
Jorge Alcocer Varela

Most Influential Person Now

Mexican immunologist and rheumatologist head of Secretariat of Health of Mexico

Jorge Alcocer Varela's Academic­ Rankings

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medical Degrees
Jorge Alcocer Varela
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biology Degrees
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  • Biology

Why Is Jorge Alcocer Varela Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jorge Alcocer Varela is a Mexican immunologist, researcher, teacher and healthcare professional. Since 1 December 2018 he has served as the head of Secretariat of Health of Mexico, appointed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. As a physician and emeritus researcher at the Salvador Zubirán National Institute of Health Sciences and Nutrition, Alcocer Varela has served Mexican public health in various capacities for more than 30 years.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jorge Alcocer Varela?

Jorge Alcocer Varela is affiliated with the following schools: