genetic polymorphism in the bladder campion, Silene maritima (1975) (9)
- Thirty-years of applied catalytic kinetics (1982) (9)
- On the determination of the half-life of 237Pu (1977) (9)
- Prof. J. B. S. Haldane, F.R.S. (1965) (9)
- The Birth of Sociobiology (1988) (9)
- Evolution: Contemplating life without sex (1986) (9)
- Book of Genesis (1978) (9)
- Effect of Adsorption Characteristics on Pulse Retention Times (1975) (9)
- The evolution of reproductive strategies: a commentary (1991) (8)
- Diffusivities of benzaldehyde in methanol-water mixtures (1974) (8)
- Adsorption of Methylmercuric Chloride on Activated Carbon. Rate and Equilibrium Data (1977) (8)
- Genes and race (1981) (8)
- Surface Diffusion of Carbon Dioxide on Alumina (1964) (8)
- Molecules are not Enough (1988) (8)
- Mutations affecting the formation of acetohydroxy acid synthase II in Escherichia coli K-12 (1979) (8)
- Evolutionary biology. Byte-sized evolution. (1992) (8)
- Life History, Symmetry and Evolution (1993) (8)
- Maternal effects on the rate of egg development in Drosophila subobscura (1960) (8)
- Reply to Barash (1976) (8)
- Thermodynamic properties of polar‐nonpolar mixtures: Methanol‐benzene‐hexane system (1956) (7)
- Flight of the bumblebee (1990) (7)
- Gas adsorption on carbon-containing fabrics (1985) (7)
- Acclimatization to high temperatures in inbred and outbredDrosophila Subobscuba (2007) (7)
- Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Ethylene Oxide (1950) (7)
- New Uses for New Phylogenies: Editors' Introduction (1995) (7)
- Free recombination within Helicobacter pylori (nucleotide sequencingyhorizontal genetic exchangeyevolutionylinkage equilibrium) (1998) (7)
- Evolution: generating novelty by symbiosis. (1989) (7)
- Diffusion and Reaction Rates in the Ortho-Hydrogen Conversion (1964) (7)
- Clicking into decline? (1990) (7)
- Mathematical Ideas In Biology: Target theory (1968) (6)
- Game theory without rationality (1984) (6)
- Sulfur dioxide oxidation in slurries of activated carbon. Part II. Mass transfer studies (1975) (6)
- Storming the Fortress (1988) (6)
- Enthalpy Data for Polar Compounds. (1962) (6)
- Can evolutionarily stable strategies exist? Reply to Cresswell and Sayre (1991) (6)
- Acclimatization to high temperatures in inbred and outbkedDrosophila subobsoura (1956) (6)
- Polypeptides. VI. Variations of the terminal amide position in the C-terminal tetrapeptide amide sequence of the gastrins. (1968) (5)
- Do we need a new Evolutionary Paradigm (1988) (5)
- Raman Studies of Hydrido- and Deuteriorhenium Tetracarbonyl Trimer (1965) (5)
- The Limitations of Evolution Theory (1988) (5)
- Heat transfer in nozzles (1959) (5)
- Isolation and characterization of regulatory mutations affecting the expression of the guaBA operon of Escherichia coli K-12 (2004) (5)
- alpha-Aminophenacylpyridines and quinolines. (1948) (5)
- Kinetics of the Sulfur-Methane Reaction (1953) (4)
- 27. Science and Myth (1987) (4)
- Enzymatic synthesis of guanine nucleotides labeled with 15N at the 2-amino group of the purine ring. (1995) (4)
- Effectiveness Factors for Oxidation Kinetics (1978) (4)
- Heat Transfer in Rotating Annulus (1965) (4)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: The basic model (1982) (4)
- Kinetics of Catalytic Sulfurization of Methane (1951) (4)
- How to win the Nobel Prize (1988) (4)
- On the equality of origin and fixation times in genetics. (1987) (4)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: The evolution of cooperation (1982) (4)
- Force Constants for MC, CN Interaction in Hg(CN)2 (1966) (4)
- The Evolution of Animal Intelligence (1988) (4)
- Effectiveness Factors for Adsorption in Slurries (1974) (4)
- Rates of Adsorption in the Benzene-Hexane System (1968) (4)
- Batch, Recycle Reactor for Slow Photochemical Reactions (1968) (4)
- Diffusion and Heat Transfer in Porous Alundum (1963) (4)
- Complex vertebrate structures (1988) (4)
- In defence of models (1978) (3)
- Vapor-Phase Hydration of Ethylene Oxide (1948) (3)
- Heat Transfer in Porous Media with Known Pore Structure (Alundum). (1963) (3)
- Homolytic substitution at tin by the succinimidyl radical (1970) (3)
- Activity of Solid Catalysts (1953) (3)
- Evolutionof genetic redundancy (1997) (3)
- Chlorine-Sensitized Photochemical Oxidation of Soluble Organics in Municipal Waste Water (1971) (3)
- Genetics and cytology ofdrosophila subobscura (1954) (3)
- Byte-sized evolution (1992) (3)
- Information and the Nature of Reality: The concept of information in biology (2010) (3)
- Adaptation and satisficing (1983) (3)
- Natural Selection of Culture (1988) (3)
- The Economics of Sex@@@The Theory of Sex Allocation (1983) (3)
- Review Lectures on Senescence: I. The Causes of Aging (2001) (3)
- The Counting Problem (1988) (3)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Introduction (1982) (3)
- Patent threat to research (1997) (3)
- A one-sided view of evolution (1984) (3)
- Genetics, Evolution and Haldane (1992) (3)
- Are we stuck with sex? (1987) (3)
- Science, Ideology and Myth (1988) (3)
- Population genetics revisited (2000) (3)
- Symbolism and Chance (1988) (2)
- Problems solved and unsolved in radar detection theory (1977) (2)
- Velocity Profiles in a Heated Rotating Annulus (1968) (2)
- Photodecomposition of Detergent Solutions at High Conversions (1971) (2)
- A Theory of Ageing (1959) (2)
- Reply to Commentaries (2000) (2)
- Cautionary Tales for Aspiring Species or The Beast's Book of Blunders (2001) (2)
- The War of Attrition (2001) (2)
- Ethyl 6-Oxo-8-alkoxyoctanoates1 (1955) (2)
- Why should the genome congeal? (reply) (1978) (2)
- Kinetics of Reaction between Methane and Sulfur Vapor (1950) (2)
- Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram for Acetaldehyde (1950) (2)
- The Rate of Ageing in Drosophila Subobscura (2008) (2)
- Disruptive Selection, Polymorphism and Sympatric Speciation (1962) (2)
- Polypeptides. IX. Variations of the methionyl position in the C-terminal tetrapeptide amide sequence of the gastrins. (1968) (2)
- Genes and Memes (1988) (2)
- 10. Conflict and Cooperation in Human Societies (2000) (2)
- Byerly and Michod on fitness (1991) (2)
- Acclimatization to high temperatures in inbred and outbred Drosophila subobscura. J. Genet. 1956, 54, 497-505. (2005) (2)
- Recipe for bad science? (1991) (2)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: References (1982) (2)
- On the equality of origin and fixation times in genetics (1987) (2)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Asymmetric games – III. Sex and generation games (1982) (1)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Explanation of main terms (1982) (1)
- Cyclopentadienylthallium (Thallium Cyclopentadienide) (2007) (1)
- Table errata: Handbook of mathematical functions with formulas, graphs and mathematical tables [Nat. Bur. Standards, Washington, D.C., 1964; MR 29 #4914] (1983) (1)
- A Conversation with...John Maynard Smith. (1996) (1)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Asymmetric games – II. A classification, and some illustrative examples (1982) (1)
- Suggestions for further reading (1968) (1)
- d8 energy level diagram: An experiment for advanced students (1968) (1)
- Reply to Cresswell and Sayre (1991) (1)
- Evolution of genetic redundance. (1997) (1)
- Quantitive Separation and Determination of Aluminum and Zinc (1936) (1)
- Electron Run‐Away for Other than Coulomb Interactions (1965) (1)
- Mind and the linkage between genes and culture (1982) (1)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Learning the ESS (1982) (1)
- Mathematical Ideas In Biology: Some consequences of scale (1968) (1)
- What is Life? The Next Fifty Years: Language and life (1995) (1)
- A Surgeon's Duty (1965) (1)
- Eradicating Typological Thinking in Prokaryotic Systematics and Evolution (2010) (1)
- Private school choice and the returns to private schooling (1993) (1)
- Determination of Rates of Surface Transport (1966) (1)
- Discrete element approach to catalyst effectiveness (1975) (1)
- Galton and Evolutionary Theory (1993) (1)
- Regulation and control (1968) (1)
- Retraction (2002) (1)
- The Sociobiology of Sex and Sexes Today [and Comments and Reply] (1984) (1)
- Application of the Principle of Corresponding States for Polar Substances. (1961) (1)
- Thermodynamic properties of polar substances: Enthalpy of hydrocarbon-alcohol systems (1961) (1)
- Abstracts of Papers read at the hundred and thirty-second meeting of the Society held on 24th and 25th March 1960, at University College of North Staffordshire, Keele (1960) (0)
- Fuels and Injection Equipment for Traction Diesel Engines (1958) (0)
- Explanation in Biology: Explanation in Biology (1990) (0)
- HFEPR Studies on Nickel(II) Complexes with a Novel Carbene “Scorpionate” Ligand (2008) (0)
- HFEPR Studies of High-Oxidation State Iron Complexes with Highly Charged Chelating Ligands (2010) (0)
- A good book in theory : (when you kiss me) (2005) (0)
- Physical Behavior of the H₂-O₂-H₂O System Under Pressure (1951) (0)
- Molecular evolution and the age of man (1975) (0)
- Protein polymorphism. (1972) (0)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Mixed strategies – I. A classification of mechanisms (1982) (0)
- Wealth Effects of Supervisory Goodwill Litigation: A Portfolio Approach (1999) (0)
- Active Learning Strategies for Microeconomic Theory (2007) (0)
- Share-Price Reaction to Supervisory Goodwill Litigation: The Cal Fed Case (1999) (0)
- Confusing Models with Tests in Studies of Sexual Selection: Reply to Jones (2003) (0)
- Correction. Diffusional Effects in Gas-Solid Reactions (1966) (0)
- Models of Evolution: Discussion (1983) (0)
- How clonal are bacteria ? ( recombination / linkage disequilibriumn / population structure / genetic transformation / parasite evolution (2005) (0)
- Contemporary aspects of evolution (1983) (0)
- Polypeptides. 8. Variations of the aspartyl position in the C-terminal tetrapeptide amide sequence of the gastrins. (1968) (0)
- Repressor-Operator Interactiont (2004) (0)
- Science and the Media (1988) (0)
- Sewall Wright (1889–1988) (1988) (0)
- Some Problems with the Evolution of Sex@@@The Evolution of Sex. (1979) (0)
- Genetical Demography: Discussion (1963) (0)
- Development and evolution (1997) (0)
- The origin of protocells (1997) (0)
- Psychology for careers counselling, ruth holdsworth (Ed.), British Psychological Society and Macmillan Press, London. No. of pages: xii + 223. Prices: £5.95 in paperback (£3.95 B.P.S. members); £15.00 in hardback (£10.00 B.P.S. members) (1984) (0)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Postscript (1982) (0)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Life history strategies and the size game (1982) (0)
- Staying neutral on evolution (1983) (0)
- Triple differential cross-sections for the ionization of helium by electron impact (1977) (0)
- Books received (1996) (0)
- Matchsticks, Brains and Curtain Rings (1988) (0)
- Mathematical Ideas In Biology: Introduction (1968) (0)
- Thermal Effectiveness Factors (1966) (0)
- The effects of insemination on the behaviour of female Drosophila subobscura, and some effects of inbreeding on male behaviour (1956) (0)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Asymmetric games – I. Ownership (1982) (0)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Honesty, bargaining and commitment (1982) (0)
- Ownership and honesty in competitive interaction (1986) (0)
- Population genetics (1983) (0)
- Conference on Evolution and the Human Sciences (1992) (0)
- Diffusion and similar processes (1968) (0)
- Conservative Individualism: A Selection of English Hitchcock (1972) (0)
- Mathematical Ideas In Biology: To the memory of J. B. S. Haldane (1968) (0)
- Advice to Authors (1999) (0)
- Mathematical Ideas In Biology: Population regulation: generations not separate (1968) (0)
- Mathematical Ideas In Biology: The genetics of families (1968) (0)
- The genetics of populations (1968) (0)
- The origin of translation and the genetic code (1997) (0)
- The Arrangement of Bristles in Drosophila 1 (2008) (0)
- Contemporary aspects of evolution: introduction. (1983) (0)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Games with genetic models (1982) (0)
- [Obituary Notices] (1937) (0)
- 10 Evolutionarily Stable Strategies (2008) (0)
- Popper’s World (1988) (0)
- Rottenness is All (1988) (0)
- Explanation and its Limits: Explanation in Biology (1991) (0)
- A Mechanical Shaker for Transfusion Flasks Using a Standard Electric Motor (1943) (0)
- Games and theories (2003) (0)
- Boy or Girl (1988) (0)
- Mathematical Ideas In Biology: Answers to examples (1968) (0)
- Evolution and the Theory of Games: Appendixes (1982) (0)
- Authors and Editorial Committee (2006) (0)
- Obituaries Prof J R S Haldane , F R S (1965) (0)
- Brighter Statistics (1969) (0)
- Human evolution. The Y of human relationships. (1990) (0)
- The origin of language (1997) (0)
- Answers to Monod (1974) (0)
- Nuffield Biology (1966) (0)
- Neuromuscular blocking agnets of short duration. (1959) (0)
- Heat Transfer Perpendicular to Fluid Flow In Porous Rocks (1963) (0)
- Enthalpy Data for the Benzene-1-Propanol System. (1963) (0)
- Dynamics of Packed-Bed Adsorbers Using the Cell Model (1973) (0)
- Synonymous nucleotide divergence: What is {open_quotes}saturation{close_quotes}? (1996) (0)
- Science book prize (1998) (0)
- Wavelength Effects in Photochemical Oxidation of Organic Pollutants in Waste Water (1972) (0)
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John Maynard Smith is most known for their academic work in the field of biology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
John Maynard Smith has made the following academic contributions: