
Jovan Erdeljanović

Most Influential Person Across History

Serbian ethnologist

Jovan Erdeljanović's Academic­ Rankings

Jovan Erdeljanović
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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According to Wikipedia, Jovan Erdeljanović was a Serbian and Yugoslav ethnologist. Biography Jovan Erdeljanović was born in Pančevo, Austria-Hungary. He studied at the universities of Vienna, Berlin, Leipzig and Prague. In 1905 he obtained his doctorate as Doctor of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague. In 1906, Erdeljanović began working at the University of Belgrade, elected Professor at Department of Ethnology of the philosophical Faculty since 1922. He remained at the University until 1941 and was member of Serbian Academy of Sciences.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Jovan Erdeljanović?

Jovan Erdeljanović is affiliated with the following schools: