
John Robert Evans

Most Influential Person Now

Canadian cardiologist, academic, businessperson, and civic leader

John Robert Evans's Academic­ Rankings

John Robert Evans
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medical Degrees
John Robert Evans
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Medical
  • Philosophy

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Why Is John Robert Evans Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, John Robert Evans was a Canadian cardiologist, academic, businessperson, and civic leader. He was the founding dean of the McMaster University Medical School and then vice-president of Health Services at McMaster University from 1965 to 1972. From 1972 to 1978 he was President of the University of Toronto. From 1979 to 1983, he served as founding Director of the Population, Health and Nutrition Department of the World Bank in Washington, DC.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With John Robert Evans?

John Robert Evans is affiliated with the following schools: