Judy Juanita
American writer
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Why Is Judy Juanita Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Judy Juanita is an American poet, novelist and playwright. She is a Lecturer in the College Writing Programs at the University of California, Berkeley. She was formerly a writing teacher at Laney College. In 1968, while attending San Francisco State, Juanita served as editor-in-chief of The Black Panther, the newspaper of the Black Panther Party. In her semi-autobiographical novel, Virgin Soul, , a black teen starts community college in Oakland, struggles to matriculate and then joins the Black Panther Party . The story of the female foot soldier in the black power movement, Virgin Soul exposes the unheralded women working behind-the-scenes in the BPP and the black student movement..
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What Schools Are Affiliated With Judy Juanita?
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