Jose Principe
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Signals and systems engineer
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jose C. Principe is an American Bioengineer, focusing in adaptive signal processing, kernel learning, information theoretic learning, neural networks, brain machine interfaces and cognitive architectures, currently Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Biomedical Engineering and BellSouth Professor at University of Florida.
Jose Principe's Published Works
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Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Correntropy: Properties and Applications in Non-Gaussian Signal Processing (2007) (1219)
- Information Theoretic Learning - Renyi's Entropy and Kernel Perspectives (2010) (813)
- Kernel Adaptive Filtering: A Comprehensive Introduction (2010) (553)
- Information Theoretic Learning (2009) (488)
- Neural and adaptive systems : fundamentals through simulations (2000) (473)
- Support vector machines for SAR automatic target recognition (2001) (468)
- Generalized Correntropy for Robust Adaptive Filtering (2015) (443)
- Adaptive epileptic seizure prediction system (2003) (430)
- Maximum correntropy Kalman filter (2015) (425)
- Generalized correlation function: definition, properties, and application to blind equalization (2006) (383)
- Quantized Kernel Least Mean Square Algorithm (2012) (371)
- Steady-State Mean-Square Error Analysis for Adaptive Filtering under the Maximum Correntropy Criterion (2014) (348)
- An error-entropy minimization algorithm for supervised training of nonlinear adaptive systems (2002) (316)
- Information theoretic clustering (2002) (315)
- Weighted-permutation entropy: a complexity measure for time series incorporating amplitude information. (2013) (311)
- Cortical Ensemble Adaptation to Represent Velocity of an Artificial Actuator Controlled by a Brain-Machine Interface (2005) (302)
- The Kernel Least-Mean-Square Algorithm (2008) (302)
- Adaptive and Learning Systems for Signal Processing, Communication, and Control (2010) (302)
- Neural and adaptive systems (2000) (281)
- The gamma model--A new neural model for temporal processing (1992) (278)
- Analysis and Design of Echo State Networks (2007) (272)
- Convergence of a Fixed-Point Algorithm under Maximum Correntropy Criterion (2015) (249)
- Using Correntropy as a cost function in linear adaptive filters (2009) (247)
- Generalized information potential criterion for adaptive system training (2002) (245)
- Kernel Least‐Mean‐Square Algorithm (2010) (240)
- Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation (2007) (229)
- Maximum Correntropy Estimation Is a Smoothed MAP Estimation (2012) (209)
- Neural and Adaptive Systems: Fundamentals through Simulations with CD-ROM (1999) (208)
- An Information Theoretic Approach of Designing Sparse Kernel Adaptive Filters (2009) (203)
- Man/machine interface based on the discharge timings of spinal motor neurons after targeted muscle reinnervation (2017) (200)
- Analysis of Biomedical Signals by the Lempel-Ziv Complexity: the Effect of Finite Data Size (2006) (193)
- Extended Kernel Recursive Least Squares Algorithm (2009) (192)
- A Markov Chain Framework for the Simple Genetic Algorithm (1993) (190)
- Kernel adaptive filtering with maximum correntropy criterion (2011) (176)
- The gamma-filter-a new class of adaptive IIR filters with restricted feedback (1993) (174)
- A Simulated Annealing Like Convergence Theory for the Simple Genetic Algorithm (1991) (173)
- Kernel Affine Projection Algorithms (2008) (168)
- Quantized Kernel Recursive Least Squares Algorithm (2013) (168)
- Feature extraction using information-theoretic learning (2006) (164)
- Special issue on echo state networks and liquid state machines (2007) (164)
- Coadaptive Brain–Machine Interface via Reinforcement Learning (2009) (157)
- Blind source separation using Renyi's mutual information (2001) (154)
- Cooperative Diversity of Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Systems (2010) (153)
- Correntropy: A Localized Similarity Measure (2006) (153)
- Local dynamic modeling with self-organizing maps and applications to nonlinear system identification and control (1998) (148)
- Learning from Examples with Information Theoretic Criteria (2000) (143)
- Prediction of Chaotic Time Series with Neural Networks (1992) (143)
- Making sense of a complex world [chaotic events modeling] (1998) (140)
- System Parameter Identification: Information Criteria and Algorithms (2013) (136)
- A comparison of optimal MIMO linear and nonlinear models for brain–machine interfaces (2006) (134)
- Kernel Risk-Sensitive Loss: Definition, Properties and Application to Robust Adaptive Filtering (2016) (122)
- Correntropy as a Novel Measure for Nonlinearity Tests (2006) (121)
- Making sense of a complex world (1998) (121)
- Ascertaining the importance of neurons to develop better brain-machine interfaces (2004) (118)
- Clustering using Renyi's entropy (2003) (115)
- Super-resolution of images based on local correlations (1999) (114)
- Feature selection in MLPs and SVMs based on maximum output information (2004) (111)
- The Cauchy-Schwarz divergence and Parzen windowing: Connections to graph theory and Mercer kernels (2006) (110)
- An Augmented Echo State Network for Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering of Complex Noncircular Signals (2011) (108)
- Incremental backpropagation learning networks (1996) (105)
- New Directions in Statistical Signal Processing: From Systems to Brains (Neural Information Processing) (2006) (105)
- SNR-optimality of sum-of-squares reconstruction for phased-array magnetic resonance imaging. (2003) (102)
- Training neural networks with additive noise in the desired signal (1998) (101)
- Understanding Autoencoders with Information Theoretic Concepts (2018) (98)
- Sleep staging automaton based on the theory of evidence (1989) (96)
- Online entropy manipulation: stochastic information gradient (2003) (96)
- Sleep spindle characteristics as a function of age. (1982) (95)
- The C-loss function for pattern classification (2014) (92)
- An analysis of the gamma memory in dynamic neural networks (1994) (92)
- Time-Based Compression and Classification of Heartbeats (2012) (91)
- Entropy minimization for supervised digital communications channel equalization (2002) (88)
- Extraction and localization of mesoscopic motor control signals for human ECoG neuroprosthetics (2008) (88)
- Measures of Entropy From Data Using Infinitely Divisible Kernels (2012) (86)
- A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Framework for Spike Train Signal Processing (2009) (85)
- A Theory for Neural Networks with Time Delays (1990) (85)
- A methodology for information theoretic feature extraction (1998) (85)
- Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Feedforward Neural Network Perspectives (2001) (83)
- Kernel least mean square with adaptive kernel size (2014) (83)
- A fast proximal method for convolutional sparse coding (2013) (83)
- Design and implementation of a biologically realistic olfactory cortex in analog VLSI (2001) (83)
- Fixed-budget kernel recursive least-squares (2010) (82)
- From linear adaptive filtering to nonlinear information processing - The design and analysis of information processing systems (2006) (81)
- Robust support vector machines based on the rescaled hinge loss function (2017) (79)
- Vector quantization using information theoretic concepts (2005) (77)
- Spatiotemporal electrohysterography patterns in normal and arrested labor. (2009) (77)
- Closed-form cauchy-schwarz PDF divergence for mixture of Gaussians (2011) (76)
- Stochastic blind equalization based on PDF fitting using Parzen estimator (2005) (76)
- A comparison of binless spike train measures (2010) (75)
- Convergence properties and data efficiency of the minimum error entropy criterion in ADALINE training (2003) (72)
- A Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Framework for Information-Theoretic Learning (2008) (72)
- Predictability Analysis for an Automated Seizure Prediction Algorithm (2006) (70)
- Simultaneous Diagonalization in the Frequency Domain (SDIF) for Source Separation (2000) (70)
- Synthetic aperture radar automatic target recognition with three strategies of learning and representation (2000) (69)
- Input-output mapping performance of linear and nonlinear models for estimating hand trajectories from cortical neuronal firing patterns (2002) (68)
- Fixed budget quantized kernel least-mean-square algorithm (2013) (68)
- Divide-and-conquer approach for brain machine interfaces: nonlinear mixture of competitive linear models (2003) (68)
- Lower and Upper Bounds for Misclassification Probability Based on Renyi's Information (2004) (68)
- Computational Intelligence Challenges and Applications on Large-Scale Astronomical Time Series Databases (2014) (67)
- Hidden state estimation using the Correntropy Filter with fixed point update and adaptive kernel size (2012) (67)
- Compressed signal reconstruction using the correntropy induced metric (2008) (66)
- A novel measure for independent component analysis (ICA) (1998) (65)
- Mean shift: An information theoretic perspective (2009) (65)
- Linear-least-squares initialization of multilayer perceptrons through backpropagation of the desired response (2005) (64)
- A Generalized Methodology for Data Analysis (2018) (64)
- Error Entropy, Correntropy and M-Estimation (2006) (64)
- Efficient and robust deep learning with Correntropy-induced loss function (2016) (63)
- Deep Predictive Coding Networks (2013) (62)
- Modeling and inverse controller design for an unmanned aerial vehicle based on the self-organizing map (2006) (62)
- A loss function for classification based on a robust similarity metric (2010) (62)
- Integrate and Fire Pulse Train Automaton for QRS detection (2014) (62)
- Adaptive blind deconvolution of linear channels using Renyi's entropy with Parzen window estimation (2004) (61)
- What Makes a Dynamical System Computationally Powerful (2007) (60)
- Blind source separation using Renyi's -marginal entropies (2002) (60)
- The correntropy MACE filter (2009) (60)
- Brain-Computer Interfaces: An international assessment of research and development trends (2008) (59)
- Recursive Principal Components Analysis Using Eigenvector Matrix Perturbation (2004) (59)
- Minimum Error Entropy Kalman Filter (2019) (58)
- Survival Information Potential: A New Criterion for Adaptive System Training (2012) (58)
- Minimax Mutual Information Approach for Independent Component Analysis (2004) (57)
- Universal Approximation with Convex Optimization: Gimmick or Reality? [Discussion Forum] (2015) (57)
- Improving pattern recognition of electronic nose data with time-delay neural networks (2003) (56)
- Information Theoretic Shape Matching (2014) (56)
- Exploiting co-adaptation for the design of symbiotic neuroprosthetic assistants (2009) (55)
- An analysis of entropy estimators for blind source separation (2006) (55)
- A Pitch Detector Based on a Generalized Correlation Function (2008) (55)
- Liquid state machines and cultured cortical networks: The separation property (2009) (55)
- Multiplicative multifractal modeling and discrimination of human neuronal activity [rapid communication] (2005) (54)
- Energy, entropy and information potential for neural computation (1998) (54)
- Approximate reconstruction of bandlimited functions for the integrate and fire sampler (2009) (54)
- Maximum Correntropy Criterion With Variable Center (2019) (53)
- Neuronal functional connectivity dynamics in cortex: An MSC-based analysis (2010) (52)
- Information theoretic learning with adaptive kernels (2011) (52)
- Technology and Signal Processing for Brain-Machine Interfaces (2008) (51)
- Multivariate Extension of Matrix-based Renyi's α-order Entropy Functional (2020) (51)
- Autonomous Learning Multimodel Systems From Data Streams (2018) (51)
- Brain-Machine Interface Engineering (2006) (50)
- Information-Theoretic Learning Using Renyi's Quadratic Entropy (1999) (50)
- A closed form recursive solution for Maximum Correntropy training (2010) (49)
- Predicting wrist kinematics from motor unit discharge timings for the control of active prostheses (2019) (49)
- Spatio-temporal self-organizing feature maps (1996) (49)
- Kernel Methods on Spike Train Space for Neuroscience: A Tutorial (2013) (49)
- Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks With Information Theory: An Initial Exploration (2018) (49)
- Sequential Monte Carlo Point-Process Estimation of Kinematics from Neural Spiking Activity for Brain-Machine Interfaces (2009) (49)
- Advanced search algorithms for information-theoretic learning with kernel-based estimators (2004) (48)
- Dynamic Modelling of Chaotic Time Series with Neural Networks (1994) (48)
- Detection of weak transitions in signal dynamics using recurrence time statistics (2003) (48)
- Topographical measures of functional connectivity as biomarkers for post-stroke motor recovery (2017) (47)
- Handbook of Neural Network Signal Processing (2018) (47)
- A Variational Principle for Graphical Models (2007) (47)
- SAMICOS-A Sleep Analyzing Microcomputer System (1986) (46)
- Interpreting spatial and temporal neural activity through a recurrent neural network brain-machine interface (2005) (46)
- Underdetermined blind source separation in a time-varying environment (2002) (45)
- Water Inflow Forecasting using the Echo State Network: a Brazilian Case Study (2007) (44)
- Kernel least mean square algorithm with constrained growth (2009) (44)
- The past, present, and future of neural networks for signal processing (1997) (43)
- Pose estimation in SAR using an information theoretic criterion (1998) (43)
- The Laplacian PDF Distance: A Cost Function for Clustering in a Kernel Feature Space (2004) (43)
- Mean square convergence analysis for kernel least mean square algorithm (2012) (43)
- Complex Correntropy: Probabilistic Interpretation and Application to Complex-Valued Data (2017) (43)
- Medicine and Biology (2005) (43)
- Fast RLS-Like Algorithm for Generalized Eigendecomposition and its Applications (2004) (42)
- Optimizing the Cauchy-Schwarz PDF Distance for Information Theoretic, Non-parametric Clustering (2005) (42)
- Independent components analysis for fetal electrocardiogram extraction: a case for the data efficient Mermaid algorithm (2003) (42)
- A fast, on-line algorithm for PCA and its convergence characteristics (2000) (42)
- Insights Into the Robustness of Minimum Error Entropy Estimation (2018) (42)
- A new clustering evaluation function using Renyi's information potential (2000) (42)
- Innovating adaptive and neural systems instruction with interactive electronic books (2000) (41)
- Entropy manipulation of arbitrary nonlinear mappings (1997) (40)
- Comments on "Sinc interpolation of discrete periodic signals" (1998) (40)
- Blinking Artifact Removal in Cognitive EEG Data Using ICA (2006) (40)
- An associative memory readout for ESNs with applications to dynamical pattern recognition (2007) (40)
- An Information Theoretic Algorithm for Finding Periodicities in Stellar Light Curves (2012) (40)
- Target prescreening based on a quadratic gamma discriminator (1998) (39)
- Kernel minimum error entropy algorithm (2013) (39)
- Neural Decoding with Kernel-Based Metric Learning (2014) (39)
- Empirical data analysis: A new tool for data analytics (2016) (39)
- Marine animal classification using combined CNN and hand-designed image features (2015) (38)
- Direct adaptive control: an echo state network and genetic algorithm approach (2005) (38)
- Measurement and Quantification of Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Human Epileptic Seizures (1999) (38)
- Performance evaluation of the correntropy coefficient in automatic modulation classification (2015) (37)
- Guest Editorial: Brain/neuronal - Computer game interfaces and interaction (2013) (37)
- A Spatio-Temporal Memory Based on SOMs with Activity Diffusion (1999) (37)
- Learning mappings in brain machine interfaces with echo state networks (2005) (37)
- A new nonlinear similarity measure for multichannel signals (2008) (37)
- Broadband Prosthetic Interfaces: Combining Nerve Transfers and Implantable Multichannel EMG Technology to Decode Spinal Motor Neuron Activity (2017) (37)
- Transfer Learning in Adaptive Filters: The Nearest Instance Centroid-Estimation Kernel Least-Mean-Square Algorithm (2017) (37)
- The Kernel Adaptive Autoregressive-Moving-Average Algorithm (2016) (37)
- Kernel Learning for Dynamic Texture Synthesis (2016) (37)
- A test of independence based on a generalized correlation function (2011) (37)
- Quasi-sliding mode control strategy based on multiple-linear models (2007) (36)
- Target discrimination in synthetic aperture radar using artificial neural networks (1998) (36)
- Learning Nonlinear Generative Models of Time Series With a Kalman Filter in RKHS (2014) (36)
- Some Equivalences between Kernel Methods and Information Theoretic Methods (2006) (36)
- Asynchronous biphasic pulse signal coding and its CMOS realization (2006) (36)
- A method for autonomous data partitioning (2018) (36)
- An adaptive kernel width update method of correntropy for channel estimation (2015) (36)
- Nonlinear channel equalization using multilayer perceptrons with information-theoretic criterion (2001) (36)
- Mixture kernel least mean square (2013) (35)
- Robust switching blind equalizer for wireless cognitive receivers (2008) (35)
- Smoothed least mean p-power error criterion for adaptive filtering (2015) (35)
- Nearest Neighbor Distributions for imbalanced classification (2012) (35)
- Measuring the signal-to-noise ratio in magnetic resonance imaging: a caveat (2004) (35)
- Downscaling Satellite-Based Soil Moisture in Heterogeneous Regions Using High-Resolution Remote Sensing Products and Information Theory: A Synthetic Study (2015) (35)
- An adaptive kernel width update for correntropy (2012) (34)
- Dynamical analysis of neural oscillators in an olfactory cortex model (2004) (33)
- Kernel Kalman Filtering With Conditional Embedding and Maximum Correntropy Criterion (2019) (33)
- Nonlinear extensions to the minimum average correlation energy filter (1997) (33)
- Cyclostationary correntropy: Definition and applications (2017) (33)
- Information cut for clustering using a gradient descent approach (2007) (33)
- Nonlinear Component Analysis Based on Correntropy (2006) (32)
- Non-linear time series modeling with self-organization feature maps (1995) (32)
- Quantized Minimum Error Entropy Criterion (2017) (32)
- Evolving into epilepsy: Multiscale electrophysiological analysis and imaging in an animal model (2006) (32)
- A global least mean square algorithm for adaptive IIR filtering (1998) (32)
- Learning the contributions of the motor, premotor, and posterior parietal cortices for hand trajectory reconstruction in a brain machine interface (2003) (31)
- Neurally Encoding Time for Olfactory Navigation (2016) (31)
- A Spatiotemporal Filtering Methodology for Single-Trial ERP Component Estimation (2009) (31)
- On the optimization properties of the correntropic loss function in data analysis (2014) (31)
- The Convergence of Machine and Biological Intelligence (2013) (30)
- An RLS type algorithm for generalized eigendecomposition (2001) (30)
- Restoring Behavior via Inverse Neurocontroller in a Lesioned Cortical Spiking Model Driving a Virtual Arm (2016) (30)
- Learning Recurrent Waveforms Within EEGs (2016) (30)
- A recursive Renyi's entropy estimator (2002) (30)
- Mapping broadband electrocorticographic recordings to two-dimensional hand trajectories in humans: Motor control features (2009) (30)
- Robust C-Loss Kernel Classifiers (2018) (30)
- An adaptive decoder from spike trains to micro-stimulation using kernel least-mean-squares (KLMS) (2011) (30)
- International Assessment of Research and Development in Brain-Computer Interfaces. WTEC Panel Report (2007) (30)
- A unifying criterion for instantaneous blind source separation based on correntropy (2007) (29)
- Florida Wireless Implantable Recording Electrodes (FWIRE) for Brain Machine Interfaces (2007) (29)
- A mutual information extension to the matched filter (2005) (29)
- Adaptive background estimation using an information theoretic cost for hidden state estimation (2011) (29)
- An investigation of EEG dynamics in an animal model of temporal lobe epilepsy using the maximum Lyapunov exponent (2009) (29)
- Kernel LMS (2007) (29)
- Spatio-temporal models in biological and artificial systems (1997) (29)
- Bimodal brain-machine interface for motor control of robotic prosthetic (2003) (29)
- Blind source separation of time-varying instantaneous mixtures using an on-line algorithm (2002) (28)
- Evaluating dependence in spike train metric spaces (2011) (28)
- Learning from examples with quadratic mutual information (1998) (28)
- Error whitening criterion for adaptive filtering: theory and algorithms (2005) (28)
- Intermittency Coding in the Primary Olfactory System: A Neural Substrate for Olfactory Scene Analysis (2014) (28)
- Principles and networks for self-organization in space-time (2002) (28)
- A New Spatiotemporal Filtering Method for Single-Trial Estimation of Correlated ERP Subcomponents (2011) (28)
- A switch kernel width method of correntropy for channel estimation (2015) (28)
- Design and Implementation of Linear Phase FIR Filters for Biological Signal Processing (1986) (27)
- A novel extended kernel recursive least squares algorithm (2012) (27)
- Insights into Entropy as a Measure of Multivariate Variability (2016) (27)
- Single-trial P300 estimation with a spatiotemporal filtering method (2009) (27)
- A study on the best order for autoregressive EEG modelling. (1987) (26)
- Information Plane Analysis of Deep Neural Networks via Matrix-Based Renyi's Entropy and Tensor Kernels (2019) (26)
- Strictly Positive-Definite Spike Train Kernels for Point-Process Divergences (2012) (26)
- A bio-amplifier with pulse output (2004) (26)
- A Wireless Power Interface for Rechargeable Battery Operated Neural Recording Implants (2006) (26)
- Computational intelligence in control (2014) (26)
- Quantifying Cognitive State From EEG Using Dependence Measures (2012) (26)
- Online efficient learning with quantized KLMS and L1 regularization (2012) (26)
- A real-time, power-efficient architecture for mean-shift image segmentation (2018) (26)
- A new type of distance metric and its use for clustering (2017) (26)
- TDAT-time domain analysis tool for EEG analysis (1990) (26)
- Adaptive Inverse Control of Neural Spatiotemporal Spike Patterns With a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) Framework (2013) (26)
- Recent advances to nonlinear minimum average correlation energy filters (1997) (26)
- Self-Organised direction aware data partitioning algorithm (2018) (26)
- Understanding Convolutional Neural Network Training with Information Theory (2018) (26)
- A neighborhood map of competing one step predictors for piecewise segmentation and identification of time series (1996) (26)
- On speeding up computation in information theoretic learning (2009) (25)
- Quantized Attention-Gated Kernel Reinforcement Learning for Brain–Machine Interface Decoding (2017) (25)
- The Correntropy Mace Filter for Image Recognition (2006) (25)
- Competitive principal component analysis for locally stationary time series (1998) (25)
- A minimum-error entropy criterion with self-adjusting step-size (MEE-SAS) (2007) (25)
- Towards a unification of information theoretic learning and kernel methods (2004) (25)
- Convergence performance analysis of an adaptive kernel width MCC algorithm (2017) (25)
- Integrate and fire circuit as an ADC replacement (2011) (25)
- Request-and-Reverify: Hierarchical Hypothesis Testing for Concept Drift Detection with Expensive Labels (2018) (24)
- Information Theoretic Learning with Infinitely Divisible Kernels (2013) (24)
- Period Estimation in Astronomical Time Series Using Slotted Correntropy (2011) (24)
- A new classifier based on information theoretic learning with unlabeled data (2005) (24)
- Balancing exploration and exploitation in reinforcement learning using a value of information criterion (2017) (24)
- Instantaneous estimation of motor cortical neural encoding for online brain–machine interfaces (2010) (24)
- A low complexity robust detector in impulsive noise (2009) (23)
- Determining Patterns in Neural Activity for Reaching Movements Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (2005) (23)
- A unifying criterion for blind source separation and decorrelation: simultaneous diagonalization of correlation matrices (1997) (23)
- A Unified Framework for Quadratic Measures of Independence (2011) (23)
- Stimulus reconstruction from the biphasic integrate-and-fire sampler (2009) (23)
- Vector-quantization by density matching in the minimum Kullback-Leibler divergence sense (2004) (22)
- Fast algorithm for adaptive blind equalization using order-α Renyi's entropy (2002) (22)
- Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23 (NIPS 2010) (2010) (22)
- A new algorithm for the detection of tool breakage in milling (1991) (22)
- Ascertaining neuron importance by information theoretical analysis in motor Brain-Machine Interfaces (2009) (22)
- An Association Framework to Analyze Dependence Structure in Time Series (2012) (22)
- Information Theoretic Mean Shift Algorithm (2006) (22)
- Adaptive blind equalization through quadratic pdf matching (2002) (22)
- An introduction to information theoretic learning (1999) (22)
- A Comparison between Nonlinear Mappings and Linear State Estimation to Model the Relation from Motor Cortical Neuronal Firing to Hand Movements (2002) (22)
- Modeling Large Dynamical Systems with Dynamical Consistent Neural Networks (2007) (22)
- Gaussianization: An Efficient Multivariate Density Estimation Technique for Statistical Signal Processing (2006) (22)
- On the use of neural networks in the generalized likelihood ratio test for detecting abrupt changes in signals (2000) (22)
- Perturbation-Based Eigenvector Updates for On-Line Principal Components Analysis and Canonical Correlation Analysis (2006) (22)
- Visualization and modelling of STLmax topographic brain activity maps (2010) (22)
- Reinforcement Learning in Video Games Using Nearest Neighbor Interpolation and Metric Learning (2016) (22)
- Robust Period Estimation Using Mutual Information for Multiband Light Curves in the Synoptic Survey Era (2017) (22)
- Image construction methods for phased array magnetic resonance imaging (2004) (22)
- Convergence of a Fixed-Point Minimum Error Entropy Algorithm (2015) (22)
- Simulation of Human Speech Production Applied to the Study and Synthesis of European Portuguese (2005) (22)
- The design and analysis of information processing systems ] From Linear Adaptive Filtering to Nonlinear Information Processing (2009) (21)
- Variable Selection: A Statistical Dependence Perspective (2010) (21)
- Entropy minimization algorithm for multilayer perceptrons (2001) (21)
- Generalized eigendecomposition with an on-line local algorithm (1998) (21)
- Reinforcement learning via kernel temporal difference (2011) (21)
- Performance and training strategies in feedforward neural networks: an application to sleep scoring (1989) (21)
- Wireless Transmission of Neural Signals Using Entropy and Mutual Information Compression (2011) (21)
- 3-D computer animation of electrophysiological responses (1992) (21)
- Eliciting naturalistic cortical responses with a sensory prosthesis via optimized microstimulation (2016) (21)
- A family of minimum renyi's error entropy algorithm for information processing (2007) (21)
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of human epileptic seizures (1996) (21)
- Parzen particle filters (2004) (21)
- Accelerating the convergence speed of neural networks learning methods using least squares (2003) (20)
- Minimum Error Entropy Algorithms with Sparsity Penalty Constraints (2015) (20)
- Information transfer through classifiers and its relation to probability of error (2001) (20)
- Short-term prediction of glucose in type 1 diabetes using kernel adaptive filters (2018) (20)
- Self-organizing maps with information theoretic learning (2015) (20)
- Modeling Applications with the Focused Gamma Net (1991) (20)
- Adaline with adaptive recursive memory (1991) (19)
- Unsupervised learning for nonlinear synthetic discriminant functions (1996) (19)
- Simultaneus prediction of four kinematic variables for a brain-machine interface using a single recurrent neural network (2004) (19)
- Smelling Time: A Neural Basis for Olfactory Scene Analysis (2016) (19)
- Proportionate Minimum Error Entropy Algorithm for Sparse System Identification (2015) (19)
- Fault detection via recurrence time statistics and one-class classification (2016) (19)
- A Neural Network Perspective to Extended Luenberger Observers (2002) (19)
- Computing with transiently stable states (2005) (19)
- Tracking the non-stationary neuron tuning by dual Kalman filter for brain machine interfaces decoding (2008) (19)
- Sparse Least Logarithmic Absolute Difference Algorithm with Correntropy-Induced Metric Penalty (2016) (19)
- Quantifying bursting neuron activity from calcium signals using blind deconvolution (2013) (19)
- Wireless, In Vivo Neural Recording using a Custom Integrated Bioamplifier and the Pico System (2007) (19)
- Adaptive WRLS-VFF for speech analysis (1995) (19)
- On the Smoothed Minimum Error Entropy Criterion (2012) (18)
- Face classification using a multiresolution principal component analysis (1998) (18)
- Error Whitening Wiener Filters: Theory and Algorithms (2005) (18)
- Information-theoretic metric learning: 2-D linear projections of neural data for visualization (2013) (18)
- Modulation Selection from a Battery Power Efficiency Perspective (2010) (18)
- Correntropy based Granger causality (2008) (18)
- A scalable RC architecture for mean-shift clustering (2013) (18)
- Kernel width adaptation in information theoretic cost functions (2010) (18)
- Estimation of the mixing matrix for underdetermined blind source separation using spectral estimation techniques (2002) (18)
- A Taxonomy for Neural Memory Networks (2018) (18)
- Echo cancellation with the gamma filter (1994) (18)
- Locally linear embedding based on correntropy measure for visualization and classification (2012) (18)
- Statistical Coding and Decoding of Heartbeat Intervals (2011) (18)
- A Closed Form Solution for a Nonlinear Wiener Filter (2006) (18)
- Matched pdf-based blind equalization (2003) (17)
- Robust on-line Principal Component Analysis based on a fixed-point approach (2002) (17)
- Stochastic gradient identification of Wiener system with maximum mutual information criterion (2011) (17)
- A variable step-size adaptive algorithm under maximum correntropy criterion (2015) (17)
- On the relationship between the Karhunen-Loeve transform and the prolate spheroidal wave functions (2000) (17)
- Guided Policy Exploration for Markov Decision Processes Using an Uncertainty-Based Value-of-Information Criterion (2018) (17)
- Information theoretic spectral clustering (2004) (17)
- Minimum error entropy Luenberger observer (2005) (17)
- Extraction of Signals With Specific Temporal Structure Using Kernel Methods (2010) (17)
- Analog hardware implementation of adaptive filter structures (1997) (17)
- Beyond second-order statistics for learning: A pairwise interaction model for entropy estimation (2002) (17)
- Clustering Approach to Quantify Long-Term Spatio-Temporal Interactions in Epileptic Intracranial Electroencephalography (2007) (17)
- Supervised training of adaptive systems with partially labeled data (2005) (16)
- Interpreting neural activity through linear and nonlinear models for brain machine interfaces (2003) (16)
- On Kernel Method–Based Connectionist Models and Supervised Deep Learning Without Backpropagation (2018) (16)
- Visualization of the Short Term Maximum Lyapunov Exponent Topography in the Epileptic Brain (2006) (16)
- Extended Kalman filter using a kernel recursive least squares observer (2011) (16)
- BCI Signal Processing: Feature Extraction (2012) (16)
- A robust point matching algorithm for non-rigid registration using the Cauchy-Schwarz divergence (2011) (16)
- The integrate-and-fire sampler: A special type of asynchronous Σ - Δ modulator (2011) (16)
- Dimensionality analysis of EEG segments: experimental considerations (1989) (16)
- Some Further Results on the Minimum Error Entropy Estimation (2012) (16)
- Feasibility of fixed-point transversal adaptive filters in FPGA devices with embedded DSP blocks (2003) (16)
- Statistical dependence measure for feature selection in microarray datasets (2011) (16)
- Deep Deterministic Information Bottleneck with Matrix-Based Entropy Functional (2021) (16)
- Inner products for representation and learning in the spike train domain (2010) (16)
- Analog Hardware Implementation of Continuous-Time Adaptive Filter Structures (1999) (16)
- Kernel Based Synthetic Discriminant Function for Object Recognition (2006) (16)
- An efficient algorithm for continuous time cross correlogram of spike trains (2008) (16)
- Pulse-based signal compression for implanted neural recording systems (2008) (15)
- Maximum margin equalizers trained with the Adatron algorithm (2003) (15)
- Self-organizing kernel adaptive filtering (2016) (15)
- Sparse kernel recursive least squares using L1 regularization and a fixed-point sub-iteration (2014) (15)
- Correntropy in Data Classification (2012) (15)
- Neural network classification of metal surface properties using a dynamic touch sensor (1991) (15)
- Odor tracking in aquatic organisms: the importance of temporal and spatial intermittency of the turbulent plume (2020) (15)
- Local Linear PID Controllers for Nonlinear Control (2005) (15)
- Convolutive blind source separation by minimizing mutual information between segments of signals (2005) (15)
- Support Vector Machines For Synthetic Aperture Radar Automatic Target Recognition (2000) (15)
- Artificial Neural Networks (1997) (15)
- A Pulse-Based Feature Extractor for Spike Sorting Neural Signals (2007) (15)
- An Explicit Construction Of A Reproducing Gaussian Kernel Hilbert Space (2006) (15)
- Simultaneous extraction of Principal Components using givens rotations and output variances (2002) (15)
- Information Theoretic-Learning auto-encoder (2016) (15)
- Clustering Neural Patterns in Kernel Reinforcement Learning Assists Fast Brain Control in Brain-Machine Interfaces (2019) (15)
- Δ-Entropy: Definition, properties and applications in system identification with quantized data (2011) (14)
- A Monaural Cue Sound Localizer (2000) (14)
- Diabetes classification using a redundancy reduction preprocessor (2015) (14)
- The Laplacian Classifier (2007) (14)
- Automatic recognition of spike and wave bursts. (1985) (14)
- Noise reduction in state space using the focused gamma neural network (1993) (14)
- Correntropy Based Matched Filtering (2005) (14)
- From compressive to adaptive sampling of neural and ECG recordings (2011) (14)
- Linear Least-Squares Based Methods for Neural Networks Learning (2003) (14)
- Signal Processing with Echo State Networks in the Complex Domain (2007) (14)
- Quantification of Spice Mixture Compositions by Electronic Nose: Part I. Experimental Design and Data Analysis Using Neural Networks (2006) (14)
- An analog VLSI implementation of a multi-scale spike detection algorithm for extracellular neural recordings (2005) (14)
- Autocorrelation features for synthetic aperture sonar image seabed segmentation (2011) (14)
- Pose Estimation for SAR Automatic Target Recognition (2007) (14)
- Enhancing the correntropy MACE filter with random projections (2008) (14)
- Non-linear dynamic modeling of glucose in type 1 diabetes with kernel adaptive filters (2016) (13)
- Comparison of TDNN training algorithms in brain machine interfaces (2005) (13)
- Associations between MSE and SSIM as cost functions in linear decomposition with application to bit allocation for sparse coding (2021) (13)
- Effective insect recognition using a stacked autoencoder with maximum correntropy criterion (2015) (13)
- Temporal processing with neural networks: the development of the gamma model (1991) (13)
- Dynamically Repairing and Replacing Neural Networks: Using Hybrid Computational and Biological Tools (2012) (13)
- A Monte Carlo Sequential Estimation for Point Process Optimum Filtering (2006) (13)
- A gamma memory neural network for system identification (1994) (13)
- Online Active Learning for Automatic Target Recognition (2015) (13)
- Correntropy induced joint power and admission control algorithm for dense small cell network (2016) (13)
- Self-organizing maps with dynamic learning for signal reconstruction (2007) (13)
- A Tensor-Product-Kernel Framework for Multiscale Neural Activity Decoding and Control (2014) (13)
- Multivariate density estimation with optimal marginal parzen density estimation and gaussianization (2004) (13)
- A low power battery management system for rechargeable wireless implantable electronics (2006) (13)
- Training MLPs layer-by-layer with the information potential (1999) (13)
- Convergence analysis of the information potential criterion in Adaline training (2001) (13)
- Seabed segmentation in synthetic aperture sonar images (2011) (13)
- Information Theory, Machine Learning, and Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces (2010) (13)
- Assessing Granger Non-Causality Using Nonparametric Measure of Conditional Independence (2012) (13)
- Experimental upper bound for the performance of convolutive source separation methods (2006) (13)
- Representing and decomposing neural potential signals (2015) (13)
- Cognitive Architectures for Sensory Processing (2014) (13)
- Information cut and information forces for clustering (2003) (13)
- Spike detection using a syntactic pattern recognition approach (1989) (13)
- Functional Connectivity Dynamics Among Cortical Neurons: A Dependence Analysis (2012) (13)
- Blind deconvolution with minimum Renyi's entropy (2002) (12)
- Chaotic activity during iron-induced 'epileptiform' discharge in rat hippocampal slices (1992) (12)
- Measuring the Discrepancy between Conditional Distributions: Methods, Properties and Applications (2020) (12)
- Effects of Outliers on the Maximum Correntropy Estimation: A Robustness Analysis (2021) (12)
- Generalized anti-Hebbian learning for source separation (1999) (12)
- Efficient total least squares method for system modeling using minor component analysis (2002) (12)
- Modeling the precedence effect for speech using the gamma filter (1999) (12)
- Neural control of the NASA Langley 16-foot transonic tunnel (1997) (12)
- Equivalence between RLS algorithms and the ridge regression technique (1996) (12)
- Towards Real-Time Distributed Signal Modeling for Brain-Machine Interfaces (2007) (12)
- A gradient-based variable step-size LMS algorithm (1991) (12)
- Invexity of the Minimum Error Entropy Criterion (2013) (12)
- A Neuromorphic Monaural Sound Localizer (1998) (12)
- From hyperplanes to large-margin classifiers: applications of SAR ATR (1999) (12)
- Real time input subset selection for linear time-variant MIMO systems (2007) (12)
- A Monte Carlo Sequential Estimation of Point Process Optimum Filtering for Brain Machine Interfaces (2007) (12)
- Tracking Neural Modulation Depth by Dual Sequential Monte Carlo Estimation on Point Processes for Brain–Machine Interfaces (2016) (12)
- Robust EEG preprocessing for dependence-based condition discrimination (2011) (12)
- Exploiting Spatio-Temporal Structure with Recurrent Winner-Take-All Networks (2016) (12)
- Real-time PCA (principal component analysis) implementation on DSP (2004) (12)
- A New Architecture for Deriving Dynamic Brain-Machine Interfaces (2006) (12)
- Stochastic error whitening algorithm for linear filter estimation with noisy data (2003) (12)
- Echo State Networks for Motor Control of Human ECoG Neuroprosthetics (2007) (12)
- A fast on-line generalized eigendecomposition algorithm for time series segmentation (2000) (12)
- Kernel Temporal Differences for Neural Decoding (2015) (11)
- Logic computation using coupled neural oscillators (2004) (11)
- Analysis of Agent Expertise in Ms. Pac-Man Using Value-of-Information-Based Policies (2017) (11)
- Identification of aircraft dynamics using a SOM and local linear models (2002) (11)
- Nonlinear dynamic modeling of the voiced excitation for improved speech synthesis (1999) (11)
- Sparse channel estimation with regularization method using convolution inequality for entropy (2005) (11)
- Locating spatial patterns of waveforms during sensory perception in scalp EEG (2012) (11)
- Evaluation of a BSS algorithm for artifacts rejection in epileptic seizure detection (2004) (11)
- Group-Wise Point-Set Registration Based on Rényi's Second Order Entropy (2017) (11)
- Information Force Clustering Using Directed Trees (2003) (11)
- Special Issue on Deep Reinforcement Learning and Adaptive Dynamic Programming (2018) (11)
- Generalized Oja's rule for linear discriminant analysis with Fisher criterion (1997) (11)
- Joint optimization of algorithmic suites for EEG analysis (2014) (11)
- A Saccade Based Framework for Real-Time Motion Segmentation Using Event Based Vision Sensors (2017) (11)
- A neuromorphic microphone for sound localization (1997) (11)
- A New Nonlinear Similarity Measure for Multichannel Biological Signals (2007) (11)
- Irregular Tree-Structured Bayesian Network for image segmentation (2011) (11)
- Special Issue on Advances in Kernel-Based Learning for Signal Processing [From the Guest Editors] (2013) (11)
- Correntropy based matched filtering for classification in sidescan sonar imagery (2009) (11)
- Rate-Distortion Auto-Encoders (2013) (11)
- Brain-Machine Interface Control via Reinforcement Learning (2007) (11)
- Optimizing microstimulation using a reinforcement learning framework (2011) (11)
- Using non-linear even functions for error minimization in adaptive filters (2006) (11)
- Microcomputer-based system for the detection and quantification of petit mal epilepsy. (1982) (11)
- Stochastic kernel temporal difference for reinforcement learning (2011) (11)
- A Normalized Minimum Error Entropy Stochastic Algorithm (2006) (11)
- Simple Stopping Criteria for Information Theoretic Feature Selection (2018) (11)
- A Novel ATR Classifier Exploiting Pose Information (2000) (11)
- Predicting visual attention using gamma kernels (2016) (10)
- Hidra: A Hierarchical Instrument for Distributed Real-Time Analysis of Biological Signals (1987) (10)
- Generalized feedforward structures: a new class of adaptive filters (1992) (10)
- A Marked Point Process Framework for Extracellular Electrical Potentials (2017) (10)
- Independent components analysis using Renyi's mutual information and Legendre density estimation (2001) (10)
- Blind source separation using information measures in the time and frequency domains (1999) (10)
- Cellular Basis for Response Diversity in the Olfactory Periphery (2012) (10)
- Kernel Principal Components Are Maximum Entropy Projections (2006) (10)
- A Nonparametric Methodology for Information Theoretic Feature Extraction (1998) (10)
- Cost function for robust estimation of PCA (1996) (10)
- A software tool to study portuguese vowels (1997) (10)
- Self organizing maps with the correntropy induced metric (2010) (10)
- Microcomputer-based digital filters for EEG processing (1979) (10)
- Survival kernel with application to kernel adaptive filtering (2013) (10)
- An algorithm based on the even moments of the error (2003) (10)
- Estimating the Information Potential with the Fast Gauss Transform (2006) (10)
- Modeling the relation from motor cortical neuronal firing to hand movements using competitive linear filters and a MLP (2003) (10)
- A nonlinear extension of the MACE filter (1995) (10)
- Improved Linear BMI Systems via Population Averaging (2006) (10)
- Online learning using a Bayesian surprise metric (2012) (10)
- Compression of Spike Data Using the Self-Organizing Map (2005) (10)
- Information Theoretical Estimators of Tuning Depth and Time Delay for Motor Cortex Neurons (2007) (10)
- Multivariate Extension of Matrix-Based Rényi's $\alpha$α-Order Entropy Functional (2018) (10)
- Cyborg Intelligence: Towards Bio-Machine Intelligent Systems (2014) (10)
- A Novel Weighted LBG Algorithm for Neural Spike Compression (2007) (10)
- Decoding hand trajectories from ECoG recordings via kernel least-mean-square algorithm (2009) (10)
- Dynamic subgrouping in RTRL provides a faster O(N/sup 2/) algorithm (2000) (10)
- A robust maximum correntropy criterion for dictionary learning (2016) (10)
- Stochastic Information Gradient Algorithm with Generalized Gaussian Distribution Model (2012) (10)
- Information processing models for sleep staging (1993) (10)
- Multiple adaptive kernel size KLMS for Beijing PM2.5 prediction (2016) (10)
- Temporal self-organization through competitive prediction (1997) (9)
- Multiresolution segmentation of respiratory electromyographic signals (1994) (9)
- Breaker status uncovered by autoencoders under unsupervised maximum mutual information training (2013) (9)
- Blind separation of convolutive mixtures (1999) (9)
- Recursive Renyi's entropy estimator for adaptive filtering (2003) (9)
- An Improved Minimum Error Entropy Criterion with Self Adjusting Step-Size (2005) (9)
- Parametric least squares approximation using gamma bases (1995) (9)
- Adaptive local linear modelling and control of nonlinear dynamical systems (2005) (9)
- Neural Signal Sampling via the Low Power Wireless Pico System (2006) (9)
- Compression of neural signals using discriminative coding for wireless applications (2009) (9)
- Quantification of inter-trial non-stationarity in spike trains from periodically stimulated neural cultures (2010) (9)
- Clustering of time series using a hierarchical linear dynamical system (2014) (9)
- Analysis and Design of Echo State Networks for Function Approximation (2005) (9)
- Generalized feedforward filters with complex poles (1992) (9)
- F&H filter: a novel ultra-low power discrete time filter (1999) (9)
- Transient model of EEG using Gini Index-based matching pursuit (2016) (9)
- Measuring Dependence with Matrix-based Entropy Functional (2021) (9)
- Kernel classifier with Correntropy loss (2012) (9)
- Spectral Clustering of Synchronous Spike Trains (2007) (9)
- Modularizing Deep Learning via Pairwise Learning With Kernels (2020) (9)
- A Novel Pitch Determination Algorithm based on Generalized Correlation Function (2007) (9)
- Tracking of multivariate time-variant systems based on on-line variable selection (2004) (8)
- A greedy algorithm for model selection of tensor decompositions (2013) (8)
- A silicon olfactory bulb oscillator (2000) (8)
- Local Modeling Using Self-Organizing Maps and Single Layer Neural Networks (2002) (8)
- Target prescreening based on 2D gamma kernels (1995) (8)
- An Analysis of the Value of Information When Exploring Stochastic, Discrete Multi-Armed Bandits (2017) (8)
- Time Series Segmentation Using a Novel Adaptive Eigendecomposition Algorithm (2002) (8)
- Dynamic factor graphs: A novel framework for multiple features data fusion (2010) (8)
- Functional Connectivity in Frequency-Tagged Cortical Networks During Active Harm Avoidance (2015) (8)
- Linear Predictive Analysis for Targeting the Basal Ganglia in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgeries (2005) (8)
- Backpropagation through time with fixed memory size requirements (1993) (8)
- An expert system for multichannel sleep EEG/EOG signal analysis. (1988) (8)
- Improving ATR performance by incorporating virtual negative examples (1999) (8)
- Intraoperative focus localization system based on spatio-temporal ECoG analysis (1993) (8)
- Autoencoders trained with relevant information: Blending Shannon and Wiener's perspectives (2017) (8)
- A variable step-size SIG algorithm for realizing the optimal adaptive FIR filter (2011) (8)
- Classification of hand movement direction based on EEG high-gamma activity (2014) (8)
- Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering in Kernel Spaces (2014) (8)
- A complex Echo State Network for nonlinear adaptive filtering (2008) (8)
- Real time signal reconstruction from spikes on a digital signal processor (2008) (8)
- Accurate initialization of neural network weights by backpropagation of the desired response (2003) (8)
- Context Dependent Encoding Using Convolutional Dynamic Networks (2015) (8)
- Cooperative Diversity of Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks (2009) (8)
- System Identification Under Information Divergence Criteria (2013) (8)
- Conditional Association (2012) (8)
- The Laplacian spectral classifier (2005) (8)
- Recent Advances to Nonlinear MACE Filters (1998) (8)
- Cyber-Workstation for Computational Neuroscience (2009) (8)
- Biologically-Inspired Spike-Based Automatic Speech Recognition of Isolated Digits Over a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (2018) (7)
- Automatic insect recognition using optical flight dynamics modeled by kernel adaptive ARMA network (2017) (7)
- Minimum entropy algorithms for source separation (1998) (7)
- Do Hebbian synapses estimate entropy? (2002) (7)
- Fast error whitening algorithms for system identification and control (2003) (7)
- A conditional distribution function based approach to design nonparametric tests of independence and conditional independence (2010) (7)
- Image combination for high-field phased-array MRI (2003) (7)
- SOM-based similarity index measure: quantifying interactions between multivariate structures (2003) (7)
- Temporal self-organization for neural networks (1998) (7)
- Sparsity aware minimum error entropy algorithms (2015) (7)
- Effects of Acute Hippocampal Stimulation on EEG Dynamics (2006) (7)
- Multiresolution Representations and Data Mining of Neural Spikes for Brain-Machine Interfaces (2005) (7)
- Information Theoretic Angle-Based Spectral Clustering: A Theoretical Analysis and an Algorithm (2006) (7)
- Time Series Analysis using a Kernel based Multi-Modal Uncertainty Decomposition Framework (2020) (7)
- STL: A Spatio-Temporal characterization of focal interictal events (2005) (7)
- Temporal decorrelation using teacher forcing anti-Hebbian learning and its application in adaptive blind source separation (1996) (7)
- PRI-VAE: Principle-of-Relevant-Information Variational Autoencoders (2020) (7)
- Boosted and Linked Mixtures of HMMs for Brain-Machine Interfaces (2008) (7)
- Fast error whitening algorithms for system identification and control with noisy data (2005) (7)
- Group feature selection in image classification with multiple kernel learning (2015) (7)
- Analysis of the Correlation between Local Field Potentials and Neuronal Firing Rate in the Motor Cortex (2006) (7)
- Diffusion least-mean squares over adaptive networks with dynamic topologies (2013) (7)
- Transient Signal Detection with Neural Networks: The Search for the Desired Signal (1992) (7)
- Robust Adaptive Minimum Entropy Beamformer in Impulsive Noise (2007) (7)
- Information-Theoretic Methods in Deep Neural Networks: Recent Advances and Emerging Opportunities (2021) (7)
- Analysis of Short Term Memories for Neural Networks (1993) (7)
- Formulation of the MACE filter as a linear associative memory (1994) (7)
- Feature evaluation using quadratic mutual information (2001) (7)
- Generalized Correntropy Matching Pursuit: A novel, robust algorithm for sparse decomposition (2016) (7)
- A Test of Granger Non-causality Based on Nonparametric Conditional Independence (2010) (7)
- Recursive complex BSS via generalized eigendecomposition and application in image rejection for BPSK (2008) (7)
- The effect of filtering in the EEG correlation dimension estimation: experimental results (1989) (6)
- A fixed point update for kernel width adaptation in information theoretic criteria (2010) (6)
- Adaptive Inverse Control Using SOM based Multiple Models (2002) (6)
- An information-theoretic perspective to kernel independent components analysis (2005) (6)
- Display of EEG chaotic dynamics (1990) (6)
- Special topic section on advances in statistical signal processing for medicine (2000) (6)
- An information-theoretic approach to sonar automatic target recognition (2003) (6)
- Hierarchical Linear Dynamical Systems: A new model for clustering of time series (2014) (6)
- Neural networks for EEG signal decomposition and classification (1995) (6)
- Neural Networks for Signal Processing VII Proceeding of the 1997 IEEE Workshop (1998) (6)
- Robust single-trial ERP estimation based on spatiotemporal filtering (2007) (6)
- Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces for spike train analysis (2008) (6)
- Analyzing dependence structure of the human brain in response to visual stimuli (2012) (6)
- Learning from examples with Renyi's information criterion (1999) (6)
- Speaker verification and identification using gamma neural networks (1997) (6)
- A Fixed-Point Minimum Error Entropy Algorithm (2006) (6)
- Undersea LiDAR imager for unobtrusive and eye safe marine wildlife detection and classification (2017) (6)
- Information Theoretic Vector Quantization with Fixed Point Updates (2007) (6)
- From adaptive linear to information filtering (2000) (6)
- Robustness of Maximum Correntropy Estimation Against Large Outliers (2017) (6)
- Quantized mixture kernel least mean square (2014) (6)
- Multiresolution using principal component analysis (2000) (6)
- A knowledge-based approach to supervised incremental learning (1994) (6)
- The Fast Correntropy Mace Filter (2007) (6)
- Accurate linear parameter estimation in colored noise (2004) (6)
- Information theoretic clustering: a unifying review of three recent algorithms (2004) (6)
- BMI cyberworkstation: Enabling dynamic data-driven brain-machine interface research through cyberinfrastructure (2008) (6)
- Dynamic Vector Quantization Of Speech (2001) (6)
- Simultaneous Principal-Component Extraction with Application to Adaptive Blind Multiuser Detection (2002) (6)
- New CFAR stencil for target detections in synthetic aperture radar imagery (1996) (6)
- Probability Density Rank-Based Quantization for Convex Universal Learning Machines (2020) (6)
- A layered processing model for knowledge-based contextual interpretation of multichannel EEG/EOG signals (1988) (6)
- Information point set registration for shape recognition (2016) (6)
- Estimation of instantaneous power in the EEG to assess brain connectivity with high temporal resolution (2009) (6)
- Temporal plasticity in self-organizing networks (1998) (6)
- Analog VLSI implementations of continuous-time memory structures (1996) (6)
- Locally Recurrent Networks: The Gamma Operator, Properties, and Extensions (1998) (6)
- BMI/BCI Modeling and Signal Processing (2008) (6)
- Independently Coupled HMM Switching Classifier for a Bimodel Brain-Machine Interface (2006) (6)
- Potential Energy and Particle Interaction Approach for Learning in Adaptive Systems (2002) (6)
- Modulation Selection from a Battery Power Efficiency Perspective: A Case Study of PPM and OOK (2009) (6)
- Functional Bayesian Filter (2019) (6)
- Trimmed affine projection algorithms (2014) (6)
- Tracking spectral resonances (1988) (6)
- A parallel hardware architecture for information-theoretic adaptive filtering (2010) (6)
- On the Estimation of the Mixing Matrix for Underdetermined Blind Source Separation in an Arbitrary Number of Dimensions (2004) (6)
- An Adaptive Signal Processing Framework for PV Power Maximization (2015) (6)
- Blind separation of uncorrelated sources via principal component analysis of observations for a symmetric mixing matrix (2002) (6)
- Marine Animal Classification With Correntropy-Loss-Based Multiview Learning (2017) (5)
- Wireless transmission of neuronal recordings using a portable real-time discrimination/compression algorithm (2008) (5)
- Decoding Algorithms for Brain–Machine Interfaces (2013) (5)
- A new clustering algorithm for segmentation of magnetic resonance images (2000) (5)
- Guest editorial special issue on intelligent multimedia processing (2002) (5)
- Sequential Feature Extraction Using Information-Theoretic Learning (2001) (5)
- Clustering Based Kernel Reinforcement Learning for Neural Adaptation in Brain-Machine Interfaces (2018) (5)
- A flexible testing environment for visual question answering with performance evaluation (2018) (5)
- Spike Sorting Using non Parametric Clustering VIA Cauchy Schwartz PDF Divergence (2006) (5)
- Repairing lesions via kernel adaptive inverse control in a biomimetic model of sensorimotor cortex (2015) (5)
- Insights on the relationship between probability of misclassification and information transfer through classifiers (2002) (5)
- Chapter 24 - Information Based Learning (2014) (5)
- A novel family of non-parametric cumulative based divergences for point processes (2010) (5)
- A neural implementation of interpolation with a family of kernels (1997) (5)
- Co-Adaptive Learning in Brain-Machine Interfaces (2008) (5)
- Synchronization analysis of epileptic ECOG data using SOM-based SI measure (2004) (5)
- Robust Blind Simo Channel Estimation Using Adatron (2006) (5)
- A Portable Wireless DSP System for a Brain Machine Interface (2005) (5)
- A New Neural Network Model For Temporal Processing (1990) (5)
- Modeling of Synchronized Burst in Dissociated Cortical Tissue: An Exploration of Parameter Space (2006) (5)
- Selecting neural subsets for kinematics decoding by information theoretical analysis in motor Brain Machine Interfaces (2009) (5)
- Supervised Learning without Numerical Targets - An Information Theoretic Approach (2000) (5)
- Method using multiple models to superresolve SAR imagery (1998) (5)
- Quantifying spatio-temporal dependencies in epileptic ECOG (2005) (5)
- Chapter 7 Information-Theoretic Learning (1999) (5)
- Discrete network implementation of Freeman's model of the olfactory system (1998) (5)
- Content addressable memories in reproducing Kernel Hilbert spaces (2008) (5)
- Feature selection based on survival Cauchy-Schwartz mutual information (2014) (5)
- Information theory related learning (2011) (5)
- Analysis of Amplitude Modulated Control Features for ECoG Neuroprosthetics (2006) (5)
- Isolated-work speech recognition using the focused gamma neural network (1994) (5)
- An interactive learning environment for adaptive systems instruction (1998) (5)
- A Markov Framework for the Simple Genetic Algorithm (1998) (5)
- Marine animal classification using UMSLI in HBOI optical test facility (2017) (5)
- Asymptotic SNR-performance of some image combination techniques for phased-array MRI (2004) (5)
- A Novel Nonparametric Distance Estimator for Densities with Error Bounds (2013) (5)
- Gated competitive systems for unsupervised segmentation and modeling of piecewise stationary signals (1998) (5)
- Spatial-Temporal Clustering of Neural Data Using Linked-Mixtures of Hidden Markov Models (2009) (5)
- Subspace matching thalamic microstimulation to tactile evoked potentials in rat somatosensory cortex (2012) (5)
- An Time-varying Kalman Filter Applied to Moving Target Tracking (2002) (5)
- 5th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps : Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University 5th-8th September 2005 : proceedings (2005) (5)
- Blind Signal Processing Based on Data Geometric Properties (2007) (5)
- Simulation of the Freeman model of the olfactory cortex: a quantitative performance analysis for the DSP approach (2003) (5)
- Exploring the time-frequency microstructure of speech for blind source separation (1998) (5)
- Minimizing Fisher information of the error in supervised adaptive filter training (2004) (5)
- Theory and Algorithms for Pulse Signal Processing (2018) (5)
- Neural Networks for Signal Processing VII : proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop (1997) (4)
- Interpretable fault detection using projections of mutual information matrix (2021) (4)
- Quantification of neural functional connectivity during an active avoidance task (2016) (4)
- Non-Linear Dynamic Modelling with Neural Networks (1998) (4)
- A model based approach to exploration of continuous-state MDPs using Divergence-to-Go (2015) (4)
- Robust matched filtering in the feature space (2005) (4)
- Extraction of principal components from biosignals by neural net. (1999) (4)
- Multiscale principle of relevant information for hyperspectral image classification (2019) (4)
- Deformable Bayesian Network: A Robust Framework for Underwater Sensor Fusion (2012) (4)
- Nonlinear Dynamic Modeling with Neural Networks (1998) (4)
- Fast feedforward non-parametric deep learning network with automatic feature extraction (2017) (4)
- An Associative Memory Readout in ESN for Neural Action Potential Detection (2007) (4)
- Reconstructed dynamics and chaotic signal modeling (1994) (4)
- Some studies of European Portuguese nasal vowels using an articulatory synthesizer (1998) (4)
- Reduction of Markov Chains Using a Value-of-Information-Based Approach (2019) (4)
- Neural network classification of event related potentials for the design of a new computer interface (1990) (4)
- A Self-Organizing Temporal Pattern Recognizer with Application to Robot Landmark Recognition (1996) (4)
- Object Oriented Artificial Neural Network Implementations (1998) (4)
- Surprise-Novelty Information Processing for Gaussian Online Active Learning (SNIP-GOAL) (2018) (4)
- Flight dynamics modeling and recognition using finite state machine for automatic insect recognition (2017) (4)
- Latent state visualization of neural firing rates (2011) (4)
- Correntropy kernel temporal differences for reinforcement learning brain machine interfaces (2014) (4)
- Effects of source-tract interaction in perception of nasality (1999) (4)
- Mutual information analysis on non-stationary neuron importance for brain machine interfaces (2012) (4)
- Neural networks for dynamics modeling (1997) (4)
- Kernel recurrent system trained by real-time recurrent learning algorithm (2013) (4)
- Kernel-based adaptive learning improves accuracy of glucose predictive modelling in type 1 diabetes: A proof-of-concept study (2017) (4)
- Nonlinear independent component analysis by homomorphic transformation of the mixtures (2004) (4)
- Information theoretic learning applied to wind power modeling (2010) (4)
- Spatio-temporal clustering of firing rates for neural state estimation (2010) (4)
- System Identification Based on Mutual Information Criteria (2013) (4)
- Identification of dynamical systems using GMM with VQ initialization (2003) (4)
- Life detection based on Correntropy Spectral Density (2010) (4)
- Estimation of symmetric chi-square divergence for point processes (2011) (4)
- Kernel Recursive Least‐Squares Algorithm (2010) (4)
- The Embedding Transform. A Novel Analysis of Non-Stationarity in the EEG (2018) (4)
- Single-trial ERP estimation based on spatio-temporal filtering (2007) (4)
- Neuronal tuning in a brain-machine interface during Reinforcement Learning (2008) (4)
- A data compression algorithm for the electroencephalogram. (1988) (4)
- Echo cancellation by global optimization of Kautz filters using an information theoretic criterion (2003) (4)
- Toward a Kernel-Based Uncertainty Decomposition Framework for Data and Models (2020) (4)
- Information processing models for automatic sleep scoring (1989) (4)
- An energy study on IR-UWB transmitter using integration-and-fire modulation (2014) (4)
- A neural network development environment for adaptive inverse control (1998) (4)
- An asymmetric stagewise least square loss function for imbalanced classification (2014) (4)
- Fast segmentation for large and sparsely labeled coral images (2019) (4)
- Optimization in companion search spaces: the case of cross-entropy and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (2001) (4)
- Supervised synaptic weight adaptation for a spiking neuron (2003) (4)
- Short term memory structures for dynamic neural networks (1992) (4)
- An actor-critic architecture and simulator for goal-directed brain-machine interfaces (2009) (4)
- Detection-interference dilemma for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio systems (2009) (4)
- The Cortical Mouse: A Piece of Forgotten History in Noninvasive Brain–Computer Interfaces (2013) (4)
- Addressing low frequency movement artifacts in EEG signal recorded during center-out reaching tasks (2014) (4)
- An adaptive inverse controller for online somatosensory microstimulation optimization (2011) (4)
- A New Clustering Separation Measure Based on Negentropy (2015) (4)
- An efficient, robust, and fast converging principal components extraction algorithm: SIPEX-G (2002) (4)
- A CFAR intensity pattern detector for MMW SAR images (1998) (4)
- Recursive Least Squares for an Entropy Regularized MSE Cost Function (2003) (4)
- A reproducing kernel Hilbert space formulation of the principle of relevant information (2011) (4)
- Dynamic sparse coding with smoothing proximal gradient method (2014) (3)
- A hybrid subspace projection method for system identification (2003) (3)
- No-Trick (Treat) Kernel Adaptive Filtering using Deterministic Features (2019) (3)
- Quadratic mutual information for dimensionality reduction and classification (2010) (3)
- Cognitive Workload Discrimination in Flight Simulation Task Using a Generalized Measure of Association (2015) (3)
- Modified Kalman filter based method for training state-recurrent multilayer perceptrons (2002) (3)
- Epileptic seizure detection from ECoG using recurrence time statistics (2004) (3)
- An Exact Reformulation of Feature-Vector-Based Radial-Basis-Function Networks for Graph-Based Observations (2019) (3)
- Unsupervised foveal vision neural architecture with top-down attention (2021) (3)
- Theoretical Methods in Machine Learning (2015) (3)
- Weakly supervised learning of point-level annotation for coral image segmentation (2019) (3)
- A method to simulate synthetic aperture sonar images with parameterized autocorrelation functions (2010) (3)
- Marked point process representation of oscillatory dynamics underlying working memory (2020) (3)
- A reconfigurable parallel acceleration platform for evaluation of permutation entropy (2014) (3)
- Linear Projection Method Based on Information Theoretic Learning (2010) (3)
- A Gaussianity measure for blind source separation insensitive to the sign of kurtosis (1999) (3)
- Automatic plant identification using stem automata (2017) (3)
- An efficient rank-deficient computation of the Principle of Relevant Information (2011) (3)
- Robust bounded logistic regression in the class imbalance problem (2016) (3)
- Partitioning Relational Matrices of Similarities or Dissimilarities Using the Value of Information (2017) (3)
- Projentropy: Using entropy to optimize spatial projections (2014) (3)
- The Generalized Sleep Spindles Detector: A Generative Model Approach on Single-Channel EEGs (2019) (3)
- Spatio-Temporal Clustering of Epileptic ECOG (2005) (3)
- Local Hammerstein modeling based on self-organizing map (2003) (3)
- Monte Carlo point process estimation of electromyographic envelopes from motor cortical spikes for brain–machine interfaces (2015) (3)
- An Adaptive Algorithm Based On The Sigmoidal Function (2006) (3)
- Modeling the Mind: From Circuits to Systems (2007) (3)
- Signal Processing with Pulse Trains: An Algebraic Approach- Part I (2016) (3)
- An algorithm based on non-squared sum of the errors (2015) (3)
- The Machine Cocktail Party Problem (2007) (3)
- Associations among Image Assessments as Cost Functions in Linear Decomposition: MSE, SSIM, and Correlation Coefficient (2017) (3)
- Pulse based signal processing for systolic peak recognition (2015) (3)
- Learning dependence from samples (2014) (3)
- A local linear modeling paradigm with a modified counterpropagation network (2003) (3)
- A Study of Musical Pitch Distance Using a Self-Organized Hierarchical Linear Dynamical System on Acoustic Signals (2016) (3)
- Target Detection and Segmentation in Circular-Scan Synthetic Aperture Sonar Images Using Semisupervised Convolutional Encoder–Decoders (2021) (3)
- Analysis of spectral feature extraction using the gamma filter (1994) (3)
- Tracking Neural Tuning Plasticity by Dual Sequential Monte Carlo Estimation on Point Processes for Brain Machine Interfaces (2016) (3)
- Training MLPs layer-by-layer with the information potential (1999) (3)
- Detection of Fetal Heart Rate Accelerations and Decelerations Using Artificial Neural Networks (1998) (3)
- Neuro-Fuzzy Classification Using the Correntropy Criterion: Application to Sleep Depth Estimation (2010) (3)
- Unsupervised decoding of spinal motor neuron spike trains for estimating hand kinematics following targeted muscle reinnervation (2019) (3)
- Quantifying cognitive state from EEG using phase synchrony (2013) (3)
- An Expert System Architecture For Abnormal EEG Discrimination (1990) (3)
- Functional dependence in the human brain: A graph theoretical analysis (2013) (3)
- An Information-theoretic Approach for Automatically Determining the Number of State Groups When Aggregating Markov Chains (2019) (3)
- The Year in Review [T-BME issues in 2004] (2005) (3)
- An information theoretic approach to adaptive system training using unlabeled data (2005) (3)
- Decoding stimuli from multi-source neural responses (2012) (3)
- Design of a reduced KII set and network in analog VLSI (2003) (3)
- Error whitening criterion for linear filter estimation (2003) (3)
- Reinforcement Learning in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces: Enabling Continuous Brain?Machine Interface Adaptation (2021) (3)
- Minimax Mutual Information Approach for ICA of Complex-Valued Linear Mixtures (2004) (3)
- Modeling and control of unknown chaotic systems via multiple models (2004) (3)
- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Analysis with Information-Theoretic Approaches (2002) (3)
- A marked point process approach for identifying neural correlates of tics in Tourette Syndrome (2017) (3)
- Bayesian surprise metric for outlier detection in on-line learning (2011) (3)
- Modeling time dependencies in the mixture of experts (1998) (3)
- Computational Neural Networks (2005) (3)
- Fast focus of attention for corals from underwater images (2019) (3)
- Optimization in Reproducing kernel Hilbert Spaces of Spike Trains (2010) (3)
- Training a Bank of Wiener Models with a Novel Quadratic Mutual Information Cost Function (2021) (3)
- Hierarchical linear dynamical systems for unsupervised musical note recognition (2017) (3)
- Adaptive filtering based on extended kernel recursive maximum correntropy (2017) (3)
- A Reconfigurable Neural Signal Processor (NSP) for Brain Machine Interfaces (2006) (3)
- Information Theoretical Analysis of Instantaneous Motor Cortical Neuron Encoding for Brain-Machine Interfaces (2008) (3)
- Identification and Control of Aircrafts using Multiple Models and Adaptive Critics (2007) (3)
- Principle of Relevant Information for Graph Sparsification (2022) (3)
- A spatiotemporal vector quantizer for missing sample reconstruction (2001) (3)
- A relation between Hebbian and MSE learning (1995) (3)
- Background and Preview (2010) (3)
- fMRI analysis: Distribution divergence measure based on quadratic entropy (2000) (3)
- Model development, testing and experimentation in a CyberWorkstation for Brain-Machine Interface research (2010) (3)
- Correntropy based Robust Decomposition of Neuromodulations (2019) (3)
- Classification with linear networks using an online constrained LDA algorithm (1997) (2)
- Unsupervised robust detection of behavioral correlates in ECoG (2017) (2)
- Training Deep Architectures Without End-to-End Backpropagation: A Brief Survey (2021) (2)
- Transient Model for Neuronal Oscillations (2016) (2)
- Extracting an evaluative feedback from the brain for adaptation of motor neuroprosthetic decoders (2010) (2)
- Biologically-Inspired Pulse Signal Processing for Intelligence at the Edge (2021) (2)
- Incorporating virtual negative examples to improve SAR ATR (2000) (2)
- Towards a Kernel based Physical Interpretation of Model Uncertainty (2020) (2)
- Experimental results using a nonlinear extension of the MACE filter (1995) (2)
- Inferring the stability of LIFE through Brain Machine Interfaces (2008) (2)
- Guest Editorial Special Issue on Information Theoretic Learning (2004) (2)
- Data-driven tree-structured Bayesian network for image segmentation (2012) (2)
- Labels, Information, and Computation: Efficient, Privacy-Preserving Learning Using Sufficient Labels (2021) (2)
- On the convergence of SIPEX: a simultaneous principal components extraction algorithm (2003) (2)
- Gaussianizing Transformations for ICA (2004) (2)
- Experimental results using a nonlinear extension of the minimum average correlation energy (MACE) filter (1995) (2)
- Slow Dynamics of Acute Postoperative Pain Intensity Time Series Determined via Wavelet Analysis Are Associated With the Risk of Severe Postoperative Day 30 Pain (2021) (2)
- Adapting the Exploration Rate for Value-of-Information-Based Reinforcement Learning (2022) (2)
- Which measure should we use for unsupervised spike train learning ? (2010) (2)
- FROM THE EEG (1991) (2)
- An augmented error criterion for linear adaptive filtering: theory, algorithms and applications (2004) (2)
- Efficient temporal decomposition of local field potentials (2011) (2)
- Electrocorticographic interictal spike removal via denoising source separation for improved neuroprosthesis control (2008) (2)
- Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation: 6th International Conference, ICA 2006, Charleston, SC, USA, March 5-8, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (2006) (2)
- A Physics inspired Functional Operator for Model Uncertainty Quantification in the RKHS (2021) (2)
- Information Theoretic fuzzy modeling for regression (2010) (2)
- Learning Observable Operator Models via the Efficient Sharpening Algorithm (2007) (2)
- A metric approach toward point process divergence (2011) (2)
- Our Second Year (2009) (2)
- Correction: Cellular Basis for Response Diversity in the Olfactory Periphery (2012) (2)
- Prerequesites for symbiotic brain-machine interfaces (2009) (2)
- Transactions of Biomedical Engineering (TBME). (2001) (2)
- Structural risk minimization for robust blind identification of sparse SIMO channels (2005) (2)
- Teaching Adaptive Systems with an Interactive , Electronic Book (1998) (2)
- Extraction of signals with higher order temporal structure using Correntropy (2012) (2)
- Modeling and Detection of Limit-Cycle Oscillations Using Adaptable Linear Models (2005) (2)
- Maximum correntropy based attention-gated reinforcement learning designed for brain machine interface (2016) (2)
- Learning multiscale neural metrics via entropy minimization (2013) (2)
- Special Issue on Advances in Self-organizing Maps (2015) (2)
- Chaotic dynamics of time-delay neural networks (1990) (2)
- Cryogenic-optical sensor for the highly sensitive gravity meters (2003) (2)
- Estimation of periodicity in non-uniformly sampled astronomical data using a 2D kernel in correntropy (2011) (2)
- Noisy desired signal in transient detection using neural networks (1993) (2)
- Correntropy Based Hierarchical Linear Dynamical System For Speech Recognition (2018) (2)
- Corrigendum to "Cyclostationary Correntropy: Definition and applications" [Expert Systems with Applications 69 (2017) 110-117] (2017) (2)
- Recursively Adapted Radial Basis Function Networks and its Relationship to Resource Allocating Networks and Online Kernel Learning (2007) (2)
- Game-Theoretic Learning (2007) (2)
- Reproducing kernel hilbert space methods for information theoretic learning (2012) (2)
- Cognitive Architecture for Video Games (2020) (2)
- Point process modeling on decoding and encoding for Brain Machine Interfaces (2009) (2)
- Innovating Signal Processing for Spike Train Data (2007) (2)
- Magnitude spectral estimation via Poisson moments with application to speech recognition (1995) (2)
- Display of EEG chaotic dynamics (1989) (2)
- Statistical Signal Processing in Neuroscience (2009) (2)
- Correntropy-based spectrum sensing for wireless microphones in man-made noise environments (2012) (2)
- On-Line Stochastic Functional Smoothing Optimization for Neural Network Training (1998) (2)
- A parameter-free kernel design based on cumulative distribution function for correntropy (2013) (2)
- An information-theoretic approach to motor action decoding with a reconfigurable parallel architecture (2011) (2)
- Representation of locally stationary signals using lowpass moments (1995) (2)
- Incremental B ackpropagation Learning Networks (1996) (2)
- The effects of interictal spikes on single neuron firing patterns in the hippocampus during the development of temporal lobe epilepsy (2008) (2)
- Focus of attention in UWB SAR image (1997) (2)
- Spin Diffusion: A New Perspective in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2007) (2)
- Crosscorrelation estimation using teacher forcing Hebbian learning and its application (1996) (2)
- Kernel adaptive filtering with confidence intervals (2013) (2)
- Density-dependent quantized kernel least mean square (2016) (2)
- Coral Image Segmentation with Point-Supervision via Latent Dirichlet Allocation with Spatial Coherence (2021) (2)
- Freeman olfactory cortex model: A multiplexed KII network implementation (2007) (2)
- Computation in a reduced KII network based on synchronization (2006) (2)
- Comparison of Static Neural Network with External Memory and RNNs for Deterministic Context Free Language Learning (2018) (2)
- Hierarchal Decomposition of Neural Data using Boosted Mixtures of Hidden Markov Chains and its application to a BMI (2007) (2)
- Arm Motion Reconstruction via Feature Clustering in Joint Angle Space (2006) (2)
- A knowledge-based supervision model for machine tools (1989) (2)
- Locally recurrent networks with multiple time-scales (1997) (2)
- Fast Estimation of Information Theoretic Learning Descriptors using Explicit Inner Product Spaces (2020) (2)
- Soft Competitive Principal Component Analysis Using The Mixture of Experts (1998) (2)
- Functional data representation using correntropy locally linear embedding (2010) (2)
- Towards a Kernel based Uncertainty Decomposition Framework for Data and Models. (2020) (1)
- Computational Intelligence in Control António E Ruano1 (2014) (1)
- An Efficient Computation of Continuous-time Correlogram of Spike Trains (2006) (1)
- Analysis ECoG features for movement execution using denoising source separation (2008) (1)
- Micro analysis of spike and wave bursts in children EEG (1985) (1)
- Binary classification based on SVDD projection and nearest neighbors (2010) (1)
- A new method of concurrently visualizing states, values, and actions in reinforcement based brain machine interfaces (2013) (1)
- Learning Multiple Levels of Representations with Kernel Machines (2018) (1)
- A novel methodology to quantify dense EEG in cognitive tasks (2017) (1)
- An integrated recording system using an asynchronous pulse representation (2009) (1)
- Epileptic seizure detection using dynamical preprocessing (STLmax) (2004) (1)
- Modulation of virtual arm trajectories via microstimulation in a spiking model of sensorimotor cortex (2014) (1)
- VLSI silicon based prosthesis for in vitro measurement of neural activity (1991) (1)
- Word spotting with the gamma neural model (1995) (1)
- Peri-event cross-correlation over time for analysis of interactions in neuronal firing (2008) (1)
- Estimation Of Lyapunov Exponents From The EEG (1991) (1)
- Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, 6th International Conference, ICA 2006, Charleston, SC, USA, March 5-8, 2006, Proceedings (2006) (1)
- Modeling the precedence effect for speech (1997) (1)
- Information Theoretic Organization Principles for Autonomous Multiple-Agents (2004) (1)
- Nearest-Instance-Centroid-Estimation Linear Discriminant Analysis (Nice Lda) (2018) (1)
- A two-processing element adaptable linear oscillating recurrent system with single-weight plasticity (2003) (1)
- Special issue on information theoretic learning. (2004) (1)
- Augmented Space Linear Model (2018) (1)
- Recursive Complex Blind Source Separation via Eigendecomposition of Cumulant Matrices (2007) (1)
- Maximum Correntropy Criterion (2015) (1)
- Fairness constrained diffusion adaptive power control for dense small cell network (2018) (1)
- Simultaneous diagonalization algorithm for blind source separation based on subband filtered features (1998) (1)
- An Extended Result on the Optimal Estimation Under the Minimum Error Entropy Criterion (2014) (1)
- Definition of the value of information (2020) (1)
- On-line Detection of Perceptual Signatures in Multichannel ECoG (2005) (1)
- Fusing attention with visual question answering (2017) (1)
- Linear discriminant analysis with an information divergence criterion (2015) (1)
- Minimizing BER in DFE's with the Adatron algorithm (2001) (1)
- Explicit versus implicit source estimation for blind multiple input single output system identification (2015) (1)
- A Closed Form Solution for Multiple-Input Spike Based Adaptive Filters (2007) (1)
- System Identification Under Minimum Error Entropy Criteria (2013) (1)
- Local power estimation of neuromodulations using point process modeling (2020) (1)
- "Trends" Expert Overview Sessions Revived at ICASSP 2011: Part 2 (2011) (1)
- Hardware implementation of adder for pulse signal processing (2017) (1)
- Deep Deterministic Independent Component Analysis for Hyperspectral Unmixing (2022) (1)
- Temporal context in object recognition (2012) (1)
- A principal component network for generalized eigen-decomposition (1998) (1)
- Uncertainty quantification for multiclass data description (2021) (1)
- MIMO Modeling by Learning Explicitly the Projection Space: The Maximum Correlation Ratio Cost Function (2021) (1)
- Period detection in light curves from astronomical objects using correntropy (2010) (1)
- Spectral feature extraction using Poisson moments (1994) (1)
- Optimal parameter estimation of the Laguerre filter via the complex performance function (1996) (1)
- Information Theoretic Parameter Estimation (2013) (1)
- Weak transient signal detection in non-Gaussian noise using RBF and recurrent networks (1998) (1)
- Cryogenic sensor for space operations (2003) (1)
- Unsupervised Mapping of Motor Unit Action Potential Trains to Hand Kinematics Using Complex Principal Component Analysis (2016) (1)
- Multidimensional filtering of the electrocorticogram (ECoG) for epileptic focus localization (1991) (1)
- 1997 IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing VII (1998) (1)
- Statistical pose estimation of land targets in SAR (2000) (1)
- Sensor Adaptive Signal Processing of Biological Nanotubes (Ion Channels) at Macroscopic and Nano Scales (2007) (1)
- State space display of EEG chaotic dynamics (1990) (1)
- Multi-rate sampling digital audio equalizer (1991) (1)
- Design and implementation of biologically realistic signal to symbol translators (2001) (1)
- Symbiotic Brain-Machine Interface decoding using simultaneous motor and reward neural representation (2011) (1)
- Statistically Independent Feature Extraction for SAR Imagery (2000) (1)
- Detection of synchronized firings in multivariate neural spike trains during motor tasks (2007) (1)
- "Trends" Expert Overview Sessions Revived at ICASSP 2011: Part 3 [In the Spotlight] (2011) (1)
- Procedural Memory Augmented Deep Reinforcement Learning (2020) (1)
- Value of Information in the Binary Case and Confusion Matrix (2022) (1)
- Information Theoretic Structured Generative Modeling (2021) (1)
- Gravity Transform for Input Conditioning in Brain Machine Interfaces (2006) (1)
- One-class classifier based on extreme value statistics (2012) (1)
- Learning joint features for color and depth images with Convolutional Neural Networks for object classification (2015) (1)
- Towards the modeling of dissociated cortical tissue in the liquid state machine framework (2005) (1)
- On the Importance of Synergisms Between Neuroscience and Engineering [Further Thoughts] (2014) (1)
- Augmented Space Linear Models (2020) (1)
- Modulation of virtual arm trajectories via microstimulation in a spiking model of sensorimotor cortex (2014) (1)
- Theories, Analysis, and Bounds of the Finite-Support Approximation for the Inverses of Mixing-Phase FIR Systems (2009) (1)
- Real-Time Monitoring of Epileptic Seizures through Recurrence Time Analysis of EEGs (2008) (1)
- Maximum Correntropy Criterion–Based Kernel Adaptive Filters (2018) (1)
- Hierarchical Linear Dynamical System for Representing Notes from Recorded Audio (2022) (1)
- Discrimination of Movement-Related Cortical Potentials Exploiting Unsupervised Learned Representations From ECoGs (2019) (1)
- Modified Freeman model: a stability analysis and application to pattern recognition (2004) (1)
- Mutual Information Matrix for Interpretable Fault Detection (2020) (1)
- A New Information Theoretic Measure of PDF Symmetry (2007) (1)
- Estimation and modeling of EEG amplitude-temporal characteristics using a marked point process approach (2016) (1)
- Dynamic Neural Networks and Optimal Signal Processing (2001) (1)
- Using the Value of Information to Explore Stochastic, Discrete Multi-Armed Bandits. (2017) (1)
- Program at glance (2017) (1)
- Estimation of density ratio and its application to design a measure of dependence (2009) (1)
- MEMS-based serial LiDAR detection and imaging architecture for automated surveillance of undersea marine life (2018) (1)
- A nonparametric information theoretic approach for change detection in time series (2011) (1)
- Program Co-Chair (2008) (1)
- Local Frequency Based Estimators for Anomaly Detection in Oil and Gas Applications (2010) (1)
- Separating spatial and temporal activation patterns in fMRI using competitive subspace projection (2005) (1)
- Spatio-temporal Localization And Display Of Focal Epileptic Activity From The Electrocorticogram (ECoG) (1991) (1)
- Adaptive target detection in UWB images using Laguerre network (1997) (1)
- Hierarchical clustering of neural data using Linked-Mixtures of Hidden Markov Models for Brain Machine Interfaces (2009) (1)
- Mixture of competitive linear models for phased-array magnetic resonance imaging (2004) (1)
- Modified embedding for multi-regime detection in nonstationary streaming data (2011) (1)
- Implementations of Continuous-Time Memory Structures (1996) (1)
- Information theoretic similarity measures for shape matching (2012) (1)
- Causal Recurrent Variational Autoencoder for Medical Time Series Generation (2023) (1)
- Dimensionality reduction and information-theoretic divergence between sets of LADAR images (2008) (1)
- Computation of entropy for special cases. Entropy of stochastic processes (2020) (0)
- Correction to: Theory of Information and its Value (2020) (0)
- Stochastic Approximation with Smoothing for Optimization of an Adaptive Recursive Filter (1996) (0)
- Long-Term Postoperative Pain Prediction from Intraoperative Physiological Responses (Preprint) (2022) (0)
- Brain Machine Interfaces: Modeling Strategies for Neural Signal Processing (2007) (0)
- Sparse Analog Associative Memory via (2011) (0)
- IEEE Fellows - Class of 2019 [Society Briefs] (2019) (0)
- Sparse Least Logarithmic Absolute Difference Algorithm with Correntropy-Induced Metric Penalty (2015) (0)
- Composite Dynamic Texture Synthesis Using Hierarchical Linear Dynamical System (2020) (0)
- Kernel Nonlinear Dynamic System Identification Based on Expectation-Maximization Method (2022) (0)
- Analysis of the time-frequency representation using the Gamma filter (1996) (0)
- Impedance Cardiography. Proceedings of a mini-symposium at the 1991 international meeting of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. (1993) (0)
- Speech classification using a modified focused gamma network (1996) (0)
- Encoding in the presence of penalties. First variational problem (2020) (0)
- Welcome message (2021) (0)
- Design and Performance Analysis of Nanoscale Content-Addressable Memories (2006) (0)
- On the optimization properties of the correntropic loss function in data analysis (2013) (0)
- The wellposedness analysis of the kernel adaline (2008) (0)
- Reviewers 2005 (2006) (0)
- An overview of optimal signal processing methodologies for brain machine interfaces (2003) (0)
- Quantifying neuronal importance in value-based Brain-Machine Interfaces (2009) (0)
- Appendix A: Mathematical Background (2010) (0)
- A simplified statistical analysis of feedforward neural classifier (1994) (0)
- Computational Challenges in Processing Very Large Astronomical Survey Databases (2012) (0)
- Long-Term Postoperative Pain Prediction Using Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition of Intraoperative Physiological Responses: Prospective Cohort Study (2022) (0)
- A biphasic integrate-and-fire system (2009) (0)
- The Extended Kernel Adaptive Autoregressive-Moving-Average Algorithm (2022) (0)
- Unsupervised Foveal Vision Neural Networks with Top-Down Attention (2020) (0)
- A Differential-geometric Approach for Globally Solving a Non-convex, Discontinuous Depth Estimation Problem for Plenoptic Camera Images (2019) (0)
- Mixed generative and supervised learning modes in Deep Predictive Coding Networks (2015) (0)
- Trading Utility and Uncertainty: Applying the Value of Information to Resolve the Exploration–Exploitation Dilemma in Reinforcement Learning (2021) (0)
- A Cognitive Architecture for Object Recognition in Video (2020) (0)
- Designing Sparse Kernel Adaptive Filters (2010) (0)
- First asymptotic theorem and related results (2020) (0)
- Wavelet based Technique for Super Resolution Image Reconstruction (2019) (0)
- Sequential causal estimation and learning from time-varying images (2012) (0)
- Autoencoder with Maximum Correntropy Criterion (2015) (0)
- FURTHER THOUGHTS Further thoughts on the paper by Principe and Chalasani On the Importance of Synergisms Between Neuroscience and Engineering (2014) (0)
- A Note on the W-S Lower Bound of the MEE Estimation (2014) (0)
- Robust Estimation of Shift–Invariant Patterns Exploiting Correntropy (2018) (0)
- Neural Networks and Adaptive Signal Processing (2018) (0)
- Estimation and modeling of EEG amplitude-temporal characteristics using a marked point process approach. (2016) (0)
- Value of Shannon’s information for the most important Bayesian systems (2020) (0)
- A New Clustering Separation Measure Based on Negentropy (2014) (0)
- A Performance Comparison of the MACE Filter to a Simple Nonlinear Extension (2008) (0)
- Information Theoretic Signal Processing (2005) (0)
- Loss function for blind source separation-minimum entropy criterion and its generalized anti-Hebbian rules (1999) (0)
- Learning to Generate a Sinewave with a Recurrent Two-Neuron Network (1998) (0)
- A Functional Operator for Model Uncertainty Quantification in the RKHS (2022) (0)
- Top-down Gamma Saliency - Learning to Search for Objects in Complex Scenes (2018) (0)
- Topographical measures of functional connectivity as biomarkers for post-stroke motor recovery (2017) (0)
- Estimating Rényi's α-Cross-Entropies in a Matrix-Based Way (2021) (0)
- Ieee-Tnn 2002 (2014) (0)
- On-Line Transform Domain LMS Algorithm Implemented with PCA Learning (1998) (0)
- A new type of distance metric and its use for clustering (2017) (0)
- Designing Patterns for Easy Recognition: Information Transmission with Low-Density Parity-Check Codes (2007) (0)
- Diversity in Communication: From Source Coding to Wireless Networks (2007) (0)
- Welcome message from the Organizing Committee (2016) (0)
- Information theory and the second law of thermodynamics (2020) (0)
- Sparse Wave Packets Discriminate Motor Tasks in EEG–based BCIs (2019) (0)
- Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (2006) (0)
- Impacto Global da Signal Processing Magazine (2011) (0)
- "Trends" Expert Overview Sessions Revived at ICASSP 2011 [In the Spotlight] (2011) (0)
- Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface (2009) (0)
- Local intensity tests for optimal detectability (2000) (0)
- Quantification of neural functional connectivity during an active avoidance task. (2016) (0)
- Context Dependent Encoding Using (2015) (0)
- 2004 reviewers list (2004) (0)
- An Implementation of the Klatt Speech Synthesiser (1997) (0)
- Information Theoretic Features for Brain Computer Interfaces ) r Final Report Project Title : Information Theoretic Extraction of EEG Features for Monitoring Subject Attention funded (0)
- Value of Information in the Mean-Square Case and Its Application to the Analysis of Financial Time-Series Forecast (2022) (0)
- Time based gain control for the analog to pulse converter (2017) (0)
- Pre-earthquake State Identification by Micro-earthquake Spike Trains Dissimilarity Analysis (2017) (0)
- Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Advances in Self-Organizing Maps (2009) (0)
- Neuronal shaping in a Co-Adaptive Brain-Machine Interface (2008) (0)
- EEG Models and Analysis (2021) (0)
- A Distributed Processing Architecture for Real-Time Biological Data Analysis (2019) (0)
- Edinburgh Research Explorer Quantized mixture kernel least mean square (2018) (0)
- A self-learning cognitive architecture exploiting causality from rewards (2022) (0)
- Pitch estimation using non-negative matrix factorization (2014) (0)
- Online Nonlinear Granger Causality Detection by Quantized Kernel Least Mean Square (2014) (0)
- Quantifying Model Predictive Uncertainty with Perturbation Theory (2021) (0)
- Predicting wrist kinematics from motor unit discharge timings for the control of active prostheses (2019) (0)
- Annotating Motion Primitives for Simplifying Action Search in Reinforcement Learning (2021) (0)
- Robust Dependence Measure using RKHS based Uncertainty Moments and Optimal Transport (2022) (0)
- Exponential C-Loss for data fitting (2015) (0)
- Message transmission in the presence of noise. Second asymptotic theorem and its various formulations (2020) (0)
- Estimating R\'enyi's $\alpha$-Cross-Entropies in a Matrix-Based Way (2021) (0)
- Using a Recurrent Kernel Learning Machine for Small-Sample Image Classification (2019) (0)
- A real-time reconstruction algorithm for the integrate and fire sampler (2011) (0)
- Faster Convergence in Deep-Predictive-Coding Networks to Learn Deeper Representations (2021) (0)
- Stochastic Blind Equalization Based on PDF Fitting (2005) (0)
- Functional relevant multichannel kernel adaptive filter for human activity analysis (2014) (0)
- The New γ-CFAR Detector For Astronomical Image Processing (1997) (0)
- Multivariate Extension of Matrix-Based Rényi's <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\alpha$</tex-math><alternatives><mml:math><mml:mi>α</mml:mi></mml:math><inline-graphic xlink:href="yu-ieq1-2932976.gif"/></alternatives></inline-formula>-Order Entropy Functional (2020) (0)
- ESANN 2011 19th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (2011) (0)
- Computation in a reduced KII network based on synchronization: Research Articles (2006) (0)
- Editorial (2006) (0)
- Training Deep Architectures Without End-to-End Backpropagation: A Survey on the Provably Optimal Methods (2021) (0)
- Channel capacity. Important particular cases of channels (2020) (0)
- Structured graphical models for unsupervised image segmentation (2011) (0)
- Point Process Models for Motor BMIs: An Assessment (2008) (0)
- Measure of Statistical Dependence (2012) (0)
- Reviewers 2005 (2006) (0)
- Encoding of discrete information in the absence of noise and penalties (2020) (0)
- Preclinical seizure prediction & detection validation in an animal model (2007) (0)
- Self-Organizing Maps (2005) (0)
- Learning Backpropagation-Free Deep Architectures with Kernels (2018) (0)
- Variance and Bias Analysis of Information Potential and Symmetric Information Potential (2007) (0)
- Sparsely labeled coral images segmentation with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (2020) (0)
- Plenary lectures [9 abstracts] (2013) (0)
- Towards closed-loop brain-machine experiments across wide-area networks (2011) (0)
- A New Uncertainty Framework for Stochastic Signal Processing (2019) (0)
- Instantaneous Cross-Correlation Analysis of Neural Ensembles with High Temporal Resolution (2013) (0)
- 2018 IEEE CIS Awards [Society Briefs] (2018) (0)
- A Neural Network Environment for Adaptive Inverse Control (1998) (0)
- Deformable Bayesian networks for data clustering and fusion (2011) (0)
- Kernelized Q-Learning for Large-Scale, Potentially Continuous, Markov Decision Processes (2018) (0)
- Analysis on extended kernel recursive least squares algorithm (2013) (0)
- The 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering - March 16-19, 2005 (2004) (0)
- Development of Symbiotic Brain-Machine Interfaces Using a Neurophysiology Cyberworkstation (2009) (0)
- Some practical issues concerning the gamma neural net (1991) (0)
- Towards a silicon implementation of the olfactory system (1998) (0)
- Empirical Statistics and Stochastic Models for Visual Signals (2007) (0)
- A conditional independence perspective of variable selection (2010) (0)
- Boosted and LinkedMixtures of HMMs for Brain-Machine Interfaces (2008) (0)
- An on-line system for intraoperative focus localization from array electrocorticography (1994) (0)
- Analysis of Memory Organization for Dynamic Neural Networks (2018) (0)
- An instrument for time synchronisation of data stored by unrelated equipment, in the clinical neurophysiology environment (1992) (0)
- EDITORIAL (1967) (0)
- Labels, Information, and Computation: Efficient Learning Using Sufficient Labels (2021) (0)
- Speeding Up Reinforcement Learning by Exploiting Causality in Reward Sequences (2021) (0)
- A kernel based approach to maximum entropy mappings (1998) (0)
- Asymptotic results about the value of information. Third asymptotic theorem (2020) (0)
- Analysis of Intra-Operative Physiological Responses Through Complex Higher-Order SVD for Long-Term Post-Operative Pain Prediction (2021) (0)
- Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filter (cid:63) (2016) (0)
- Novel Quadratic Gaussianity Measures and their Application in Blind Source Separation / Extraction (2000) (0)
- Principle of Relevant Information for Graph Sparsification (Supp. Material) (2022) (0)
- Artificial neural networks with gamma kernels for automatic target detection (1996) (0)
- On initial convergence behavior of the kernel least mean square algorithm (2015) (0)
- Design and performance analysis of a novel nanoscale associative memory (2004) (0)
- MIMO Time Series Modeling Without Forming the Error: The Maximal Correlation Cost Function (2021) (0)
- Fairness constrained diffusion adaptive power control for dense small cell network (2017) (0)
- Algorithmic Design and Implementation of Unobtrusive Multistatic Serial LiDAR Image (2019) (0)
- Short-term prediction of glucose in type 1 diabetes using kernel adaptive filters (2018) (0)
- Visualization Of Epileptic Spikes In State Space (1991) (0)
- A multi-channel peripheral nerve stimulator with integrate-and-fire encoding (2021) (0)
- Special Issue on Information Theoretic Signal Processing (2004) (0)
- ICASSP 2002 Conference Committee (2002) (0)
- Quantifying Model Uncertainty for Semantic Segmentation using Operators in the RKHS (2022) (0)
- Long-term scalp epileptic EEG quantification with GMA dynamics (2015) (0)
- Fast spatio-temporal decorrelation using FIR filter network with decoupled adaptive step sizes (2020) (0)
- Welcome to Our Inaugural Year (2008) (0)
- Filter & hold: a mixed continuous‐/discrete‐time technique for time‐constant scaling (2015) (0)
- Detection of random vectors using an unsupervised neural network (1996) (0)
- Reviewers 2004 (2004) (0)
- On Spatio-Temporal Dependency Changes in Epileptic Intracranial EEG: A Statistical Assessment (2006) (0)
- Extracting synchronized neuronal activity from local field potentials based on a marked point process framework (2022) (0)
- Perception Updating Networks: On architectural constraints for interpretable video generative models (2016) (0)
- A synthetic averaging method on point process for motor Brain Machine Interfaces (2008) (0)
- The Cross Density Kernel Function: A Novel Framework to Quantify Statistical Dependence for Random Processes (2022) (0)
- Advances in Brain Machine Interfaces (2012) (0)
- A reconfigurable parallel FPGA accelerator for the adapt-then-combine diffusion LMS algorithm (2016) (0)
- Acquisition and Recognition of Moving Targets and Enabling Technologies. Volume 1 (2001) (0)
- A Novel Switching Scheme Between Adaptive Information Algorithms (2007) (0)
- Chapter XI-Training and Using Recurrent Networks (2009) (0)
- External-Memory Networks for Low-Shot Learning of Targets in Forward-Looking-Sonar Imagery (2021) (0)
- An adaptive duty-cycle methodology for PV power maximization using a single variable (2013) (0)
- Approximate reconstruction of bandlimited functions for the integrate and fire sampler (2011) (0)
- Analysis And Visualization Of The EEG In Phasespace (1990) (0)
- Marine animal classification using UMSLI in HBOI optical test facility (2017) (0)
- Discrete Network Implementation of KII and KIII Freeman ’ s Model (2000) (0)
- Plenary speakers: Reliable interfaces with the peripheral nervous system (2013) (0)
- Non-linear dynamic modeling of glucose in type 1 diabetes with kernel adaptive filters (2016) (0)
- 2014 IEEE CIS Awards [Society Briefs] (2014) (0)
- Information in the presence of noise. Shannon’s amount of information (2020) (0)
- Olfactory Scene Analysis (2015) (0)
- A Kernel Framework to Quantify a Model's Local Predictive Uncertainty under Data Distributional Shifts (2021) (0)
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- Efficient and robust deep learning with Correntropy-induced loss function (2015) (0)
- Differential EEG (2009) (0)
- Reconstructed dynamics and chaotic signal modeling (1994) (0)
- The Functional Wiener Filter (2022) (0)
- Information Theoretic Extraction of EEG Features for Monitoring Subject Attention (2000) (0)
- A new nonparametric measure of conditional independence (2009) (0)
- Context analysis by the gamma neural network (1996) (0)
- A real-time, power-efficient architecture for mean-shift image segmentation (2014) (0)
- Mixture of designer experts for multi-regime detection in streaming data (2012) (0)
- Editorial (2004) (0)
- Kernel adaptive filtering subject to equality function constraints (2016) (0)
- Best order variability of autoregressive EEG modelling (1985) (0)
- L G ] 15 M ar 2 01 3 Deep Predictive Coding Networks (2013) (0)
- Measurable fields to spikes causality and its dependence on cortical layer and area (2023) (0)
- Regularized Training of Convolutional Autoencoders using the Rényi-Stratonovich Value of Information (2020) (0)
- Preface (2019) (0)
- Analysis of coarse parallel architectures for artificial neural processing (1993) (0)
- Directed generalized measure of association: A data driven approach towards causal inference (2015) (0)
- MaximumCorrentropyKalmanFilter ? (2016) (0)
- Hellinger Entropy Concept: multidisciplinary applications. (2021) (0)
- Feature Extraction Using an Information Theoretic Framework (1999) (0)
- IEEE Fellows?Class of 2020 [Society Briefs] (2020) (0)
- AFRL-SN-WP-TR-2001-1123 Statistical Pattern Recognition for Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) / Automatic Target Recognition ( ATR ) (0)
- Quantitative Analysis of a Marked Point Process based Sleep Spindle Detector (MPP-SSD) (2018) (0)
- Definition of information and entropy in the absence of noise (2020) (0)
- A Recursive Online Kernel PCA Algorithm (2010) (0)
- Maximum correntropy based attention-gated reinforcement learning designed for brain machine interface. (2016) (0)
- Explaining Deep and ResNet Architecture Choices with Information Flow (2022) (0)
- Estimation and visualization of neuronal functional connectivity in motor tasks (2009) (0)
- Background and Preview 1.2 Linear Adaptive Filters 1.2.1 Least -mean -square Algorithm (2010) (0)
- Sparse analog associative memory via L1-regularization and thresholding (2011) (0)
- Using the outputs of the Poisson filter chain to reconstruct attractors (1994) (0)
- Multimedia System Control. (1990) (0)
- An Adaptive Signal Processing Framework for PV Power Maximization (2015) (0)
- Parallel flow in Deep Predictive Coding Networks (2015) (0)
- Appendix B: Approximate Linear Dependency and System Stability (2010) (0)
- A Self-organizing Principle for Segmenting and Super-resolving ISAR Images (1998) (0)
- Odor tracking in aquatic organisms: the importance of temporal and spatial intermittency of the turbulent plume (2020) (0)
- Statistical Pattern Recognition for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)/Automatic Target Recognition (ATR). Volume 2 (2001) (0)
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