
José María Vigil

Most Influential Person Now

Spanish Claretian priest and theologian

José María Vigil 's Academic­ Rankings

José María Vigil
Religious Studies
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religious-studies Degrees
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  • Religious Studies

Why Is José María Vigil Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, José María Vigil Gallego is a Latin American theologian who has played a significant role in the fields of liberation theology and spirituality, the theology of religious pluralism and the emergence of new paradigms. He has been a Claretian missionary since 1964 and a Catholic priest since 1971. He is a naturalised Nicaraguan and currently lives in Panama. He is known for his numerous writings, his editorial and online activity, his service to the Association of Theologians of the Third World , the coordination of Koinonia Services and the International Latin American Agenda, his theology of religious pluralism and, in recent years, his contributions to a ”new paradigms” theological perspective.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With José María Vigil ?

José María Vigil is affiliated with the following schools: