
Joshua Fishman

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American linguist

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Why Is Joshua Fishman Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Joshua Fishman was an American linguist who specialized in the sociology of language, language planning, bilingual education, and language and ethnicity. Early life and education Joshua Fishman was born and raised in Philadelphia. His sister was the poet Rukhl Fishman. He attended public schools while also studying Yiddish at elementary and secondary levels. As he grew up, his father would ask his children at the dinner table, "What did you do for Yiddish today?" He studied Yiddish in Workmen's Circle Schools, which emphasized mastery of the Yiddish language along with a focus on literature, history, and social issues. He graduated from Olney High School. He attended the University of Pennsylvania on a Mayor's Scholarship, 1944-1948, earning a B.S. and an M.S., in history and psychology, respectively. He went on to get a PhD in social psychology from Columbia University in 1953.

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Joshua Fishman's Published Works

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