
John Rennie Short

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John Rennie Short
Earth Sciences
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  • Earth Sciences

Why Is John Rennie Short Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, John Rennie Short is professor emeritus of geography and public policy in the School of Public Policy at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Early life and education Short was born in Stirling, Scotland. He was raised in nearby Tullibody, a village in the County of Clackmannanshire. He attended the county grammar school, Alloa Academy. He received the MA in geography from Aberdeen University in 1973. followed by a PhD in geography from the University of Bristol, with a received dissertation, "Residential Mobility in The Private Housing Market of Bristol" . From 1976 to 1978, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in Bristol's School of Geographical Sciences.

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John Rennie Short's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With John Rennie Short?

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