
Joseph George Cumming

Most Influential Person Across History

British geologist and archaeologist

Joseph George Cumming's Academic­ Rankings

Joseph George Cumming
Historical Rank
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anthropology Degrees
Joseph George Cumming
Earth Sciences
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earth-sciences Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Earth Sciences

Why Is Joseph George Cumming Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Joseph George Cumming, MA Cantab., was an English geologist and archaeologist. His major works concerned the geology and history of the Isle of Man. Biography Born at Matlock in Derbyshire where his mother and father ran the Old Bath Hotel at Matlock Bath. Cumming was educated at Oakham School, and Emmanuel College, Cambridge, taking the degree of MA, and entering holy orders in 1835. Joseph's elder cousin, James was Professor of Chemistry in Cambridge from 1815.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Joseph George Cumming?

Joseph George Cumming is affiliated with the following schools: