
Jorge Majfud

Most Influential Person Now

Uruguayan-American writer

Why Is Jorge Majfud Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Jorge Majfud is a Uruguayan American professor and writer. Life He was born in Tacuarembó, Uruguay. He received a professional degree in Architecture in 1996 from the University of the Republic in Montevideo and studied at Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes. He traveled extensively to gather material that would later become part of his novels and essays and was a professor at the Universidad Hispanoamericana of Costa Rica and at Escuela Técnica del Uruguay, where he taught art and mathematics.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jorge Majfud?

Jorge Majfud is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Jorge Majfud's Academic Contributions?

Jorge Majfud has made the following academic contributions: