
John Philoponus

Most Influential Person Across History

Byzantine philologist and philosopher

John Philoponus's Academic­ Rankings

John Philoponus
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  • Philosophy

Why Is John Philoponus Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, John Philoponus , also known as John the Grammarian or John of Alexandria, was a Byzantine Greek philologist, Aristotelian commentator, Christian theologian and an author of a considerable number of philosophical treatises and theological works. He was born in Alexandria. A rigorous, sometimes polemical writer and an original thinker who was controversial in his own time, John Philoponus broke from the Aristotelian–Neoplatonic tradition, questioning methodology and eventually leading to empiricism in the natural sciences. He was one of the first to propose a "theory of impetus" similar to the modern concept of inertia over Aristotelian dynamics.

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John Philoponus's Published Works

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